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Uniting Residents for Good Governence

Uniting Residents for Good Governence

Uniting Residents for Good Governence

Uniting Residents for Good Governence

Uniting Residents for Good Governence

The SCC is a community-focused non-partisan organization.

The SCC is a community-focused non-partisan organization.

The SCC is a community-focused non-partisan organization.

The SCC is a community-focused non-partisan organization.

Diana Rumsley
Diana Rumsley
Diana Rumsley
Diana Rumsley
1 Campaign |
SKokie, United States
$10 USD 1 backers
0% of $20,000 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal
5 days left

Short Summary

The SCC is dedicated to impartially evaluating and supporting qualified candidates on the ballot for municipal office. The members of the SCC are committed to maintaining a transparent, responsive, and inclusive Village government that is free from partisan influences, divisiveness, and special interests.

The SCC aims to operate as a community-focused organization with a transparent, objective, reliable, and established endorsement process. Furthermore, the SCC may also extend its support to other beneficial causes, initiatives, and efforts that contribute to the betterment of the Skokie community.

We Need Help in Creating a Sustainable Democratic Process

  • Through our Independent and Impartial Community Screening Committee, we provide a careful study of candidates on the ballot.
  • After doing their homework, the committee will make a recommendation to the community at large that identifies the quality of each candidate.
  • We need help getting the word out via mailers.

Why is This Important?

We want to create and build a trusted resource that provides valuable information to our community on our candidates running.  These candidates make decisions that affect the residents and businesses of our community in real time.  It is important to make sure to have quality in our elected officials.

Our concerns is that candidates that are not qualified or may have personal agendas that will negatively impact our community.  

Other Ways You Can Help

If you can't contribute, please share this with your friends and family.  We believe in promoting the democratic process and good government.

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