Thank You
Thank you for visiting our page. We are a group of students from the University of Westminster studying for our BA in Photography. At the end of this, our final year, we will be exhibiting our final projects at the Free Range Shows held at Old Truman Brewery in Shoreditch, London. A leading industry show, Free Range is open to the public and will also be attended by many leading industry professionals, providing us with an unparalleled opportunity to share our work in a professional context.
The aim of this crowdfunding campaign is to support us, a group of 45 students, in raising enough money to help pay for our show catalogue, our space at the show, as well as printing, materials for framing and display, and any other additional costs that come with installing a high quality, professional standard exhibition.
What We Need & What You Get
We're looking to raise a total of £3,000. This money will primarily go towards collating and printing our show catalogue, an important presentation of all of our work that visitors to the exhibition can take away with them.
The remaining budget will go towards paying for the exhibition space (alongside contributions from the University and ourselves), and materials, framing etc.
The Impact
The show represents a culmination of three years of consistent hard work and dedication towards our craft as photographers.
As a team we will be responsible for designing, setting up and curating the exhibition space. It is extremely important to make this show happen for all us, as it’s an exciting platform to show our work to a large audience and many great future opportunities are born out of exhibitions such as this one.
Other Ways You Can Help
If you're unable to donate, you can still help just by letting people know about the show! Please share this page with all of your friends, and we hope to see you all there.