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Vejibag- No More Slimy Vegetables

Help us "Kick It Up" to the next level and make Vejibag a household word! Help the world eat more fresh vegetables! Stop the slime!

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Vejibag- No More Slimy Vegetables

Vejibag- No More Slimy Vegetables

Vejibag- No More Slimy Vegetables

Vejibag- No More Slimy Vegetables

Vejibag- No More Slimy Vegetables

Help us "Kick It Up" to the next level and make Vejibag a household word! Help the world eat more fresh vegetables! Stop the slime!

Help us "Kick It Up" to the next level and make Vejibag a household word! Help the world eat more fresh vegetables! Stop the slime!

Help us "Kick It Up" to the next level and make Vejibag a household word! Help the world eat more fresh vegetables! Stop the slime!

Help us "Kick It Up" to the next level and make Vejibag a household word! Help the world eat more fresh vegetables! Stop the slime!

Sally Erickson
Sally Erickson
Sally Erickson
Sally Erickson
1 Campaign |
Eastport, United States
$5,151 USD 107 backers
28% of $18,000 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal

Our Story: At Vejibag “We Speak Vegetable!

Meet Sally Erickson: Certified Salad Freak. Also a Local Food Freak and a Local Economy Freak. 

DOWNEAST MAINE. She came, she saw, she built South Street Greenhouse: to feed her salad habit; to fill the niche for fresh greens in the local winter food scene; and to create some good, local work.

When it came time to first harvest and pack South Street greens for Eastport Maine's Eat Local Eastport Buying Club, those greens screamed not to get tossed into plastic bags. Sally listened up and then set forth on her vintage iMac to search the interwebs for something better.

Sure enough, there was something better.  Way better. Turns out vegetables last longest in a high humidity environment that breathes. She prototyped a fabric bag, got it damp, and packed her greens inside. And guess what?  It worked. Happy greens. Happy Sally.

Happy friends, neighbors, and local customers.  The cloth bags keep their salad greens fresh, crisp and ready to munch for a week or more. Even wilted greens can often be revived!  Vejibags wrote a happy ending to the story of rotting vegetables suffocating in slimy plastic bags in the dark recesses of everyone's fridge.

This could also have been the happy ending to a small local story, but it seems it's just the beginning. 

You see, in Eastport, Maine, good work can be as hard to find as fresh, local greens when summer comes to a close.  Sally, and a small but smart and sassy team of women, the Sack Sisters, decided to help fill that need for good work. They dreamed and schemed and came up with the idea of an at-home cottage industry making Vejibags.  They scoured the interwebs for the most gorgeous US organic cotton. They forged themselves into a well-oiled design team, sat and drank coffee on Sunday mornings, and six months later Vejibag became a reality.  Vejibag now provides good, flexible, well-paid work for a few women (and a couple men!) in the small. but extremely interesting, community of Eastport, Maine.

What We've Accomplished: Read Our Reviews!

Vejibag currently has scores of satisfied, vegetable-eating Vejibuffs! Everywhere Vejibags go, the same response comes back: 

"They really work!" 

We're proud of everything about this seriously "green" product.  Beyond being made from gorgeous U.S. Organic Cotton French Terry fabric, the labels are locally silk-screened on upcycled cotton, with safe, permanent, water-soluble ink.  We even use organic cotton thread! Tags are printed locally on 100% recycled cardstock. Vejibags: designed to be As Green As It Gets. Nothing nasty. Nothing imported.

Vejibags work amazingly well.  Bring your produce home from the farmers market, wash it off, and pop it in a Vejibag. Then eat healthy all week long! Vejibags save time and money.  We figure they pay for themselves in a month or two, because vegetables stay fresh, and you only need to shop once a week! 

We think it just doesn't get any better.

We've crafted a grinningly workable, at-home, manufacturing process; we've trained a small, skilled production team; we've created a beautiful, informative website with a functioning online store and an active Facebook page. And we have a list of women ready to sign-on as at-home VejiSeamstresses. Whew! It's a lot. But it's not time to stop. It's time to IndieGoGo!

