In January 2016, I will be making my fourth trip to Uganda to provide basic medical care in rural villages. Our trip is organized through Anthill Foundation with the help of Rotary Club and serves as the medical piece of a multifaceted approach to overcome extreme poverty in Ugandan villages. Anthill Foundation creates relationships with select villages and works to address issues such as access to clean water, sanitation, community development through micro loans and skill development, and addressing hunger through seed and animal support. Each January, Anthill Foundation organizes a medical team to travel to some of these villages to provide basic medical care. These trips serve as an opportunity to collect data about the health of these villages, provide health education, and foster ongoing supportive relationships with health care workers in the area.
Your donation will go directly to the purchase of medications we dispense during these medical camps. Common medications include Tylenol, Ibuprofen, anti-malarial medications, deworming medications, antacids, and antibiotics. Any left over medications are donated to clinics in the villages.
All donations are tax deductible through Anthill Foundation.
For more information please visit the Anthill Foundation website.
Villagers waiting to be seen.
Treating patients under a tent.
Beautiful momma with her baby.
More patients waiting to be seen. People walk from miles away to receive basic medical care.
Luggage serves as a way to organize medical supplies and medications.