Ugly Flower
Ugly Flower
Ugly Flower
Ugly Flower
Ugly Flower
The roots of love are not always pretty
The roots of love are not always pretty
The roots of love are not always pretty
The roots of love are not always pretty
This campaign is closed
Ugly Flower
The roots of love are not always pretty
The roots of love are not always pretty
The roots of love are not always pretty
The roots of love are not always pretty
The roots of love are not always pretty
Hi we're students at the Los Angeles Film School trying to get our thesis and passion project together so that we can create a love story that will touch the hearts of both the old and young. We are a dedicated crew that has worked well together over the past few months and have created some great projects but now we need YOUR help to raise the money to do make a GREAT short film that we can enter into festivals!
Our film is about a shy, young boy named Matt who falls for a girl in the park and goes on a quest to get her to notice him. He tries everything from buying her gifts to doing favors for her but she keeps rejecting him and it isn't until he shows her his true self that she finds herself returning his affection.
We need your help to raise the money needed in order to make our dream project into reality by donating whatever amount of money you can so that we can make the best short possible. We have the necessary talent, will and determination to pull this off and have a wonderful short film to show.
To get right to it, we need $7.000.00 in order to get all the equipment, location permits and various expenditures to get this project off the ground and in return you'll get some limited edition gifts from the movie! Here's how we break it down.
-Editing - It's a time consuming process and in order for us to make the best short possible, we need to pay our editors so that they can take care of the little things. Like eat. That way they can spend the rest of their time crafting our story.
-Sound Design - There's nothing that will put people out of a movie quicker then bad sound. We've all seen movies where the picture is all over the place, shaky camera movements and out of focus shots but the minute you can't hear what somebody's saying it's game over bro. Or inappropriate music coming in at the wrong time. Like techno music at a funeral.
-Equipment - In order to make movies, you need to have a couple things like lights and cameras in order to get the 'action.'
-Food for the crew and cast - Yup it's that bothersome eating thing again.
-Location permits - The city of LA must have it's dues else they will bring down the wrath of a thousand suns!
-Worker's Comp - We need this to get the cast and crew insured to work in the state of California in case a rose attacks someone on set. They can be quite dangerous when not handled by professionals.
As you can see, making a movie is quite an expensive process and every single piece is necessary in order for us to make the best film there is. However, the end result of our hard work and your donations will be spectacular.
There are other ways you can help and that's by telling all your friends and family about this website as well as friending us on Facebook, which you can find by typing in 'Ugly Flower.' Even this little bit would help us great in trying to promote our film to a wider audience and showcase a wonderful film to everyone.