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Unearthing Ancient Japan - The Start Up

A Start Up for an Archaeological Project to Rediscover Prehistoric Japan

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Unearthing Ancient Japan - The Start Up

Unearthing Ancient Japan - The Start Up

Unearthing Ancient Japan - The Start Up

Unearthing Ancient Japan - The Start Up

Unearthing Ancient Japan - The Start Up

A Start Up for an Archaeological Project to Rediscover Prehistoric Japan

A Start Up for an Archaeological Project to Rediscover Prehistoric Japan

A Start Up for an Archaeological Project to Rediscover Prehistoric Japan

A Start Up for an Archaeological Project to Rediscover Prehistoric Japan

International Research Institute for Archaeology and Ethnology
International Research Institute for Archaeology and Ethnology
International Research Institute for Archaeology and Ethnology
International Research Institute for Archaeology and Ethnology
1 Campaign |
Okayama, Japan
$60 USD 3 backers
0% of $15,000 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal

Short Summary

Hello! My name is Daniele Petrella and I’m the president of IRIAE, The International Research Institute for Archaeology and Ethnology, a non-profit research institute with its headquarters in Naples, Italy. IRIAE has, for long time, been carrying out archaeological excavations and ethnological research all around the world, and it counts on members and supporters in Europe, East Asia, the United States, and Africa.

The origin of Japan are still shrouded in mystery. The studies carried out by the Japanese colleagues have defined the periods from the stone age, the so-called Jōmon period, passing through the very early stages of agriculture and the Bronze and Iron age of the Yayoi period, until the time of  monumental and megalith tombs  that characterize the Kofun period.  These chronologies, however, have so far been mainly based on stylistic comparisons and typological analysis, but on a few scientific investigations. Thanks to an extensive use of the modern scientific investigations, it will be possible to obtain a more accurate and precise chronology for these ancient times of Japan.

Well, this is the main purpose of the expedition that IRIAE, in collaboration with TecnArt, an academic spin off of University of Torino specialized in the most modern chemical-physical techniques for the archaeological dating and the study of findings, is organizing in Japan.

In the country, the Italian team will work together with the prestigious University of Okayama and with the Ancient Izumo Museum.


We will carry out archaeological excavations and scientific investigations to get a more precise and accurate chronology for the prehistory of Japan, but this is not all. Thanks to the action of a consortium of European partners and Japanese museums, like the above-mentioned Ancient Izumo Museum, innovative exhibitions based on the augmented realty will be realized both in Europe and Japan to obtain a museum experience that will allow everyone to know the results of this research and lead to an enrichment of European museums keeping Japanese collections. 


Now we need your support to realize a start-up that is a prelude to the real expedition, aimed at planning the scientific and archaeological investigations and to reinforce our institutional relationships with local entities, universities, museums and prefectures of competence.

This expedition is important for several reasons. First of all, because it would solve a longstanding mystery about the origins of a country whose culture is found in various forms in the daily life of each of us.

Secondly, it would be the first time that a team of Japanese and westerners would collaborate on this research topic, using a multidisciplinary and coordinated approach, in particular between scientists and archaeologists.


IRIAE was the first Western entity to organize an archaeological expedition in Japan, deals with the research and the discovery of the Lost Fleet of Kublai Khan, this new expedition could close the circle, activating an overland investigation completely different by the previous one realized in underwater environment.

TecnArt will have the opportunity to apply their technologies and expertise to date unique finds contributing in significant way to understand the origins of a so fascinating culture.

What We Need & What You Get

To realize the start up of this adventure, we need 15,000 $ that represent the minimum cost in order to allow six members of the Italian team to travel to Japan for setting the work that will be the basis of the new expedition.

The Team will be composed of 3 members of IRIAE, 2 archaeologists and a video maker of Cinemac Studio (for the documentary) and 3 members of TecnArt.

The fund recovered to this start-up thanks to your contribution, will be entirely allocated to the expedition costs: travel, food, accommodation, Japan Rail Pass for 6 people, plus a 20% for emergencies.

