We are opening a subscription for the first major publication of my aphorisms.
My initial dive into this slippery genre was, of course, inspired by my youthful love for Stanisław Jerzy Lec's Uncombed Thoughts. For nearly forty years now, in accordance with his teachings, I’ve been trying to distill thoughts into succinct formulations.
"Let’s express ourselves briefly so we can finish the sentence in the same era..."
Since my first attempts in this direction, almost forty years have passed, and in that time, a couple of eras have ended—but the very existence of Lec's Uncombed Thoughts made me continuously postpone the publication of my own book.
But now, I've decided. And here's what we've come up with...
"We" because my aphorisms are being translated into English by the wonderful American, Marian Schwartz. In her youth, she had the chance to communicate with Nina Berberova and introduced her to the English-speaking world. She has translated Goncharov, Bulgakov, Olesha, Lotman, and the aforementioned Lev Nikolaevich... About ten years ago, during her time off from working with the greats, she translated a few of my short stories into English. And recently, in her Austin, Texas home, she polished up the translations of my aphorisms.
Lucky me, right?
Thus, the album will be bilingual! It is recommended for language learners, especially Russian (for now) children and grandchildren of those who have moved to (hated, wonderful—you choose) America and other English-speaking countries. Or you could skip learning languages altogether and simply enjoy my little phrases and the illustrations by Viktor Bogorad, a St. Petersburg classic of Russian caricature
In short: sales are open!
So, if you wish, purchase our album.