Following up on the previous technologies out there, we wanted to create a tool that would enhance workout benefits - more energy, lower adipose (fat) tissue and an increase of the lipolytic activity. We worked tirelessly to introduce you TrimX the world’s first fat spot reduction wearable technology clinically proven to allow you to gain control over your body.
Simply put, TrimX is your tool for trimming while exercising because sometimes training 2-3 times a week is just not enough to get rid of the stubborn fat. In fact, as we age, some areas accumulate fat which becomes harder to lose. Over the last 12 years, we elaborated, analysed, tested, retested, and proved with 4 clinical trials that fat spot can be reduce with electric activity. It doesn't require a high volume of energy to activates your lipolytic activity, As a matter of fact, after 15-25 min (more or less) that's when you start to experience fat loss when exercising. The only thing you need with TrimX to make it work is gel pads that allows you, at the same time, to targets the stubborn fat zones you want to get rid of.
We've presented the technology to few medias out there, because like most of you, they weren't convince that it had proven results or that it just works.
Read their comments below to know what they really thought afterwards.
On the other hand, we know those mentions aren't enough. Clearly, you need more proof and so did we, because we are soooo used to being told that there isn't a miracle tool for effective fat-burning. It's absolutely TRUE! There's isn't, none, nada! What is real and working is EXERCISING! That's how we developed TrimX, as a tool to incorporate in your daily workout routine to -only- maximise fat loss. Read: lipolytic activity.
You can listen to our testers from the 4th clinical trial.
p.s. Don't trust us, listen for yourself!
So our mission with TrimX, was to empower people to re-gain control over their body. Why are we saying re-gain? Well because life, work, kids, friends can quickly take all of our time, which gives you limited time to train. This means that when you do, it better be at it's best.
More effective, more results, and more powerful!
TrimX uses non-invasive gel pads to send very-low electric current into targeted fat zones.
1. Does it hurt?
- No, in fact you barely feel it when you're not working out, so when you do you don't feel anything at all.
2. Are the gel pads reusable?
- Of course you can use each of them up to 20 times, even more if you put the spray on it. (included in the box)
3. After how many days-weeks should I start seeing results?
- Results from the clinical trials showed that you start really noticing a difference after 5 weeks and then it's a little like a snowball, it keeps on increasing over time. Some men even lost more than 3 inches in less than 10 weeks.
Here's a little video explaining how it works. Quite simple indeed.
When exercising, our body tends to go get the energy directly from the most available zones. Unfortunately those, aren't usually the ones we wish to get rid of. This effect causes a problematic that is the accumulation the fat in the abdomen, the hips and the thighs. Overall that's usually the waist area. So when you train, the solicited zones are the ones where the gel pads are on.
We are very proud to have worked with the awesome team at Tak Design for the development of all prototypes of our pioneering fitness wearable. Together with our strong network of cooperation partners we created the first TrimX.
Regulatory Clearance
The TrimX™ is classified as a medical device and must have regulatory clearance prior to its commercialisation.
The company has successfully completed the safety and compliance testing of the TrimX™ medical device, as well as secured its ISO-13485 licence for manufacturing/commercialisation of the TrimX™.
Health Canada has also approved TrimX and similar processes will soon be initiated in the USA, Europe, and other key territories around the globe. Successful Clinical Trials TrimX™ incorporates the same technology as Adipotronics™. Both have been subjected to a series of clinical trials to achieve two things: 1) to identify the type of transcutaneous electrical current which provides the best results for targeted fat loss; and 2) to demonstrate the efficacy of the technology itself.
The most compelling results were obtained following a 10-week, triple-blind, placebo-controlled study. Tests showed that after 10 weeks the group of volunteers who were subject to EFS (electrical fat stimulation) via the TrimX™ lost 466% more fat on their targeted areas than those in the non-stimulated group.
In addition, the results demonstrated that both groups lost the same amount of overall fat. This is important, as TrimX™ does not promise a greater reduction in total fat than normal exercise. Instead, our technology is intended to increase fat loss on the targeted areas where the gel pads are applied.
Further tests have also been conducted to establish that the technology is safe and these will be used for regulatory purposes.
EFS is a proven and hazard-free technology, widely supported by many studies. In fact it has its origins in medicine. Our product has been vetted by Health Canada and their USA and Europe equivalent will soon do likewise. We always make sure our products comply with the highest quality and safety standards and are therefore completely safe to use.
The delivery of the products in Canada, USA, Australia, South Korea and Europe is planned to start in June 2017. International shipments will take place after the appropriate clearance from the relevant government certifications has been received, e.g. early backers from the US who support us will only be able to receive the TrimX™ after we attain 510(k) clearance from the FDA. Although we are confident that we are well-prepared to handle the respective processes, we cannot eliminate the risk of delays due to compliance issues.
Supply Chain Risks
TrimX™ is complex and involves many parts. While we have dedicated team members covering sourcing and the supply chain, delays may occur if we face longer than expected lead times in the delivery of parts.