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The # 1 APP every American needs! The best way "We the People" can force changes.

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The # 1 APP every American needs! The best way "We the People" can force changes.

The # 1 APP every American needs! The best way "We the People" can force changes.

The # 1 APP every American needs! The best way "We the People" can force changes.

The # 1 APP every American needs! The best way "We the People" can force changes.

2 Campaigns |
Port Charlotte, United States
$212 USD 8 backers
0% of $30,000 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal
Choose your Perk

The Buck Stops Here!! / App

$1 USD
0 claimed

Putting in MY 2-CENTS to D.C.!

$2 USD
0 claimed

DIY Digital Bump Sticker / App

$5 USD
2 claimed

One OSA Bumper Sticker / App

$10 USD
1 claimed

One OSA Pin-back Button / App

$12 USD
0 claimed

1 Button/ 1 Bump Sticker / App

$16 USD
0 claimed

All 3 Pin-Back Buttons / App

$20 USD
0 claimed

Five Bumper Stickers / App

$25 USD
0 claimed

One OSA Hat/Cap Choice / App

$38 USD
1 claimed

One OSA Tshirt Your Choice/App

$48 USD
1 claimed

Silver Avatar / Bumper Sticker

$50 USD
1 claimed

Gold Avatar / Bumper Sticker

$75 USD
0 claimed

Custom Avatar / Bumper Sticker

$100 USD
0 claimed

911 Emergency! I want to help!

$911 USD
0 claimed

Early Bird Dedication/App/ETC.

$2,000 USD
0 out of 18 of claimed

Corner Box Contribution / App

$25,000 USD
0 out of 4 of claimed
Mountain Filled 2 Projects Mountain Filled 2 Projects

Don't Let Obama Take Over the Internet

Be sure to watch the video above!

They Will Hear Us Now and They Will Listen.

1) We PHONE VOTE on legislation
2) SPOTLIGHT their corruption
3) Hold them ACCOUNTABLE
4) And MORE

There is no limit to all the things we can do when
we are united on one incorruptible network.

The free electoral system which we call democracy will never be free from corruption until "We The People" develop and demand an online system of checks and balances. We must constantly monitor our presidential administration and legislation. They need to know that we are always watching them and that their actions are being metered/scored.

They must be held highly accountable on a weekly basis or the political favors and the lure of 'easy money' will continue to persuade bad legislation.

We The People Are Watching You.
Little Brother will be watching Government.
All of us!

Open Source Programming -
Opening doors to transparent politics.


This is all about small steps to BIG change. Our first focus once the OSA Network is up and running is to be able to have the people respond to the O.S.A. server regarding the weekly bills and agenda of Legislation.  We cast our votes and opinions from our phones, tablets, or computers for the O.S.A. server algorithm to broadcast it to the Media, to Washington, and to us. Once we are united on the network the power belongs to the people. We can do our own polling on the OSA network to see what the TRUE results of an uncorrupted poll would actually be when it is not provided by the news media. You may not have been 'wasting your vote' all along.

When we are a million-plus strong and growing we can then force our representatives to submit bills to enact change. They will find out real fast that things HAVE changed. If they don't act on the people's commands they will soon have millions of people voicing a 'digital thrashing' and the results would be broadcasted to the media for everyone to see. Their actions are now in the spotlight.

 After proving that the system works for watch-dogging Legislation, metering their actions, and having the people's voting identities secure on the network we can then force a handful of representatives to bring forward a new piece of legislation called, for example, "The United Digital Ballot Act", which would allow us to cast our election-time votes securely on the OSA network using our phones, tablets, etc.

With internet voting we will no longer see election fraud or miscounts!  Billions in fuel and government resources can be saved. We should then see the largest voting numbers in history. This is the most logical thing to do, but if it were left to Washington it would never happen. Digital voting should have happened ten years ago.

Imagine sitting around with your family and friends and the OSA servers are open for election-time voting and everyone knowing their vote counted!  Imagine each and EVERY candidate getting an equal amount of streaming video time to tell the American people their campaign platforms and goals. Imagine that any candidate who 'chooses to run' being able to participate in the debates without the corporate-serving media blocking them out. Imagine having more than two lousy choices for president that were not hand-picked by the media and the one percent that owns them. Imagine if the only contributions a candidate could accept is up to $10.00 from each private voting citizen, and nothing from corporations. Now that is campaign reform!

