I'm director David Thomas and these are questions that have vexed me since I was a little boy growing up in Minnesota. It always seemed to me there was something important, amazing--and maybe unknowable--just beyond our reach.
So I often felt like a wasp stuck inside a car, seeing vast vistas of freedom close by, but bumping up against the windshield of limited beliefs, conditioning and seemingly intractable problems.
I was able to function fine in this world and build a screenwriting career in Hollywood, but this yearning persisted. Until several years ago when I stumbled on something called "channeling."
Now this is probably where I lose some of you, the ones content to call that sort of thing bogus or worse. But I had an open mind and investigated. The messages coming forth rang true to me, seemed to seep into my very marrow.
I kept exploring this phenomenon and found that more and more people are "channeling" all over the globe. To be sure, there are probably some fakers and charlatans out there. But the ones I stuck with all seem to truly be able to do this.
And what is "this"? Getting into a trance-like state and having non-physical beings speak through them with wisdom and clarity. Sounds outlandish perhaps, but even Shakespeare recognized that "There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy." There is so much going on in the universe that we are only now beginning to connect with and understand.
Channeling is part of this. I would have dropped all of this stuff right away had it not struck a deep chord in me.
I am a former journalist and not the gullible sort. I was searching for answers, yes, but I wasn't willing to just accept anything willy-nilly. Have a look at the trailer if you want a taste of what goes on.
Of course, this is just the proverbial tip of the iceberg. I made an entire film about this six years ago that sold in more than 30 countries and changed lives. Many people asked me to do another, so here I am.
And here you are. Perhaps on the fence about contributing to something you know so little about. I understand. It does take a bit of getting used to.
After all, I am coming right out and saying that I believe an "angelic energy" by the name of "Adamus" is speaking through a Colorado man Geoffrey Hoppe.
And an alien from the future called "Bashar" has been communicating for more than 30 years through a man named Darryl Anka in Southern California.
I included them and four other channelers--Wendy Kennedy /the Pleiadian Collective, John Cali/Spirit, Lee Carroll/Kryon, and Shawn Randall/Torah. They will all be back along with Rob Gauthier/Treb and perhaps more new blood.
If I am being duped (but I'm 100 percent convinced I'm not), these people are actors who should have more Oscars than Streep. Just have a look yourself.
I have now spent hours upon hours interviewing these non-physical beings who speak through humans and I am still amazed at the material that comes forth. I can ask them literally anything and they come forth with cogent, smooth, deep answers. There is no pausing, hemming and hawing, the things common to human communication.
This planet can be an intense, confusing place and we passionately believe films like the upcoming "Tuning In Now" can shed light, literally, on what's happening and help us navigate.
Would you like to hear wisdom, and occasional levity, from angels, aliens and other interesting non-human beings? I hope so, and am asking for a contribution.
These sources of non-physical intelligence we feature are founts of wisdom and are here to graciously guide us. They all make it clear, however, that we are masters-in-the-making and our evolution is up to us. They are simply happy to help.
And so are we here at Tuning In Films.
What We Need & What You Get
We wish we were independently wealthy or had Bill Gates as an uncle, but unfortunately we are not and do not. There is power in our collective efforts, though, and if you are reading this, you are a part of a grand movement, one that will eventually transform this planet. We are all doing nothing short of birthing a whole new way of being here on Earth.
Our movies are a terrific part of this effort.
We need a minimum of $33,000 to make the film. This is a pittance by Hollywood standards, but we have learned to be very efficient. To include more channelers and have better production values, we need even more than that minimum figure.
We need to pay a crew to travel and interview the channelers in Southern California, Colorado, Wyoming, Michigan and perhaps other places as well, hire professional editors to shape the film, buy equipment, then make and ship the DVDs. Basically, the more money we raise the better the film will be.
Of course we are offering many perks for your participation. Everything from a free DVD to audio CDs (many hours worth) of every word we record while filming to becoming a producer on the film and having input. All this is detailed in the perks section. New perks include Tuning In Now T-shirts, Mugs, & Email updates.
We are chomping at the bit to get going with this film and we SO appreciate all the support we know we will get.
There will come a day, and it's not too far off, where the "Tuning In" projects and similar fare will be staples on mainstream television, so why not be in the vanguard by helping us make these valuable movies?
Let's all be pioneers!
The Impact
Not to get all grandiose here, but films like "Tuning In Now" truly do help transform this planet. We have spent ages upon ages in dark consciousness and now we are choosing something different.
The game of might is right, bloated materialism and abject greed has grown stale for most of us and is being phased out. We are beginning anew on a more light-filled gameboard and no one knows the exact outcome, but it certainly is exciting.
Films like "Tuning In Now" are campfires in a dark wood. We can gather around them, be warmed and nourished. And once we build enough campfires, the entire world becomes illumined.
We lit the match with "Tuning In" six years ago and now will stoke the fire. This sequel will be more vibrant, more exciting and more valuable. It will help burn away the dross of ignorance and help light the road as we march toward becoming the enlightened people and culture we really want to be.
Other Ways You Can Help
If you simply don't have the means to help with money, keep a good thought for the project and help spread the word, please.
Point people to this Indiegogo campaign.
Visit us at Facebook.com/tuninginfilms