About Us
NTI Blockchain, Inc. is a software company located with offices in Los Angeles & San Diego, CA. Nicholas Trataris started this company over 31 years ago in Los Angeles, and has been passionate about software innovation from day one. He has watched the evolution of technology for many years and was excited after researching Blockchain technology. We believe that Blockchain, Cryptocurrencies and the Interplanetary File System (IPFS) will change all our lives as much the invention of the Internet did for us in the early 90's.
Easy as 1, 2, 3
1. Open an account
2. Purchase a batch of digital asset id's
3. Add you assets to the app. Take a picture of the item and a receipt and a serial number. Enter a description, value and date of purchase
Digital Asset ID app
Combating the Counterfeit Crisis
In 2017, an estimated 1.66 billion people worldwide purchased online goods. With these numbers only rising, the need for a reliable way to confirm a product's authenticity and ownership is essential.
There has been a growing back lash of products being sold on large online sale entities such as Amazon being knock offs of the actual product that was promised to the consumer.
What Verified hopes to provide is a certified label that once associated with a product you are buying online, guarantees the product is the genuine artifact.
Eliminate the Middleman
When conducting large sales, such as a used car, transfer information can be entered into the objects Digital Asset ID®® record so as to permanently track details on the transaction, such as sale amount, terms of the transfer, and reason of sale.
Traditional bureaucratic systems such as notaries and the DMV can utilize the MINE database to verify the entire history of a possession from the individuals who have bought and sold it.
By scanning the QR code with your phone, you will have access to all the past sales history of the product as well as it's authentication.
We started this project a few years ago to fight counterfeit goods but we did not have the backend software infrastructure. When Blockchain came along we realized that it fit the bill and was exactly what we need to compete the project.
The technology behind our project
So the three major components are Blockchain, Smart Contracts and IPFS. The Blockchain will contain the transaction on the Ledger, the Ethereum Smart Contract will facilitate the transfer of assets like the Title and Alt-coins, and finally IPFS will store the images of the assets.