Election-time internet voting is still in the future, but at this time with OSA we can surely vote on issues in Legislation until that day when we can enact campaign reform laws and make digital election-time voting a reality. 


The OSA Network and App.

Its function and benefit to the American People.
Because it is 'Open Source' and 'By the People'...
More benefits will follow as the network 'For the People' continues to build.

* Weekly message to the presidential administration.

* Weekly watchdogs on legislation.

* A 'Yea or Nay' response comes from each individual app holder on the issues that are being brought  forth in Legislation each week. Each person votes how they feel about the issue at hand.

* The OSA application broadcasts to the Media and Legislation exactly what the people want before Legislation votes.

* The OSA application then collects the information of how each Rep voted and gives access of that information to the people and Media.

* The OSA application keeps track of how each Rep voted compared to how the people voted, on each issue. If the majority of people voted Nay, but a Rep voted Yea then his/her BTB Meter rating rises accordingly. The results are broadcast to the Media, the People, the Reps, and the President. If a Rep keeps voting against what the majority of the people want, his/her rating can go up to the red zone and it is time to reconsider keeping him/her in.

* Open political chat rooms to educate the people who want to understand how our democracy works.

* Scanning algorithm monitors and tabulates what the peoples collective likes and dislikes are regarding what is happening in Washington at the time.

* Information is broadcast through the app when a company or individuals profit from any legislation being passed.


We urge you to watch the videos linked below so you and your family will
learn exactly what is going on behind your backs in Washington and the Media.
Bookmark this page if you can't watch all the videos at one time.
This is your country. Your home. Protect it!  Keep informed.


Thanks Mikko


 If the rest of the world can see Washington is full of shit,
why do the American people have such a hard time seeing it?


Was This The Change You Wanted?

A quote from President Obama's speech - "No bill or law shall be passed without the people seeing it and reading it for a minimum of a week, before I sign it."
Maybe he had his fingers crossed behind his back, but it was just another lie. (The people voted me in. Tough luck suckers!)
Obama promised from the start that he would provide transparency and he has done everything possible to hide his agenda and sneak it past the people like a RAT. One of his many many lies.
We are living in a very dark time in America today. Fueled by power, money and greed. America is being fooled by a man claiming to bring us into the light. 

                           Washington prayer breakfast 2/5/15.

       The words Obama spoke were most definitely not written by him. Once again flip his words 180% and you find the truth. We have never had a president in history speak to the people and play them like fools. Those that are watching him closely see it plain as day. If you are one of those people that tune in every 3 months to hear one of his speeches your being sold the Obama Brand written just for you to deceive you.      This mans exit from the White House is going to scar America for eternity. We have so many in Washington and in legislation pushing and fueling their own agendas, that the acts of this president that have been screaming IMPEACHMENT are being ignored. When it's to late the SHEEP will be asking how did this happen?

                                                  2015 Update,Wake UP SHEEPLE

Democrat or Republican?

How about freedom-loving American?

Wake up!
Two parties to divide us just to make you think you have a choice.

Manure or crap are both considered Shit!

Stop the excuse of "I do not want to waste my vote". To vote for a republican or democrat owned by the same puppet-masters will get us the same useless front men we have gotten over the last 20 years. It is all just a show. The only thing being passed in legislation is anything that will put money in corporate pockets, add more regulations, or steal our liberties.

Don't get me wrong, we have some republicans and democrats that do stand with our Forefather's principles and try every day to block bad legislation, but there is a larger number of representatives who support corporate interests.

Fact! Wall Street is running Washington. Obama could not have picked a worse Administration other than to get them from Federal prison. He is a Puppet. Bush was a puppet for the industrial war complex and big oil, in which he is heavily invested. Bush, however, was a puppet master that got to play the part and was 'string free' because he is in the 1% club.

We have people at the top who knew G.W.B. would be president twenty years ago. Just like they know who is going to be president in 2016, unless "We the People" stop allowing ourselves to be divided and stop voting for the BRAND they are selling us.

You will probably never find a republican or democrat that is "new and improved" or will act on what the people want. Both parties have sold out on the American people! They don't care what you want unless they need your vote every four years. You are being played by the best psycho-analysts money can buy. YES WE CAN! WE NEED CHANGE! Forward! Remember these words. They know how you are going to vote before you do.