The Perks that we have planned for you are:

1) Greetings (15 $)

# Thanks from IRIAE-TecnArt team with a dedicated electronic postcard

2) Followers (75 $)

# Thanks from IRIAE-TecnArt team with a dedicated electronic postcard

# T-shirt of the expedition

3) I bilieve in you! (100 $)

# Thanks from IRIAE-TecnArt team with a dedicated electronic postcard

# T-shirt of the expedition

# IRIAE Membership*

*What it means to become a member of IRIAE? Click and read our Manifesto

4) Supporter (500 $)

# Thanks from IRIAE-TecnArt team with a dedicated electronic postcard

# T-shirt of the expedition

# IRIAE Membership

# Public thanks on our media channels and social networks

5) Mecenate (1000 $)

# Thanks from IRIAE-TecnArt team with a dedicated electronic postcard

# T-shirt of the expedition

# IRIAE Membership

# Public thanks on our media channels and social networks

# Acknowledgements in the expedition documentary

6) Teammate (2500 $)

# Thanks from IRIAE-TecnArt team with a dedicated electronic postcard

# T-shirt of the expedition

# IRIAE Membership

# Public thanks on our media channels and social networks

# Acknowledgements in the expedition documentary as Patron of expedition

# Invitation to participate to conferences and other meetings as main sponsor as Patron of Expedition

The importance of this start up requires us to organize likewise the departure for Japan, but we have set a minimum:

- From 0 to 7,499 $: the fund will be used to finance the preliminary archaeological research and scientific analysis to better plan the future expedition.

- From 7,500 $ and over: the Start up expedition will start anyhow, by changing the number of the team,starting from 3 people for $ 7,500 to a maximum of 6 people achieving the goal

The Impact

In these modern times where the cultural difference is often cause of conflict, we believe that our project can be a way to get closer people with different traditions and style of life, as the Japanese and Western cultures are. Moreover, the scientific value of our project aims at testing a new multidisciplinary methodology to investigate the “historical roots” of a culture and that can be apply all over the world.

You can give your support in this important mission. Everyone can be fundamental! Experts and supporters!

Risks & Challenges

The start-up phase of the expedition has no particular risks, because it is based on well-established relationships between the Italian team and the Department of Archaeology of the University of Okayama.

Other Ways You Can Help

If you can not give us a financially support? No problem! There are also other ways to help us. For example, you can share as much as possible our campaign. Help us to "make noise", to spread in many different ways our project.

To help us to promote our campaign, Indiegogo provides a number of useful tools for sharing. Use them. Your contribution is a vital support for us!

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Choose your Perk


$15 USD
Thanks from IRIAE-TecnArt team with a dedicated electronic postcard
2 claimed
Ships worldwide.


$75 USD
Thanks from IRIAE-TecnArt team with a dedicated electronic postcard + T-shirt of the expedition
0 claimed
Ships worldwide.

I believe in you!

$100 USD
Thanks from IRIAE-TecnArt team with a dedicated electronic postcard + T-shirt of the expedition + IRIAE Membership
0 claimed


$500 USD
Thanks from IRIAE-TecnArt team with a dedicated electronic postcard + T-shirt of the expedition + IRIAE Membership + Public thanks on our media channels and social networks
0 claimed
Ships worldwide.


$1,000 USD
Thanks from IRIAE-TecnArt team with a dedicated electronic postcard + T-shirt of the expedition + IRIAE Membership + Public thanks on our media channels and social networks + Acknowledgements in the expedition documentary
0 claimed
Ships worldwide.


$2,500 USD
Thanks from IRIAE-TecnArt team with a dedicated electronic postcard + T-shirt of the expedition + IRIAE Membership + Public thanks on our media channels and social networks + Acknowledgements in the expedition documentary as Patron of expedition + Invitation to participate to conferences and other meetings as main sponsor as Patron of Expedition
0 claimed
Ships worldwide.

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