Gracious Partners,
We are hoping and pushing to raise a total of $10,000 for this project. Our bare minimum was set at $6,000, but we are hoping you will partner with us to produce a state of the art aquaponics system and greenhouse. There are some adjustments to the system and greenhouse that we have realized would produce a better product that will serve as a motivation and stimulant to a health food movement in this food desert. Going beyond our minimum will help us do that! Please read on to learn more about the problem and our solution.
The Bonton Food Desert and Our Aquaponics System
You have the opportunity to make an impact for a community in need. It will empower them to stand up against hunger and provide a healthy lifestyle for generations to come! Please come alongside us so that we can make a difference together!
The neighborhood of Bonton is one of the worst food deserts in Dallas and the US. That means that at least 500 people or at least 33 percent of the census tract's
population resides more than one mile from a supermarket or large
grocery store without the means to travel.
For a Bonton resident to get groceries, they must take a bus for 1.5
hours, do their shopping, and haul their groceries 1.5 hours back. There
simply isn't healthy food within the geographic and economic grasp
of a "Bontonian." Thus, most grow up eating packaged snacks and french
fries from the local beer&wine store and are suffering the health
consequences. I met a man dying of kidney and heart failure at 41, and
another going blind from diabetes in his 40's, not because of hereditary
issues. Rather, they have had terrible nutrition since their birth.
Quite a perdicament, right? Bonton's residents and HIS BridgeBuilders
refuse to wait until somebody else solves their problem. They are
embracing a plethora of urban farming techniques, one of which is
aquaponics. Aquaponics is a system in
which the waste produced by fish supplies nutrients for plants grown
hydroponically, which in turn purifies the water for the original fish.
It is an efficient system that has huge potential in helping this
community! Here is a picture:
The first aquaponics system built in this community
has been an enormous success. Many residents are working on it and
reaping the benefits of its produce. The community is excited about how
this can help provide healthy and affordable food for their families.
However, with winter coming, the aquaponics system needs to be
winterized by mid-October. That is where you come in!
By investing in this project, you will be an important part in our quest to saturate Bonton with fresh healthy food. We are using unique urban farming techniques to give fresh fruit and vegetables to Bonton's residents and to teach them how to replicate these systems for their families. One of these techniques is aquaponics, defined as "a system of aquaculture in which the waste produced by farmed fish supplies nutrients for plants grown hydroponically, which in turn purify the water." The aquaponics system has provided much needed produce to many in the community. However, the system will be extremely disadvantaged and almost completely fruitless (and vegetabless ;) if it is not protected against the coming winter weather. We desperately need to construct a greenhouse around our aquaponics system and winterize it to ensure year-around production. Your contribution will be a vital part of our success!
What We Need & What You Get
We need to continue providing this urban farming aquaponics system to the community throughout the winter. To that end, we need a greenhouse, a heater and other winterizing equipment to ensure the fish and produce from the system can continue to provide fresh, easily accessible, and healthy food to Bonton's residents. To pay for the equipment, labor, and cost of transacting here, we need $10,000. Here is a preliminary drawing of what the greenhouse will look like!
In order to keep with our theme of community restoration, we will acquire most of our building materials from Habitat Home restorations in the community. Furthermore, the building process of this greenhouse will intentionally include members of the community. They will be taught throughout the project and will take charge in some of the work. Furthermore, they will be some of the many beneficiaries of the system's produce.
We are committed to spending this money with integrity and wisdom (so much to do and so little resources to do it!). So, if we do raise more than our goal, 100% of all funds will enable other vital community farming projects. This greenhouse is but one of many things we are doing to saturate this food desert with the nutrition that its residents desperately need.
As a reward, we want to keep you involved and updated on this project. Check out the various reward levels to your right and please know that every dollar makes a HUGE difference! Please check out some perks to your right and get yourself involved in a great cause!
Other Ways You Can Help
Money doesn't grow on trees and you may not be able to give financially. However, you can still be a vital part of helping us reach our goals. Send this page to everybody you know via social media, email, and word of mouth. We need you to advocate for the provision of good food in this food desert!