Urban Myths will keep you on the edge of your seat!
What is this campaign all about? Crowdfunding, donations, what? You may ask: "Can't you just use your own money to finish the movie? Why do you want me to help you? What's in it for me?"
I did. I used all of my personal money to finish filming this movie. There were some rough times and I didn't want my dream to die. I have nothing left to put forth. I have come this far and I don't want to stop. I want to bring you this movie.
Look at it this way... when you buy a movie ticket to see the film, you are investing in the movie after the fact. When you buy a perk today, you are investing in the movie a little earlier in the process. When you invest now, you are having a bigger impact on the making of the movie. Without your support now, this movie may never reach its full potential. Please consider donating just $1 to help me to continue to make Urban Myths a reality.
We are on a mission!
We NEED to get on the FRONT PAGE of Indiegogo to
help this campaign grow.
Every comment you leave and donation you make
brings us one step closer.
Contact us at urbanmythsmovies@gmail.com. |
Yes, there IS more to this movie than hunting for ghosts! Don't get us wrong though, there is still plenty of paranormal activity. It may seem like this movie is almost done, but there is still so much left to do. There are more scenes to film and then it all needs to be edited together into this awesome story. |
It’s a journey of self discovery, about family, friendship, sisterhood, instinct, light verses dark, growth, love and loss.
Yes, in nature this is a Dramatic, Paranormal, Suspense Thriller. However, it's also an analogy, the story is teaching life lessons in a way people can relate and understand. The depth of this film is truly unique. |
A group of high school seniors go on a spring break camping trip to investigate the myths they had been researching and leaning from their History teacher. During their trip, they stumble on an old haunted Indian Burial ground and get more than they bargained for when some of the group start to vanish. This film showcases some of the best Northern Michigan has to offer, along with an all star cast. |
As the characters get deeper into their paranormal investigations,
they also go deeper within themselves.
What separates “Urban Myths” from the rest, simply the story, uniqueness and the way it demonstrates we all have a story to tell, and the secrets to living life is more about understanding your own instincts, thoughts and emotions, rather than some alien philosophical concept. It’s through the analogies of the situations the characters find themselves, their inner fears, demons, anger, emotions, flight or fight mentality. |
The representation of the chase is much like being hunted by a predator who recognizes their weakness and fears. It is what the predator hones in on, much like a pride of lions or pack of wolves hunting a herd or flock. They look for the weakness, the scared or the injured. If their prey is stronger they first attack, injuring it waiting patiently for their opportunity of attack for the kill. |
In society it is very much the same in competition, bullies in school, cyber bullies, amongst one another. Urban myths is an analogy of every ones story. |
Why I told the story I chose to tell is I made a decision to awaken a new way of being, to show how truly powerful we are by unlocking that inner potential, through a story that youth, young adults and old can find someone to relate to. We all have asked the question ”Who Are We Really?” |
Thank you so much. We cannot do this without you! |
We will be starting Post Production and Additional filming after our fund raising is complete. If all goes to plan we will able to start releasing the film Fall 2015 or early Spring 2016.
All other PERKS not related directly to the films completion will be sent out/underway Spring 2015 unless otherwise specified.
What if I don’t want a perk, I just want to contribute?
No problem! Click on the ‘contribute now’ button and add the additional amount and select ‘no perk’.
Can I gift an incentive?
ABSOLUTELY! If you would like to donate to the film and give some one a gift. You’re amazing! You still have to follow the process for billing but send us a quick note through www.mirrordogproductions.com website and we will make sure it gets to them.
Can I increase my pledge once it’s been made?
YES! This seems to be common. Send us a quick note letting us know what you would like to do and we will take care of it on our end.
Email us at
Everyone will get a "Special Thank You" on Urban Myths website!
* Send the link to your friends and ask them to check us out.