Short Summary
"Venture Falls" is a comedy that encompasses realistic events as it follows the lives of three teenagers as they begin work at a rundown pirate themed amusement park called Venture Falls. The show reflects what it's like having a day to day job that you don't necessarily enjoy, or really know why you still work there, but continue showing up because of the people you work with. We will be entering "Venture Falls" into Shoot Santa Fe, a film competition based in Santa Fe, New Mexico. Upon winning the competition, the winners will be given the opportunity to turn their teaser into a pilot with the possibility of getting picked up by a production company.
What We Need & What You Get
The money you donate will be used for costumes, props, transportation, food, equipment, and any other costs that may pop up along the way. Depending on the amount you donate, we will send you original "Venture Falls" memorabilia as a thank you for your generosity.
The Impact
"Venture Falls" is an old concept that is near and dear to our creator's heart and it is finally being brought to life. Thanks to an incredibly dedicated cast and crew, who also see the potential in this project; production will soon be in full swing. Our hopes are that you will also see the potential in the project, and help us make it a reality.
Other Ways You Can Help
Please help us by spreading the word, sharing our indiegogo link, and following us on Facebook.Thank you for all of your help and support!