It's clear we need to keep the good we've begun growing.

Our Campaign: It's Time to GoGo to the Next Level!

We need a larger and more consistent customer base.  To create that, we need to show smart vegetable eaters, and the stores where they shop across the land, about how intelligently sane it is to store produce in Vejibags.  It's clear to us that Vejibag is destined to become the coolest new household word:

"Hey hon, will you grab some Vejibags for me? They're hanging out on the line!"

Here are our Indiegogo-goals:

1) Fund 6 months of part-time administrative help to free Sally to attend trade shows, soap box on busy street corners, schmooze with produce department managers, and give Vejibag samples to produce handlers at all those favorite foodie grocery stores!   ($4800) 

2) Get serious about a smart, strategic marketing plan: finance high grade, recycled, soy-ink printed tags and hang tags to reinforce our "branding;" develope a "sell sheet" for trade shows, design and build a trade show booth and in-store demonstration table;, pay for attendance at two trade shows in the coming year, and fund training for internet marketing.  ($6,350)

3) Purchase raw goods and pay Vejiseamstresses to enlarge our current inventory, to be ready for the flowering of those new large retail outlets when they start sending in their purchase orders.  ($2,650)

4) Develop 6 short, fun, videos to step up our Internet presence, educate and amuse a wide base of customers, and let potential wholesale buyers know we mean business!  ($2,400)


5) Pay our Indiegogo and Third-Party fees.  (Approx. 10% - $1800)

If we exceed these goals, you better believe we will attend more trade shows, expand our production team and inventory and then, with great confidence and a little sass, approach producers on the Rachel Ray Show, QVC, and the Food Network, and score wholesale deals with large, upscale grocery chains like Fresh Market, Green Grocer, Central Market, Trader Joe's, and Whole Foods.

Can you help us?

Yes you can!

1) DONATE at whatever level, but especially at a level where we can afford to reward you with your own Vejibags! DO IT NOW while there are still Early Bird giant discounts available!  We want you to see for yourself how Vejibags save time, money, and vegetables. Then you can tell all your vegetable-loving friends about how easy it is to eat even more fresh, crisp vegetables. Talk about viral marketing! This is a healthy, sustainable, good virus we're talking about.  We want you to love and talk about Vejibags as much as we do!

2) Of course we'd love you to LIKE US on Facebook and FOLLOW US on Twitter.

3) And pulleeeze SHARE THIS INDIEGOGO CAMPAIGN with your vegetable-loving friends! Let them have a chance to see how Vejibags will save them time, money, and vegetables. (Hint: Who are the foodies, the vegetarians, vegans, paleos, weight-watchers, and health and fitness freaks who would LOVE to snag a Vejibag or three?)


Look at the amazing rewards we offer:

THE VEJITAG:  Made from upcycled cotton, silkscreened with water-soluble dyes, and sealed with beeswax.  A small token of our thanks. Use it as a bookmark!

THE VEJITAG:  Made from upcycled cotton, silkscreened with water-soluble dyes, and sealed with beeswax.  A small token of our thanks. Use it as a bookmark!


THE HERBIBAG:  An Indiegogo Exclusive! Made from upcycled cotton, 6" X 9". Perfect for storing a small bunch of fresh herbs, a big fistful of organic carrots, or a medium size bunch of salad greens.

THE HERBIBAG:  An Indiegogo Exclusive! Made from upcycled cotton, 6" X 9". Perfect for storing a small bunch of fresh herbs, a big fistful of organic carrots, or a medium size bunch of salad greens.


THE VEJIBAG:  Let's face it. This is just the best. Made from 100% U.S. Virgin Organic Cotton, gorgeous, thick, yummy-to-handle, French Terry fabric.  Approximately 9" X 13".  Use moist Vejibags to store greens, beets, carrots or more for a week or more!