Do you remember Obama saying that decreasing the influence of lobbyists was on his agenda? They thought it was what you wanted to hear and you bought it. Well Wall Street gave him a big bag of dirty money for his campaign. LOL

STOP voting based on media lies, rhetoric, spin, and brainwashing. Vote based on a man's past track record and his capabilities to run a business. That's what a president does. He runs a business. A huge business. Just what in the hell has Obama ever ran? He's the first black face to run the race and be put in place so the world banks can rape the place. He's been put there to crash the dollar and continue the false flags that will keep us in war so the industrial war complex keeps draining taxpayers. WAKE UP your politicians in Washington are all heavily invested in all the company's that make the tools of war. Every time America goes to war they get richer and richer and we are played like fools.  

Research has shown that a lot of women vote based on looks alone. If this is you, would you choose a good-looking plumber to perform your heart bypass? Of course not!

     Both men and women next election need to turn off the damn TV and get on the internet and spend 10 hrs picking a president. It's the man or woman who's going to run your country! Stop sucking up all the crap FOX ,ABC, CBS and MSNBC is selling you. They want who they want for their own REA$ON$.

Obama says one thing and does another. When Obama tells you he must follow the rule of law you can damn well bet he's going to break it and make his own.
It has been proven over and over.  Click to view John Boehner speech.


Wake The FLOCK UP!
This Is Not a Conspiracy.
It's a Fact!

The new age of self inflicted terror by Bush and Obama.
Oh Yes! 'Show me the money' and who profits from this Black Flag Operation.

Federal emergency on 9/14/2001 removes restrictions (SEC-Act-12-K) so $240 billion in BOGUS covert stock certificates can be cleared and sold. No proof of ownership needed. And who was investigating those Bogus Certs? The same office that was vaporized at the pentagon on 9/11 along with the proof of $2.3 trillion missing from the pentagon budget. GEE I wonder who made away with that?

Seventy percent of the people want 9/11 re-investigated and find no reason for the presence of therm-ate and the falling of building  number 7 along with 45 degree shape charge cuts in many main columns and core columns. You have to be real dumb-ass when you see who makes the money in this deal to believe the 9/11 commission report. 


The Washington propaganda machine will brainwash you into
handing over your Bill of Rights and Constitution.

What happened? When did you lose your freedom?

You lost it about 10 years ago one Friday morning at 3:30 am when the Bush administration slipped an incomplete counterfeit copy of the Patriot ACT into the house and they all voted for it late at the end of the day. BAM! Everything our Forefathers fought and bled for was gone with the votes of the representatives who are supposed to protect us from that very thing. The fact that all the representatives knew it was an incomplete bill, and the wrong bill, it should have been shot down and Bush should have been impeached. FROM THAT ACT ALONE, the people should have cleaned house in legislation.
Yes, the Patriot Act sounds good, but the past has shown us that every bill that sounds good, has either robbed us or disgraced every veteran who has ever defended our Constitution.

If this video does not scare the hell out of you, then what would?
 Wake up Sheeple!

435 Representatives and not a damn one read the patriot act?! Bush's last minute 'bait and switch' with a bill that was shot down in the past. Blindly, they all signed off on it without reading it and KNEW IT. They knew they were robbing you. Hmmm! $$$$

This bill allows them to spend billions of dollars with no ceiling, no trace, and no accountability. A bill that allows funding for black and covert projects that, we the people, have no knowledge of. Just pay the TAX suckers and trust us with billions, which is exactly how we paid for those $300 hammers and the $1000 toilet seats in the past.
Here is a fictitious example: Bush talking to Rumsfeld... "Hey Donny, get Spunk Works, Inc., on the phone and tell Billy Bob that he won the bid and I will give them the contract for the fifty stealth mosquito spraying planes. Tell him I added $1.5 million to each order for the optional pine tree air fresheners I want. Tell him and Helen not to miss my BBQ next Sunday, and don't forget his checkbook." We repeat, this is a fictitious example, but you get the idea.

This is the same sad cycle repeating itself yet again.... Something terrible happens, and government reacts by awarding themselves even more power and taking away even more of our freedom. Yet none of the 'freedom stealing' protection from our government eliminates the 'ghosts' of terror. Yes we have terrorists in the world, but the terror that we need to keep a real close eye on is the government's war on our Constitution and our Bill of Rights. RIGHT NOW history is repeating itself.

   5000 people held without a lawyer as of 2012,  no due process, no bond, no charges. Arrest you, hold you and forget about you if that's what someone decides at the top that does not like what your doing or investigating or exposing. Yes history is repeating itself. The only difference is our wall is invisible. Don't get in a fight with your neighbor, his brother might work for the government. One phone call and your grabbed held for a year and lose your house, your job, your car. Your neighbor got rid of you and got a good deal on your house. That's how easy the Patriot Act can be out of control and is out of control already. Add another 10,000 to that number of people.




