⭐️ we are just students from Ukraine with a cool idea.
⭐️ we have put a lot of love and inspiration into this project.
⭐️ we want to show people that things and accessories from eco materials can be stylish, functional and comfortable at the same time.
⭐️ for the implementation of the project, we need 500$
⭐️ if for some reason (it’s hardly possible) the project will not be implemented, all the funds raised will be spent on recycling (http://www.best-trash.com/)
⭐️ The main goal of the Unibag project is to “promote” things from eco-materials. After all, today the problem of ecology♻️ is a global problem of the entire population of the planet.
⭐️ Every year more than 100 thousand whales, seals, turtles die from plastic bags. ❌More than a million seabirds and mammals die annually from ingesting plastic debris.
⭐️ But even if a plastic bag does not harm any of the animals - it will harm nature☹️, because it decomposes for at least 100 years!⚠️
⭐️ The solution to the problem - things from eco materials.♻️
⭐️ If each of us tries to minimize plastic emissions to the environment, through the use of recycled materials✅, perhaps the solution to this problem will be one step closer.