Our Story
My name is Valeria Lopez, I am 25 years old. I met Victor 5 years ago and we were married immediately. We were meant for each other and had been happily married - until February 20, 2012. On our way back from Tijuana with 6 other family members and friends, after traveling hundreds of miles, our driver lost control of the SUV we were traveling in, and we flipped over as we took our freeway exit (E. Capitol Expressway) a few blocks away from our home. Victor, who was 30, died on impact after being ejected and trampled by the vehicle. I was also ejected from the vehicle - breaking my leg and spine at the neck. I am telling my story to the IndieGoGo community because I need help with covering medical and funeral expenses for this tragic event. When the accident happened, I was just starting up my own small business. Unfortunately, I wasn't covered by medical insurance, and so have to face this horrible situation uninsured.
The Impact
Victor and I had just purchased our first home and I more than likely will not be able to maintain it. I will need extensive therapeutic care after the 12-hour surgery to rebuild my spine, and will need constant care. My mother has offered to move to San Jose from Mexico to take care of me. My family and I have exhausted any savings we had and are in need of help.
What We Need & What You Get
Any and all funds raised will go to cover my medical bills, therapy, and Victor's funeral services. Whatever amount I can raise through the help of the online community will go a long way to helping us pay off these bills, which have surpassed six digits. My family and friends will also be holding events, car washes, raffles, etc. to raise more funds.
When you donate, my family and friends will say thank you with a modest act of kindness. I will send you images of the fundraising events, updates on my recuperation/progress, traditional Mexican dish recipes, and anything else we can upon request.
Other Ways You Can Help
You can also help us by saying a little prayer, and I ask you to please spread the word for my cause. Tools such as Twitter, Facebook, blogs, etc. will help amplify my plea.
God bless you.