North American Union Video

Call it what you want, but the so-called conspiracy nuts were right on the money.  More of the same old big money and family dynasties financing overpriced monopoly contracts of the NAU.

WikiLeaks Confirms North American Integration Scheme

  Here's your link. If the media is not telling you, it is because they are paid not to tell you.

 Watch the longer NAU video on Youtube and you will see the same corrupt global players building the overpriced infrastructure with your tax dollars. You will pay for the super highway, the pipelines,  power transmission lines and rail lines for global private companies to profit. Then they will charge you 10 cents a mile to use it while destroying your Constitution to make it happen. Clinton planted this weed and it's spreading fast, choking the life out of our Constitution, with Bush and Obama watering and fertilizing the hell out of it. It was set in motion and made to move ahead no matter who is in office.  It should be easy and clear to you now.
Just watch and listen for the 'nice sounding name'  that your government gives to a particular project. If it's a nice or rosy name then they are going to rob you blind and take your freedoms.  (Security and Prosperity Partnership)


America's Economic Hit Men

Take the train not the plane. You will make it there alive!  Watch the Economic hit men rape and pillage other countries as America 'lends' them into debt taking their resources for global companies that are owned by the world banks that run Washington. If the powers that be will enslave other economies, buy their politicians and force debt on them, then what makes you think they have not been doing the same thing to you and me here at home. WAKE UP SHEEPLE. POWER AND GREED KNOWS NO BORDERS. THEY WANT IT ALL.  And human life means nothing and has no value.



Anonymous-Could this be the reason why the Malaysian Airline MH 370 disappeared?



"Some people say"...
It's that famous line they use right before they outright lie to your face or plant their agenda.
Fox News is not journalism.
Fox news Alert!  A celebrity broke a nail!
Fox is Washington's propaganda machine using phoney polls, brainwashing banners, and repetitious rhetoric.
"SOME PEOPLE SAY".... those crazy Americans think it's real because they saw it on TV.

What message will they hand down to the anchorman today that they want  pounded into the heads of the American people?  Will it be "fear of terrorism" to solidify Washington's power grab on your rights and your Constitution? Or another shooting played over and over to get your guns?  Or maybe they want it pounded into your head during election time that the party you were planning to vote for is going to be a wasted vote, when in fact the real polls show him to be ahead? So don't waste your vote on the 'BRAND' that they are trying to sell  you. After all, they probably gave that campaign $250 million and in return got them to pass some profitable legislation.

"SOME PEOPLE SAY".... they are paid well to mold the minds of 316 million people in the US every day. Americans should beware of any man that holds that kind of power.  Beware of the poison propaganda they are soaking into your brain.

Long before the primaries, the media starts brainwashing us to get our attention on only the two candidates that will provide their agenda no matter what.

Do you think the White House does not have a propaganda team who works at methodically brainwashing us through talk radio and major networks just to plant comments and stories to maintain the people's approval of Obama?  Go look at the White house YouTube State of the Union Address video and read the comments there. I never read so much planted crap in my life. UNTIL YOU RECORD ALL THE NEWS CHANNELS AND PUT THEM SIDE BY SIDE, you do not realize how the few at the top are poisoning your mind with one-sided propaganda. They count on the fact that many people will just believe their planted opinions/comments instead of researching it for themselves. The more a person hears something the more they start to believe it to be true.

Here is a perfect example of CNN's one-sided, so-called journalism.

The two college women being interviewed in the video above have ten times the intelligence than the idiots at the news desk. They cut her off as soon as they heard that she's not voting for CNN's "pocket politician".  To watch this interview should make every American sick that a journalist voices her personal opinion and says a candidate does not have a chance.  Then they tell the other woman to make it quick because they knew she was not a republican.  America needs to wake up and see they are getting custom tailored, force fed, sleazy advertising and NOT journalism. Far from it. No candidate running for office should  have an entire network spewing negativity about him 24/7. 

It's been very easy to see which candidate the networks support in the last four elections. The wrong side for sixteen years. The media and the people have not picked the right president. So what does that tell you about what is being fed to your brain from the networks. LIES!  When a candidate or party has a network in their back pocket, chances are they could care less what the people want.



If the above video doesn't tell you NOT
to trust the current voting system, nothing does!


