"An introverted dancer, forced to live out his mothers dream. The film follows him through his social troubles, and tackles the issues of loneliness and drug abuse in young people."
We are Self-Surrender Studios, a group of up-and-coming filmmakers based in York from different backgrounds. Our project is 'Vicarious', an idea created by our director, Ollie. As soon as we heard the idea, we knew that it was something that deserved our full attention. However with it being our first project, we can't foot the budget ourselves. That's where you come in.
What We Need & What You Get
Over the development stage of our project, we had many a meeting trying to figure out what we would need to make this film as great as we know it can be. To put it simply, we are looking at a goal of around £1000 - with this, we can pay for locations, actors, costumes, props, general expenses, and even distribution in short film festivals! We're lucky to already have an established crew, but the rest hinges on this crowdfunding, so every little helps.
But don't worry about not getting anything in return - for your donations, you'll get rewards for what you contribute. For as low as £5, you'll get your name in the credits, with the rewards growing the more you donate, such as copies of the finished script and a copy of the film. Not only that, but any amount deserves our undying thanks. The more we raise over the total budget, all of that goes into making the film better and distributing it further.
The Crew
From left to right, top to bottom:
Ed Jones: Sound Operator and Editor
Ewan McAspurn: Production Manager and Designer
Andrew Sangster: Producer and Writer
Ben Robinson: Camera Operator
Kelsey Fields: Location Manager and Editor
Ollie Laschke: Director and Writer
Dan Clark: Cinematographer
Other Ways You Can Help
Some people just can't contribute, but that doesn't mean they can't help. Even if you can't afford to donate and want to help us out in some other way, you can always share this crowdfunder with your friends, family, anyone that would be interested.
You can also follow us on our social media to keep up to date with our project.
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SelfSurrenderStudios/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/selfsurrenderstudios/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/SelfSurrender