Vampire Mob is an idea I tripped over while working as a private investigator in 2009 and it changed my life.
My name is Joe Wilson and being able to tell a story directly to you, the audience, all over the world, is a dream come true. Thank YOU!
Thanks to the audience, Vampire Mob was made into a live-action series and, after the loss of cast member, Marcia Wallace in 2013, VMob returned as a graphic novel with Issue 1 in 2014. Again, thanks to the audience.
Marcia Wallace and me on the set of Vampire Mob, season two!
With your help, this story can continue with an even longer graphic novel in Issue 2!
And it's a story you can be in.
No, really.
Characters in Vampire Mob will be drawn from your pictures and those characters return in future issues with your face!
I wrote a giant script for season 3 of the live-action series, which is longer than a feature film and, with your help, I will adapt that script into Issue 2 as part of a long series of graphic novels (like, 9 issues).
Also included in Issue 2 is Vampire Mob - ORIGIN, a ten-page mini-comic that tells the story of Don becoming a vampire!
Cool Mug!
PLEASE NOTE: VAMPIRE MOB is littered with F-Bombs meant for adults.
Above is the trailer for Vampire Mob Issue 1, Art by JM Ringuet.
Issue 2 picks up the story from Issue 1 and will be 46 black and white pages, possibly 50-58 pages, if we can hit the stretch goals.
If you believe the future of storytelling is here, no gatekeepers, no publishers, no agents, just people telling people a story, join the Supporting Mob and help this story become something you can hold in your hands.
Choose a perk to the right, make a contribution and you will get to see a graphic novel happen, spoiler-free! And maybe you will also be DRAWN IN ISSUE 2!
Artist, June Grigioni-Kileen, will be drawing mom's and mother-in-laws toasting blood with Virginia in the guest artist section of the book!
Pencil sketch by June Grigioni-Kileen of the mom's blood toasting!
The Vampire Mob Issue 1 Cover Art Poster (art by JM Ringuet) comes wrapped in CRIME SCENE TAPE!
Vampire Mob EARRINGS made by VMobber Donna Joyce! I only have a couple pairs!
The budget raised will help cover:
Maybe we can make an *even* longer story!
Supporting Mobsters, Tara Lee (above) and Gilbert Gilvas(below) wearing their 'We are all famous to a few people" shirts!
Vampire Mob Issue 2
will be created by...
Deron Bennett - Letterer & Graphic Designer
Deron is the creator of "Quixote" and was nominated for an Eisner Award for his work on Billy Fog, Jim Henson’s Dark Crystal, Jim Henson’s Tale of Sand, Mr. Murder Is Dead (Archaia); Helldorado, Puss N Boots, and Richie Rich (APE Entertainment). See Deron's work
Corey Blake - Creative Consultant
Corey Blake guided Vampire Mob Issue 1 as the creative consultant and returns to help Issue 2 by giving notes on the script and the creation of the book itself. Corey writes about the comic book industry and art form for Robot 6 @ Comic Book Resources - He is also an improviser, actor and writer.
Joe Wilson - Storyteller (writer, director, photographer)
Joe Wilson tell stories, usually with swearing. He created the original series "Vampire Mob," which continues as a graphic novel (, and "PlayShorts," an ongoing anthology series ( He posts way too many pictures of his cat, Mike, on the internet.