Introducing TUKI
Hi, we are Angela and Harald-Sven, a French-Colombian couple living in the Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg - a small country located in Europe between Belgium, France and Germany. After a career in banking and finance, we wanted to do something useful with our lives. Because we were tired to hear bad things about Colombia, we were looking for an original business idea to change the bad image of Colombia, support the economy of our country and take social action for children. Finally, we decided to promote Colombia through its tasteful juices so appreciated by the Colombians themselves and the tourists which visit our country. We created TUKI, the toucan, with the traditional Colombian sombrero volteado, whose mission is to represent Colombia with his range of juice flavors.
5 unique and unknown flavors
The concept of the TUKI fruit juices is to offer the original quality of a fresh homemade juice, such as in Colombia, but in a bottle and with a longer life cycle. We can achieve this thanks to the quality of the the fruits directly imported from small Colombian producers, our tasty recipes and the cold pasteurisation technique or High Pressure Processing (HPP). In contrast to traditional fruit juices, even premium juices, TUKI juices are not subject to a heat treatment and keep the vitamins, the taste and the flavor of freshly squeezed juices for more than 60 days!
Moreover, we are the first and only ones who propose an exclusive and healthy range of these 5 unknown flavors in the Western countries. Each bottle contains the juice of only one fruit : the Lulo, the Mango, the Maracuya, the Mora or the Guanabana.
The Lulo
Characterized by its bittersweet and vivid flavor similar to a citrus fruit, the Lulo is rich in vitamins A, B, C, iron and phosphorus. Drinking Lulo is excellent to remove toxins from the body, lower high cholesterol , protect arteries, stimulate immune defenses, keep skin healthy and combat diseases such as influenza. The Lulo helps to purify the blood and improve sleep.
The Mango
With a taste exceptionally mild, very aromatic and reminiscent of the tropics, the Mango is a super fruit, rich in vitamins A and C. It helps to strengthen the heart and human tissues, remove toxins, prevent premature aging and avoid constipation. Thanks to its high potassium content, the Mango can aid in muscle recovery after physical activity by replacing liquids and minerals lost during exercises.
The Maracuya
The Maracuya contains a lot a fibre the body needs to clean the colon, improve digestion and to prevent heart and brain attacks. The Maracuya helps to decrease allergy and asthma triggers. The antioxydants present in the fruit protect healthy cells from aging and from transforming into cancer cells by eliminating free radicals. The Maracuya has a bittersweet flavor, very crisp and refreshing.
The Mora
Lively and refreshing, the Mora (or the Andean blackberry) helps to combat fatigue, constipation, bleeding, diarrhea, stomach and intestinal inflammation. The person with diabetes will appreciate the Mora because its diuretic action can bring down the sugar level in the blood. Malic and citric acids give to the fruit a disinfecting and antimicrobial power.
The Guanabana
Tasting both sweet and tart, the Guanabana (soursop) is recommended for insomnia, breakdown and nervous disorders. The cancer-fighting properties of the Guanabana are scientifically proven, without any side effect. Rich in fibre and minerals (calcium, potassium and calcium), the Guanabana protects the immune system and prevent serious infections.
What we need
From now on, after a very enthusiastic response from the final consumers and professionals, we want to go a step further. Our goal is to raise minimum of USD 55.000 to continue marketing our juice fruits, become THE premium exotic juice brand, give more support to small Colombian producers and offer a more positive image of Colombia, where most part of our family comes from.
With 55,000 USD, we can reduce costs by shortening the circuit distribution and buying directly big quantities of raw materials in Colombia (USD 35,200), develop new flavors and bottle sizes (USD 5,500) , obtain the organic certification and strengthen our credibility (USD 14,300). Being organic certified is very expensive, especially for a small company like ours. We have the products and the process to be organic certified, but not the money.
With USD 82,500, we can also produce marketing and communication material to promote our social and healthy products and their benefits (USD 5,500), participate in international fairs (USD 11,000 ) and create pop-up stores (USD 11,000).
