Turris Omnia - Hi Performance & Open Source Router - Unboxing And Review
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Home router is necessary to connect you to the Internet but it is idle most of the time, just eating electricity. Why not use it for more tasks?
With powerful hardware, Turris Omnia can handle gigabit traffic and still be able to do much more. You can use it as a home server, NAS, printserver and it even has a virtual server built-in.
Apart from that, Turris Omnia also has SIM card slot, RTC with battery backup, crypto chip for secure random number generation, dimmable RGB LEDs, pin headers with GPIO, I²C, SPI and more.
Turris Omnia - after shipping phase, in real production, presented at CeBIT 2017
What's the power consumption?
The board itself consumes around 5-6 W. Board with wifi cards should be below 8 W.
Are there any firmware binary blobs?
Just for the 5 GHz wifi card. The rest of the board is completely blob free.
What's the virtualization technology used in Omnia?
LXC containers.
What kind of license do you use with the open hardware?
Do you support MU-MIMO?
No the offering of cards is very limited and currently not in the reach of a small manufacturer as we are.
Why is the shipping so expensive?
Shipping prices cover also VAT.
What is the warranty period?
We provide standard European warranty for consumers - 2 years.
What are the wifi cards used in Omnia?
For various reasons we don't want to reveal concrete names yet. Most probably it will be a combination of AR9287 and QCA9880 chipsets.
What is the SIM slot for? Does Omnia have an LTE modem included?
No, there is no LTE modem included in Omnia. The SIM slot is connected to dedicated pins in the miniPCIe slot above it. So if you will buy your own LTE miniPCIe modem without its own SIM slot it will work with the SIM slot on board.
What's the pinout of the extension connector?
Please take a look at this picture.
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We based Turris Omnia on our experience with the development of router Turris, a powerful and secure home router used for CZ.NIC's network security research project.
CZ.NIC is a non-profit organization running the .CZ top level domain of the Czech Republic. We strongly believe in open source and strive to make all our products open. Besides hardware we also develop network software (BIRD, Knot DNS) and are active in the Internet community (IETF, ICANN, RIPE NCC, etc.).