Short Summary
My name is Bethany, a multidisciplinary creative. Together with Indonesian artist Ben Mulyo Wicaksono, I am creating a book.
On the one hand this project is an exploration of the meaning of freedom for a subculture filled with extremes. On the surface it seems so free, but how does it move, living in a country with a very traditional culture and a restrictive political system. Who are these individuals, what is their story and do they feel free?
On the other hand this project is a manifest for representation after colonisation. A place full of talented, creative and intelligent youth. Yet this goes unrecognised by a big part of the planet. Even within Indonesia the beauty ideals lean towards that of white western culture, yet many feel that they have a voice and culture of their own that needs to be heard.
This book will exist of stories told in visuals (analog photography) and word (interview based stories). Also it will contain a collection of art created by Indonesian artists who identify with this subculture.
Your contribution will help us to be able to gift a copy of this book to every collaborating artist.
What We Need & What You Get
To fund our project we are looking for the small amount of €500. This money will go towards printing copies of the book. We are working with many artists, telling their story and representing their talents in this book. We think it's really important to gift them all a copy of this book. Every part of this project has been funded independently. Unfortunately, because of the amount of artists, the costs of gifting everyone a copy of the book is too high for us to finance on our own.
Our book is curated with a lot of love and attention. All of the photography is analog, we have taken lots of time to speak to artists and activists throughout Indonesia, so we can share their stories. Also many artists have created a beautiful artwork for in the book.
- If you donate €15, you will receive one print of choice of the six visible on this page.
- If you donate €25 you will receive a copy of the book.
- If you donate above €40 you will receive a copy of the book and one print of choice of the six visible on this page.
- If you donate €100 you will receive all of the above and a photoshoot (for people living in the Netherlands)
All smaller donations are most very welcome and of course our infinite gratitude for helping us to spread our project.
If we do not reach our entire goal, we will still print as many copies as possible to gift to the artists.
The Impact
Help challenge systems, help bring about awareness, help this group of talented and creative beings get the recognition that they deserve.
Risks & Challenges
This project is already 75% completed. We are taking our final shots, talking to the last few artists and activists. Finalising the lay-out. The only challenge that we now face is being able to gift a copy to each collaborator. The wages in Indonesia make it difficult for the artists and activists to collaborate financially. Also, financial gain from this group was never our intention. We just want to share their stories in order to perhaps make others more aware and challenge the current system.
Perhaps it is not possible for you to make a donation. Any sharing of our indiegogo funding campaign will be of great help. Also, feel free to follow our Instagram profiles @benmulyowicaksono and @bethany.andrzejak, where you can follow us as we create this project.