With USD 110,000, we can grow our presence on the web and in the social media (USD 11,000) and develop an international digital communication strategy (USD 16,500).
With USD 165,000, we can hire employees and trainees (USD 49,500), find new distributors (USD 5,500) and start a success story.
Moreover, a part of the funds raised during the campaign (10%) will go to the Pies Descalzos Foundation. This non-profit organization, founded by the Colombian artist Shakira, aims to aid low-income children from Colombia through education and give them a future.
Our perks
Thats's why we need you! We offer to all our backers exclusive gifts - some of them are directly coming from Colombia - for their financial supports.
At the end of the campaign, you will have the opportunity to choose the design of your coasters set from more than 10 nice designs. Here already some examples:
At the end of the campaign, you can select the design of your mochilla among more than 20 designs. Here already some examples:
- Unisex:
- For women:
Perk summary table
Spread the word !
You can't support us financially ? Never mind! You can still help us by spreading the word and using the social share links at the top of the page. Tweet, like and talk about TUKI and our project to all your friends, relatives and colleagues. You will contribute to expand our fan base and make our crowdfunding campaign a success.
They trusted TUKI
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: How long are the juices good for?
60 days from production date, thanks to HPP process which permits to obtain the quality of a fresh homemade squeezed juice in a bottle.
Q: Do I have to keep the juices cold?
Yes, the juices need to stay refrigerated. You can keep them outside the fridge only for a few days.
Q : How are the TUKI fruit juices different from others?
1. The juices are completely natural.
2. The TUKI fruit juices are free of preservatives, additives and dyes.
3. The vitamins are preserved.
4. TUKI is the only brand to OFFER bottled juices from these Colombian fruits as homemade. THIS PROPOSAL is UNIQUE !
5. Other juices with other Colombian fruits will follow soon !
6. ONLY 1 FRUIT per bottle to enjoy the natural taste of each fruit
Q : Is there some sugar added?
Only natural sugar from plants in some juices in order to reduce the acidity and to respect juice recipes as they are homemade prepared in Colombia.
Q : Is the taste of the TUKI fruit juices really different?
Definitely yes! The taste of our fruit juices is strong. You'll never forget our fruit juices after having tried them.
Q : What is High Pressure Processing (HPP)?
High Pressure Processing is a processing method wherein the bottles are subjected to very high pressures (up to 120,000 pounds per square inch - 5.000-6000 bars) to kill the bacteria without heating the juices. This cold pasteurization technique respects to a maximum the organoleptic characteristics of the fruits such as the vitamins, the nutrients, the authentic taste and the freshness.
Q : Where are the fruits cultivated?
The fruits are cultivated by small farmers in several areas of Colombia. Soon we will show you their way of working.
Q : Where are the juices produced?
The juices are produced with fruits from Colombia in Europe, at our bottling partner, which applies the cold pasteurization technique (HPP - High Pressure Process). This process is not widespread in all countries.
Q : Are TUKI fruits organic?
Our fruits are not yet labeled as certified organic because organic certification is very expensive, but they can be considered as such. Our fruit producers have no or little use of pesticides.
Q : What about fair trade?
TUKI fruits are not fair trade certified because more of our fruits are not in the list for which the private organizations allowed to give the certification have put in place a procedure. There is a certification procedure for Colombian coffee, but not for our fruits. However, we know personally the supplier between the Colombian farmers and us and we can clearly state that they are well paid and work in decent conditions.
Q : Why not use glass bottle?
High Pressure Processing can't be used in glass bottles because these can't resist to the pressure. Moreover, production, transport and recycling of glass bottles have an impact on the environment.
Q : Can I recycle TUKI bottles?
Of course. Our plastic bottles are recyclable.
Q : Do you take any social action?
TUKI supports the Pies Descalzos foundation, created by the Colombian singer Shakira. This non-profit organization aims to aid low-income children from Colombia through education and give them a future. Around 10% of the raised funds will go to the foundation and we hope doing more in the future. Moreover, instead of destroying our unsold fruit juices, we give them to the Red Cross and people in need.