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Update Fek's Gamedev Hardware

Help Fek continue developing weird adult games by upgrading some of his old hardware!


Update Fek's Gamedev Hardware

Update Fek's Gamedev Hardware

Update Fek's Gamedev Hardware

Update Fek's Gamedev Hardware

Update Fek's Gamedev Hardware

Help Fek continue developing weird adult games by upgrading some of his old hardware!

Help Fek continue developing weird adult games by upgrading some of his old hardware!

Help Fek continue developing weird adult games by upgrading some of his old hardware!

Help Fek continue developing weird adult games by upgrading some of his old hardware!

1 Campaign |
Indianapolis, United States
$3,461 USD by 16 backers
$2,161 USD by 15 backers on Feb 15, 2016


I make weird, furry-themed adult games for a living. I program, I do art things, I animate, I edit audio. I'm a one-man operation, and I love everything about my job.

I survive on donations, and I've been running on the same hardware for about 5-6 years now. Some of my stuff is starting to show its age, and a few small upgrades would be tremendously helpful, especially as I dive into my next big project: Rack 2.

The first and cheapest upgrade I'm looking for is also one of the ones I need most urgently: a memory upgrade. I'm currently sitting on 8GB RAM, which was great 5 years ago, but is not quite cutting it these days. I'm running into frequent out-of-memory crashes in both Flash and Unity, I'm unable to do any sort of rendering or video editing while streaming, and Photoshop is starting to hit page file limits very quickly.

Forty bucks would let me double my memory with a couple of new sticks. This would allow me to work with fewer interruptions, and do more of my work while streaming.

I'm currently running three 128GB drives in RAID0, because why not.

This configuration has been absolutely incredible for me. Unfortunately, it is also extremely suspectible to corruption, and at least one of my drives is starting to fail. I have no doubt that the other two aren't too far behind: they're all the same model, with roughly the same life expectancy.

All of my work is automatically backed up online, so there's no risk of losing project files, but it would still behoove me to take care of this situation before one of the drives fails and leaves me stranded without a replacement.

Fortunately, SSD tech has improved tremendously in the past five years. $225 snags me a 500GB drive from a reliable manufacturer (Crucial), and since it's a single drive instead of a RAID setup, it's significantly less suspectible to hardware failure.

The Oculus Rift devkit is currently sold out, but I'd really, really like to be ready when the next wave comes. Virtual reality is one of my top goals for Rack 2, and if I'm gonna develop it, I'm going to need hardware to test on.

Before they went out of stock, the development kit was $350, so I anticipate the next wave being priced about the same.

My RAM and hard drives are the most vital pieces of hardware I need to replace, which is why I've budgeted them for the main campaign, but my entire build is starting to get old, and I would benefit tremendously from a near-total rebuild. My PSU and case are still perfectly fine, but if I manage to save up a decent amount of stretch funds, I could afford a total rebuild, including an up-to-date CPU and GPU.

Nothing ruins an adult game faster than terrible audio, which is why I avoid including cheesy, terrible stock music in my games. Rack 2 is a step up in scope from my other adult games, though, and I know from experience that with a decent budget, you can get your hands on enjoyable RF music.

A budget of $300 would allow me to build a small soundtrack of high-quality, enjoyable, relaxed/chill background music for Rack 2. It won't be winning any awards, but it will contribute to the experience, rather than detract from it.

Unity's free version is perfectly suitable for what I'm doing, and I don't think that getting the Professional version is a very high priority for me. But if the funds were available, snagging Unity Pro would allow me to proactively sidestep the maximum revenue problem, plus the added benefit of a whitelabel launcher and access to premium features.

First, get your mind out of the gutter.

This campaign is a one-time cash infusion for the specific purpose of helping me upgrade my hardware. My day-to-day living expenses come from Patreon, where people pledge to support me on a monthly basis. That's how I pay my mortgage/student loans/medical bills and put food on the table.

If you're not already supporting me over there, check it out! Patreon is the only reason I'm able to do what I do, and without your regular support, I'd be back on the street looking for a "normal" job instead of making sweet, sweet furry porn for you.

If you don't have money, there are plenty of other ways you can help, too! Tell your friends about me, share my games all over the internet (no need to ask permission, just don't modify or remove the credits from the game), and tell me what you want to see in Rack 2 (see my FurAffinity profile for more info).

To put it as simply as possible: there's not enough!

You guys are incredibly generous to me on Patreon, and although the first few months after my dayjob disappeared were very scary, I'm finally starting to stabilize financially.

With that said, however, Patreon is juuuuuust enough to cover my living expenses. After paying my mortgage, student loans, utilities, medical bills, health insurance, and food/groceries, I'm only sitting on a couple hundred dollars of flexible money each month, and most of that is being used to pay down credit card debt and rebuild the rainy day fund I burned through when my dayjob went under last summer.

This campaign exists because I have a very specific set of hardware upgrades that would be very useful going into Rack 2, and I want people to be able to contribute specifically to that cause.

It astonishes me how generous this community has been. I never in a million years imagined that I'd be doing what I'm doing, especially as a full-time job!

Thank yooooooooooooooooou. Thank you thank you thank you. <3 <3 <3

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