Short Summary
Can anyone really be Unconnected? We are a team of 6 filmmakers, who are stepping into the world of social media, to investigate, is our current state of social media fine? Or could we all benefit from being a little more unconnected?
"Rates of depression and anxiety among teenagers have increased by 70 per cent in the past 25 years. The number of children and young people turning up in A&E with a psychiatric condition has more than doubled since 2009 and, in the past three years, hospital admissions for teenagers with eating disorders have also almost doubled." (Bedell, Independent) Is this linked to social media? Is teenage mental health being that badly effected? Is social media a scape goat? That's what we aim to find out.
What We Need & What You Get
The fact of the matter is, we can't make this film without your help.
We are looking to raise £1500, which in reality is not that much for a film. Yet, it is hugely important for us that we raise as much as we can as the more money we have, the better the film and the more impact it can have. The bulk of the budget will be going on travel and accommodation expenses, we are going to be travelling the UK visiting different institutions and meetups, to find out as much information as we can from the best people.
We also need funds for extra equipment, so the film looks as best it can. We are hoping to put the film into festivals. We are passionate about this project, a key ingredient for making a good film, and therefore we believe it can have a successful run.
The Impact
The effects of social media is a bit of a taboo. The negative effects are not talked about commonly enough. We hope to start a discussion, allowing people of all ages, to start reviewing there social media habits, and seeing if they having a negative impact. This is NOT a film saying don't use social media, it's a film examining the dangers. For a film to start a conversation on serious topic would be a massive achievement, but we can't do it, without your help.![]()
This is a sensitive subject. Our aim is not to offend anyone, yet we should not shy away from the truth because of it. When talking about issues that surround our everyday lives, there are a wide variety of opinions. Therefore we must all be well researched into the subject matter, to therefore be able to portray our film as honestly as we can.
Other Ways You Can Help
Twitter: unconnectedfilm
Instagram: unconnectedfilm
Facebook: unconnectedfilm
Getting the word out about our film will be a huge help to all of us. Please help by sharing or retweeting our posts.
Thank you for all your support.