THE VEJIBAG:  Let's face it. This is just the best. Made from 100% U.S. Virgin Organic Cotton, gorgeous, thick, yummy-to-handle, French Terry fabric.  Approximately 9" X 13".  Use moist Vejibags to store greens, beets, carrots,  or even a small poodle, for a week or more! (Okay, we're kidding about the poodle.  We love poodles.  How about a head of cauliflower?  That kinda looks like a poodle...)

THE VejiBIG:  Another Indiegogo Excluseive! Made from 100% U.S. Virgin Organic Cotton, gorgeous, thick, yummy-to-handle, French Terry fabric.  Approximately 10" X 17".  Use moist VejiBIGs for larger items like Kale, Swiss Chard, Celery, and Broccoli.  Or maybe a Standard poodle...

VEJICLIPS:  Another Indiegogo Exclusive! Vejiclips (our first test batch shown above) are made from Maine hardwood and sealed with beeswax. They come in sets of six and are crafted just for you by our in-house calligrapher.  Clip them to your Vejibags to remind you which crisp, fresh goodies you have stowed in your fridge!  And get this!  We scored some rare, U.S.-made clothespins, manufactured by the now-defunct Penley Corporation of Paris, Maine.  When these run out, we'll have to switch over to imported clothespins, so grab them while they last!

VEJICLIPS:  Another Indiegogo Exclusive! Vejiclips are made from Maine hardwood and sealed with beeswax. They come in sets of six and are crafted just for you by our in-house calligrapher.  Clip them to your Vejibags to remind you which crisp, fresh goodies you have stowed in your fridge!

And get this!  We scored some rare, U.S.-made clothespins, manufactured by the now-defunct Penley Corporation of Paris, Maine.  When these run out, we'll have to switch over to imported clothespins, so grab them while they last!

We'll send our standard six: Salad Greens, Carrots, Broccoli, Kale, Cucumbers, and Spinach


Choose from the list below and email us with your special requests! Our calligrapher is standing by!

Artichokes, Asparagas, Arugula, Basil, Beets, Beet Greens, Broccoli, Brussels Sprouts, Cabbage, Carrots, Cauliflower, Celery, Celeriac, Chard, Cilantro, Collards, Cucumber, Eggplant, Fennel, Green Beans, Kale,  Lettuce, Leeks, Parsnips, Peas, Peppers (don’t wash, just put in damp bag), Radishes, Rhubarb, Salad Greens, Spinach, Scallions, Turnips, Zucchini

Or something else?  New Zealand Spinach, perhaps?


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$10 USD

ONE HERBIBAG: An Indiegogo Exclusive! 6" X 9" Made from 100% Upcycled Cotton. Great for storing a handful of herbs, carrot sticks, or what-have-you green stuff. Plus recognition on our website! Free Shipping in the U.S. International Orders add $10 USD.
Estimated Shipping
June 2013
6 claimed


$15 USD
ONE 100% ORGANIC COTTON VEJIBAG (10 x 12"). Use the Vejibag for storing all kinds of greens, lettuce, broccoli, carrots, beets, mushrooms, and more! Plus recognition on our website! Free Shipping in the U.S. International Orders add $15 USD.
Estimated Shipping
June 2013
4 claimed


$25 USD
ONE 100% ORGANIC COTTON VEJIBAG (10 x 12") and ONE UPCYCLED COTTON HERBIBAG. Use the Vejibag for storing all kinds of greens, lettuce, broccoli, carrots, beets, mushrooms, and more! Use the Herbibag for a smaller amount of vegetables or a generous handful of fresh herbs! Plus recognition on our website! Free Shipping in the U.S. International Orders add $15 USD.
Estimated Shipping
June 2013
9 claimed


