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Unbiased Poll to Inform Strategic Voting in BGOS

Help us fund an unbiased poll in Bruce-Grey to determine who has the best chance at defeating Harper


Unbiased Poll to Inform Strategic Voting in BGOS

Unbiased Poll to Inform Strategic Voting in BGOS

Unbiased Poll to Inform Strategic Voting in BGOS

Unbiased Poll to Inform Strategic Voting in BGOS

Unbiased Poll to Inform Strategic Voting in BGOS

Help us fund an unbiased poll in Bruce-Grey to determine who has the best chance at defeating Harper

Help us fund an unbiased poll in Bruce-Grey to determine who has the best chance at defeating Harper

Help us fund an unbiased poll in Bruce-Grey to determine who has the best chance at defeating Harper

Help us fund an unbiased poll in Bruce-Grey to determine who has the best chance at defeating Harper

Megan Myles
Megan Myles
Megan Myles
Megan Myles
1 Campaign |
Bruce-Grey-Owen Sound, Canada
$1,737 USD $1,737 USD 44 backers
100% of $1,737 Fixed Goal Fixed Goal

Long Story Short

Are you having trouble deciding who to vote for in Bruce-Grey-Owen Sound? Yet refuse to support another four years with Harper's Conservatives? We are in the same boat! 

Looking at Harper's track record over the past 9 years, we know that another four would be detrimental to Canadians. Here in Bruce-Grey-Owen Sound, unless we vote together, we are likely to face another Conservative victory locally, thus giving one more seat. A recent poll suggests that it is within the realm of the possible to defeat our Conservative candidate locally and give Harper one less seat federally. But the question remains...which non-Conservative local candidate has the best chance at victory? While the previous poll was informative, it was conducted too early to be truly convince many voters. We need more information!

Contribute to our campaign to help raise funds to commission another objective poll in Bruce-Grey-Owen Sound to inform voters on which non-Conservative candidate to endorse in order to defeat Conservatives. 

For this reason, we're on a tight deadline! The deadline for this crowdfunding campaign is Friday, October 9 in order to have enough time to conduct the poll and publicize the results, all before election day. 

What We Need

We need more information in Bruce-Grey-Owen Sound! We need more local polling in order to determine which local candidate has the best chance at defeating the Conservatives, so we can rally together behind this candidate and achieve a non-Conservative victory. 
We need to raise $2500 by Friday, October 9 in order to to commission an unbiased poll in our riding. In order to do this, we will be working with Lead Now, an independent advocacy organization, who commissioned the last round of polls across the country, and Environics, the consulting firm that conducted the previous poll. We have chosen to work with Lead Now and Environics because they can provide credible research practices and they are able to do the poll within the given timeline. 
If we raise the funds by October 9, the poll will take place from October 10 - 12 and the findings will be released October 14. 
If we do not reach our goal of $2500, we will not be able to conduct the poll and your contribution will be returned to you. 

The Impact

As we discovered in the 2011 election, the majority of Canadians wanted change. However, due to our present voting system, Harper and the Conservatives gained a majority government with just 39% of the vote. As we've seen in the last four years, the results have been detrimental to Canadians. In short, our government fails to represent Canadian values. 
But we have an alternative! If we vote together, we can defeat the local Conservative candidate and give Harper one less seat!

Other Ways You Can Help

But wait...there's more!

  • Share this campaign with family, friends and your social network to help us reach our funding goal. Spread the word through social media and word of mouth.  
  • Make a pledge to vote for the best local candidate to defeat Harper and the Conservatives.
  • Join a Vote Together phone bank team to call voters to determine the best non-Conservative candidate to support. 
  • Keep up with the latest election news, polls and debates to further inform your decision and to make your vote count. 
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