Do you really want a company located in Spain, owned by Wall Street counting your votes? After they leave the local level it is too late for accountability. This is why we need a different form of voting in the elections.  Many people have spent time 'connecting the dots' and it is no coincidence that the same names pop up in voter fraud or manipulation scams. These videos are the real deal. Once again, the few at the top corrupting and manipulating our system. All the videos in this campaign have been researched and they are just the top of the deep, dark rabbit holes.  


We need the voting election process owned by the American people and American programmers....
...not a company from Spain tied to George Soros. That was no coincidence. Once again, way too many dots connected. There is no way to trust the voting system now.  So why isn't the media all over this?? Because the media will have their instructions on how to spoon feed you the information they want you to hear in 2016.  Fact is, they have already started feeding you bits and  bytes letting it soak in for awhile of who might be running. Fact is, they have 2 or 3 of each Republicans and Democrats that can win, but it makes no difference who gets in because they are both serving the same puppet masters. That is, as long as the America people don't wake up and vote for an independent or any party other than a republican or democrat. Keep voting republican and democrat and they own us. Keep your eyes and mouth shut and your children will be enslaved.




Watch this cartoon video to try and deprogram your brain
from what the media has baked into it over the last 50 years.
This is how America got where it is today and the people who put it there.

This cartoon video is from 1948.  Democracy verses the ....ISMs.



This video explains more about Open Source.
It's not just about the code. Thanks Steve.



9:00pm EST 01/20/2015

After one hour of watching Obama I can say I'm completely nauseated. From the call-in responses on C-SPAN it was easy to see that a lot of people were buying right into the Obama BRAND of lies and bullshit. All it took was for his speech writers to get him to read 100 'yes' statements and get the other politician's bobble-heads bouncing up and down, yes, yes yes. Add in some constant clapping and it all sounds like he's getting the job done. He's not getting the job done. LOOK AT OUR DEBT! Someone's got to pay and it's going to be YOU! Not him or anyone in Washington.

Nice try, but I'm not buying the Obama BRAND of B.S. The only thing that is transparent is Obama's line of bs. His statistics are Fairy Tale Fantasy. After six years of running this country, all he can bring us is a young couple who's bills are caught up. This is no measurable accounting of CHANGE. This is not FORWARD! Last time it was a little old lady's face to 'warm your heart' to sell you Obama-care. The people need to understand that no one who was clapping was representing the average American, except for the young couple. The majority in the building makes $250,000 a year from our tax dollars and have premium health care insurance. It's easy to cheer and yell, yes, yes, YES WE CAN.

I do wonder when he mentioned just one pipeline. It sounds like more than one could mean a North American Union Super Highway, complete with 4 pipelines, 12 lanes of traffic, 2 freight train tracks, and power transmission lines. AKA (The Security and Prosperity Partnership). This project, from Mexico to Canada, was labeled a conspiracy and we were told it was not true in 2006 and yet, in reality, it IS being built right now. We pay for it, and private global companies profit from it. They don't even spend their profit here.

Yes, Mr. Obama will do everything opposite of what he said tonight. You can bet on it. He will also surprise many people by making more of his own laws. You have been looking at the face of Wall Street for the last six years.

His uplifting and positive speech is meant to brainwash America to believe that everything is fine and we are heading in the right direction when, in reality, it is a set-up for the Wall Street oligarchy to drive the dollar into the crapper and bring in your new Amero dollar. And you can use your greenbacks for toilet paper.

Just think, when his financial disaster comes to a head and a state of emergency is issued, Obama gets to remain in the White House by his executive order. That's what happens when the Patriot Act takes the rights from Legislation.


If you made it this far, congratulations.
You are a true American Patriot who seeks the truth.
Sometimes the truth is ugly and we as Americans need to face the facts
that when liberty is threatened, Resistance is DUTY!

 Lets set a date!
One million strong on the 'White House' lawn.

 We can set a date at the end of this campaign where all Americans, from retired veterans and law enforcement, to truckers, bikers, doctors, plumbers, etc. can meet up in Washington D.C., where we Americans will demand transparency and campaign reform from the president and legislation. 
No politician should make the campaign laws. No more special interest groups spending $500 million slinging mud at each other on TV. It's time for the people to make changes!  No more hiding behind political campaign groups.


 Click here to get the OSA Pledge. Print it out to hang on your office wall or fridge.

Click here to print out the free OSA cards on regular paper or card stock, cut and hand out.

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