The Graphic Design Class of 2015 at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign is enlisting your financial support in—you guessed it, helping us get jobs.
“Ugh, art majors,” you scoff. “What are you supposed to do with that?”
Well, good design is, in fact, what makes the world go round. We don’t just design cool logos, awesome posters, or fabulous websites—we problem solve, work our butts off, and bring great ideas to life. Say you’re going to start your own non-profit organization. Chances are you’re actually going to want people to take you seriously, and that's not going to happen if you’re using Comic Sans and a half-assed logo. Design has the power to potentially make or break how your company is perceived by others. We’re inherently the key to your success, so come graduation, it will be our time to shine out there in the real world.
Please lend a hand in making our success possible by donating to our 2015 Portfolio Review, which will be taking place in Chicago at the end of the semester. We will be inviting design professionals from the Chicago design community to come view our portfolios and give us advice that will be critical in starting our own careers. We need to rent an appropriate venue, set up tables and chairs, and (of course) feed ourselves so we stay energized for what will be an exciting day. Help us in bringing this event to life so we can help change the world by doing what we do best.
UPDATE: Thank you all for your support so far! Along with the proceeds from our very successful GD POP UP SHOP, we are only a few hundred dollars away from the overall fundraising goal students have pursued in previous years! However, some of our expenses (including our venue rental) have increased this year, and so our stretch goal for this Indiegogo fundraiser is $4000. Can you help us reach this? We truly appreciate your generosity!