$40 USD
THREE 100% ORGANIC COTTON VEJIBAGS. Use the Vejibag for storing all kinds of greens, lettuce, broccoli, carrots, beets, mushrooms, and more! Plus recognition on our website! Free Shipping in the U.S. International Orders add $15 USD.
Estimated Shipping
June 2013
4 claimed


$45 USD
Another Indiegogo Exclusive! THREE 100% ORGANIC COTTON VejiBIGs (10 x 17"). The VejiBIG is perfect for larger items like Kale, Swiss Chard, Broccoli, and Celery. Plus recognition on our website! Free Shipping in the U.S. International Orders add $15 USD.
Estimated Shipping
June 2013
10 claimed


$60 USD
THREE 100% ORGANIC COTTON VEJIBAGS, ONE UPCYCLED COTTON HERBIBAG and SIX wooden VEJICLIPS, another Indiegogo Exclusive! Vejiclips identify what green goodies you have stashed. Did we say this is the PERFECT gift for you or your Vejifriend? The hand-drawn calligraphy on the beeswax-sealed wooden Vejiclips make the whole experience, well, pretty awesomely, naturally, environmentally, special! Plus recognition on our website! Free Shipping in the U.S. International Orders add $20 USD.
Estimated Shipping
June 2013
16 claimed


$100 USD
SIX ORGANIC COTTON VEJIBAGS and TWO SETS of SIX wooden VEJICLIPS, sealed with beeswax, with hand-drawn calligraphy to see at a glance what green goodness is inside your Vejibag. Six Vejibags is the perfect number for two small households or for one True VejifFreak couple or family! We will honor you on our website as a major VejiFriend! Free Shipping in the U.S. International Orders add $25 USD.
Estimated Shipping
June 2013
10 claimed


$450 USD
The "YOUR HOLIDAY SHOPPING IS DONE!" PACKAGE contains EIGHT VEJIGIFT PACKS! Each Gift Pack includes THREE 100% Organic Cotton Vejibags, ONE Upcycled Cotton Herbibag, and ONE SET of wooden Vejiclips. Write one check and BOOM! your shopping for Vejifriends, Eco-buffs, and Veji-freak relatives is done for the year! We'll write especially sweet things about how grateful we are for your generosity on our website. Free Shipping in the U.S. International Orders add $55 USD.
Estimated Shipping
June 2013
1 claimed


$1,500 USD
YOUR OWN SIGNATURE EDITION "HOLIDAY SHOPPING IS DONE!" PACKAGE! Work with our in-house designer to create a signature label image all your own. We'll specially produce EIGHT VEJIGIFT PACKS that will be unique to you! KAZAM! A signature gift for Vejifriends, Eco-buffs, and Veji-freak relatives. They'll never forget it. We'll write about you and how grateful we are for your generosity on our website. Free Shipping in the U.S. International Orders add $55 USD.
Estimated Shipping
June 2013
0 out of 8 of claimed


$2,500 USD
ENJOY TWO NIGHTS AND THREE DAYS IN EASTPORT, ME, plus the "YOUR HOLIDAY SHOPPING IS DONE!" package. You take care of transportation and we'll cover food and lodging. You’ll be free to explore whale-watching or hiking, kayaking, lobster rolls and more. Have brunch on the deck at the Liberty Café with Sally and Tim! And OF COURSE we'll write endlessly about how grateful we are for your kind generosity on our website. Free Shipping in the U.S. International Orders add $55 USD
Estimated Shipping
June 2013
0 out of 4 of claimed


$5,000 USD
A 90 MINUTE EVENING PRESENTATION followed by a 1-DAY WORKSHOP for up to 20 participants (designed for your community and facilitated by Sally Erickson) on "Creating a Community Conversation about Local Economy and What IS Enough?" Anywhere in the continental United States. Plus SIX VEJIBAGS, SIX HERBIBAGS, and TWO SETS of 6 VEJICLIPS. Of course, a glowing note will appear on our website about who you are and why you made this completely over-the-top generous donation.
Estimated Shipping
June 2013
0 out of 2 of claimed

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