Would you join us in releasing the most important, most mainstream film ever made for chiropractic?
DESIGNS FOR HEALTH has committed $79,000 to the production of Undoctored and will match every dollar raised during this campaign, up to $79,000 dollars!
Help us knock this out of the park and maximize every dollar to push this project across the finish line.
Undoctored is a new documentary, a gift of love to chiropractors and chiropractic patients everywhere. Bobby Sheehan and I were outraged hearing the stories of the abuse chiropractors have had to endure.
As we filmed Doctored, we came to believe that chiropractic is THE answer to the healthcare disaster our country is facing.
The corrupt committee the AMA formed in 1963 to "contain and eliminate" the profession of chiropractic almost succeeded. So in 1987, when a judge found that the AMA had engaged in an unlawful conspiracy, why wasn't that shouted on the roof tops?
I was baffled that the general public still doesn't know about this. It's up to you to change this, and Undoctored is the tool. (And it is ready...)
Years ago, the perception of the public was that cigarettes were harmless. The government finally intervened and got the word out. Now, people know better.
Today, the perception of the general public is that chiropractic is unscientific and even harmful. The government won't be stepping in to let the truth prevail.
Bobby, our editors, and I have spent most of a year creating this film. We've poured our hearts and souls into making this a movie that can be the vehicle to completely change the face of chiropractic.
It's time chiropractic is recognized as the healing profession. In 1987 when the AMA was found guilty, everything in chiropractic should have changed for the better. Nothing happened.
Chiropractors didn't have a vehicle to get the word out. This movie is designed to finally give the profession voice you have never had.
With the internet and social media, you now have an easy way to empower your staff, your patients, your friends and your family to become active participants in their healthcare decisions. The truth can finally be told to millions with a click of a button!
In the fall of 2012, we released the film Doctored. We opened in 5 cities theatrically, and then sold over 200,000 DVDs.
It was the best we knew how to do... then.
It's now 3 years later, and we know more about chiropractic and more about using movies to make movements.
And that's what Undoctored is designed to do, and that's why we're asking you to support it.
We're going to create a movement, an impactful, measurable movement designed to break the chains of the medical monopoly and give the public a fair choice.
To do this, we have to do 3 things:
1. We need to make a film that was 100% about chiropractic, that shows how medical big-business trade groups smeared chiropractors and how that misinformation continues to this day.
2. Then the film has to make the viewer care. Not just that they've been mislead, but really show them how chiropractic can benefit their lives.
3. Then we have to get this film by millions of people, not hundreds of thousands.
That's the mission, that's what we're asking you to join us in accomplishing.
Imagine for a moment: what would your community look like if the majority of the people in your area saw a chiropractor regularly? What would the kids look like? The parents? The local athletes? What would the back surgeons office look like? What would happen to prescription drug use in your community if everyone in the community saw you or someone like you regularly?
That’s the real goal.
Do you think this fight is over? Do you think your support doesn’t matter? Did you see this mailer that went out from the Texas Medical Board to thousands of homes earlier this year?
We did it!
Bobby Sheehan and our senior editor have been working on Undoctored for the better part of a year. We used about 40% footage from Doctored and 60% new, unseen footage that we've shot in the last year.
It's amazing.
It's done.
We have final work to do on it, color correcting, audio sweetening, etc. But the film is all but done.
I can't wait for you to see it. (And you can see an advance copy now!)
We're going to release it with a bang at the end of August at the time of the Florida Chiropractic Association meeting, where we can build a buzz.
But here’s the most important part:
We’re going to make it free to the public.
We’re going to let chiropractors release it online to their friends and practice members, help them get their tribe to share with their friends and on and on?
Can we do it?
Our film Bought has been shared on Facebook 432,000 times in the last 90 days. And that's with just Jeff Hays Films behind it. Imagine what would happen if we get 1000's of chiropractors sharing for free with their tribes?
We’re going to give the film, all of the marketing and promotional tools to the profession, with the goal to have 10,000,000 people see the film in the next five years. (The movie Thrive has been seen online 25,000,000 times!)
We think this is the best way to hit our original goal, of changing the health care conversation in this country and giving our investors in Doctored the best chance of the film being successful.
This Indiegogo campaign is crucial.
Where's the money going:
I owe a total of $79,000 on the production of this film. I can't get the releases to release the film until that's paid.
This is a million dollar film, that we made at cost.
It's our love letter to this profession.
Let's make history!
Here's what we need from you:
Make the $50 contribution, send me an email and let me know you've done that and I'll send you the private link to see the advanced screening. (It's not the final cut, it's not color corrected yet and we still have to do audio sweetening, credits, etc.)
Then, we need 200 key partners to step up and sign up for the $500 perk, which were going to give them each associate producer
It’s success is critical to make this happen. Many of the perks on this page can’t go to a large audience. If you’ve been invited to see it, it’s because we want you to stand with us to make this happen.
It is going to be an epic mission. We need you to stand with us, to contribute and to share with people in the profession who need to be involved.
Imagine what your community would look like if just 10% had seen Doctored or Undoctored. Now dream big. What if half of your community had seen these films?
Here’s the detailed plan for Undoctored (recorded before we finished the film):
Worse, what is going to happen in your community if we do nothing?
The time has never been better to step to the front and claim your place, to advance your profession, to serve.
Will you join us?
About the filmmakers: