VIDAMETER is not just another smartband, emergency bracelet or fitness tracker. VIDAMETER IS MORE!
It combines essential and life-saving features in one wristband and forms the ultimate device for health, fitness and life-saving!
Take a look at this image and you will see what makes VIDAMETER so unique and incomparable to any other wearable device on the market.
Being healthy is a state of
physical, mental and emotional well-being and the most important condition for
a long and happy life. In our fast moving world with all its demands of being
stress-resistant, flexible and having quick reactions to changes, health
awareness becomes more and more important for everyone. Before we are thinking
of how we should be, how our lives should be, how the world should be, these
days we are thinking of HOW WE ARE.
We are
With VIDAMETER we want to emphasize
the well-being of each individual and show it in every moment. VIDAMETER is designed to shape the relationship of health, vitality and security with a lasting effect.
This smartband
is the first of its kind that combines ALL features of conventional fitness
trackers, healthcare products and other wearable devices.
Many of the products already
available on the market only allow the user the detection of isolated vitality
and fitness signs, so that only limited analyses are possible. VIDAMETER captures
all vital signs such as pulse, blood flow rate, blood oxygen saturation, levels
of activity, calories, steps and skin temperature, prepares all data
transparently and gives actively recommendations and directions about the vital
Additionally, it provides all-round
protection for the precious life of each individual trough the integration of
fully automatic emergency alerting. VIDAMETER detects danger in emergency
situations and automatically calls for help. It provides location data and information
about the physical condition of the person in need, so that emergency workers
lose little time and can take the necessary action immediately.
All these advantages integrated,
VIDAMETER forms a truly unique product that delivers incomparable insights into
the human body and thus helps to optimize the health and well-being and can
also save lives.
On top of that, VIDAMETER is
equipped with NFC-technology, which simplify everyone’s daily life even more by
enabling cashless shopping, barcode scanning or a keyless entry system. That
and boundless other possibilities of VIDAMETER bring people exactly back there
– to enjoy their life and the things they love.
Our aim is for you to achieve a
better understanding of your skills, abilities and health while
enjoying your life and the things you love. With your support in this campaign,
VIDAMETER could become a truly outstanding addition to our lives.
is a friendly and discrete
assistant that completely
records and carefully monitors your well-being on your wrist. Whether newborn,
child, teen, adult or the older generation - VIDAMETER is really interested in
how you are and take care of your life at every moment. We have developed the
revolutionary smartband VIDAMETER as the world ́s first holistic product approach to
well-being. It offers multiple unique features:
VIDAMETER achieves the optimal
wearing comfort trough the memory-effect of the polymer wristband. Polymer is an
100 % recyclable material and is thus completely environmentally friendly.
Furthermore this material has the characteristic to learn shapes and so it fits
like a second skin to your wrist. So VIDAMETER feels natural and is completely
It also has no clasp. VIDAMETER
works in sympathy with its wearer and automatically adapts itself to your
wrist. So it cannot fall off or be ripped of from your arm, not even in extreme
Any doubts about data security? Of course, we have
also considered that point. Your data will be stored anonymously and encrypted
on VIDAMETER. You will own your records in safe and protected/encrypted
formats. It is your data! So you are the only person that has access to this
data. You do, however, have the ability to share the data (e.g. with your
doctor, your friends) and only if you want to. To ensure that, we have been
working together with the world’s best computer programmers. In addition we
will organize a Hacker-contest, where the world’s best hackers are invited to
try to hack VIDAMETER.
VIDAMETER is THE wearable device that supports you
in every moment of your life. It does not require you to have a smartphone, a
tablet or computer. It works completely independent. We do not want to give you
another electronic device, which you have to own to use VIDAMETER. But of
course you can analyses your data on the computer or your smartphone and use
different apps to make the best out of it.
You handle VIDAMETER intuitively and easy via touchscreen. You can
switch with one finger through the simple menu. Clearly understandable icons
show you the different functions and give you further information about your
vital state. Through colour changing LED-strips on the edging of Vidameter you
will see at a glance how you are. A vibrating alert supports the whole.
do not want to compare with others in regards to functions and possibilities or
even arrange a competition. What we really want is to help people to recognize
quickly, easily and without any effort, how they are - in every moment. We want
people to be active and fit - and know when they are overdoing it. We want to
save lives by giving the right help in time and that no longer anyone has to
wait for hours to be rescued. We know that it is already possible today, and
that all the time we are doing everything we can to realize our vision.
concept of VIDAMETER is unique! VIDAMETER integrates useful and life-saving
functions of the safety, fitness and health sector into one product and
replaces all currently available Fitness- and Activity-Trackers. In addition,
it simplifies your life through functions such as smart alarm, scanning or
cashless shopping.
automatically adapts itself to your wrist like a second skin. It feels
completely natural and is hyperallergenic. A sophisticated security system
keeps your data personal and secret. You are the only one, who can access the
data and make the best out of it.
is there for you in every moment to capture your well-being and save your life.
It is the all-in-one smartband that really cares how you are! That is our
promise and we find that makes the decisive added value for you and everyone
For the
further forward-looking development of VIDAMETER, we have created a special
Developer-Package. We are sure, that there are boundless possibilities for the
use of VIDAMETER. Addressing this, we would love to see how you make use of the
VIDAMETER technology and find ways to adapt VIDAMETER even more to the needs of
its wearers. Regardless of whether cool APPS, better sensors, unknown
applications, we want YOU to build the world around VIDAMETER.
Developers are welcome – Get SDK, documentation, prototype and
will provide you access to the complete software and all sensors. Furthermore
you will get our documentation as well as a fully operative prototype of VIDAMETER and support from us via our e-mail
VIDAMETER combines a unique sensor technology with fully automatic emergency alerting. 9 unique
sensors and a countless number of different technologies form the heart of VIDAMETER.
We all bring unique expertise—from medicine to sensor
technology to product design:
Alexander Krenn - CEO & Founder (Hard- and
Software development, product innovation)
Angelika Brunner - Head of Communication (Marketing
& PR)
- Sascha Mundstein - Strategist (Strategy, Finance,
Software development)
Barbara Krenn - Health-expert (Health and Translation)
Philipp Raunigg - Head of Design (Product and Campaign Design)
…. - Logistician (Production and
Logistics) to be announced
…. - Programmer (SDK and Sensor Development)
to be announced
- Pool of international experts (medicine, sports, media etc.)
What unites us is the desire to provide with VIDAMETER
a product that focus on the well-being of each individual and put it back into
the center of everyone’s life vision. We want that VIDAMETER is the only
devices people need to do what they love, all day long.
We achieve this with an understanding of the human body, competence in
the field of health protection and assistance and care and precision in the
execution of our comprehensive, multidisciplinary, technical product solution VIDAMETER.
Impulse for the idea of VIDAMETER
was an accident in April 2013, where a young man had to wait for rescue for
more than 8 hours in vain and that only 300 meters away from his home. Nobody
heard his shouts, nobody noticed him and initially nobody missed him.
Since this incident, we were
profoundly convinced, that in this day and age, it could not be that one has to
wait for such a long time to get first aid. We wanted to change that!
Subsequently our team has been spending a lot of time, work, money and care
on the development of VIDAMETER and engaging in all processes such as product
design, engineering, software programming, production planning or logistics.
We have gathered thousands of
personal consumer insights and stories of fate. We have talked to a handful of
experts who are specialised in sensor technology and programming, software
development and medicine and nursing and to members of diverse professional
groups like emergency medical or fire services. And we tried to find ideal development partners
for the future realization of VIDAMETER.
Based on all these activities
we defined VIDAMETER’s customer value, we made a feasibility study, set the
sensor technology and the design and build a first electronic prototype. Now we
are at the ready and with your support it is possible that VIDAMETER becomes
have been working with manufacturers and carriers, so everything we need is now
in place. We have a team based in Austria where the whole production will
occur; we have partners around the world who believe in VIDAMETER and are
already working on the integration of VIDAMETER in their products. So we are
well prepared for our vision.
Your support will allow us to
initiate production so we can make VIDAMETER available to you and to millions
of other people!
Our aim with VIDAMETER is that
unpleasant and threatening conditions take no or little influence on the lives
of people, people stay fit and healthy and in an emergency, every precaution is
taken to guarantee a quick and smooth health care. Together – we can make our lives
healthier, safer and happier.
So why should you support us?
- VIDAMETER is the next evolution in measuring life. Be part of it!
- VIDAMETER will provide you a holistic understanding of your
well-being as never before and give you incredible insights into your
body. Take a look!
- VIDAMETER is the missing link between fitness, health, security and
lifestyle. Take your pick!
- VIDAMETER is your personal guardian. Live your life!
- VIDAMETER is first wearable device, which makes it possible to
leave your home without anything else like keys, money, fitnesstracker,
emergency wristband. Get free!
You will get a fully operative VIDAMETER, a instructions manual in analog and digital form, the self-developed VIDAMETER App and the QI charging plate.
As you may know, a project is a targeted, one-time undertaking, which consists of a set of coordinated and controlled activities with
start and finish dates. Most commonly, a project
is performed by taking
into account risks in terms of
time, resources (eg money or
costs or production) and quality to achieve the defined goal.
The same is true to the VIDAMETER project. We have the
aim to launch a product in late 2015, which measures the well-being of everyone
and so improve, lengthen and save countless lives. Although we have drawn up a
consistent and conclusive project plan, we also face risks and challenges, which
we try to minimize with different actions taken by us and your support:
– Production
Due to the
newness and the small seize of the components in VIDAMETER we are initially depending
on a handful of producers who are specialised in sensor technology. At present
it is still too cost-intensive to produce the required sensors by our own.
How do we meet this challenge? To avoid potential bottlenecks we purchase
the components in quantity less expensive. Furthermore we try to be in close
dialogue with the critical producers and build up a long-standing business
relation with them to ensure the constant supply. As start-up we can provide
them the necessary flexibility and possibility to test their innovations in
real and get quick and accurate results. In the long term, however, we would
like to produce the required components on our own in Austria and thus generate
new jobs, contribute to the net product of Austria and stimulate the regional
Your support will help us to make all this possible more
powerful and quicker. On the back of your help we are able to negotiate better
terms for the resources and we are able to start the production in Austria
– Data
Another challenge
is the data for the programming. We need precise and consistent data to
finetune the software programming, because software is only as good as the
data, it is processing. This is why live tests are very important to us to get
real data of different persons.
How do we meet this challenge? All members of our team will wear a VIDAMETER
at every moment and keep records of their vital states. In addition we have
already attracted support from a professional stunt crew who will wear
VIDAMETER while doing stunts like accidents, spills and much more and a
professional porno production team who will wear VIDAMETER during their
shootings. In this way we can analyse data from different and uncommon
With your support we still get more of the required data out
of daily life! You could be one of our 1000 BETA-Testers who are content to
wear VIDAMETER at every moment and measure their vital data. With your help and
your data we could get the most out of the VIDAMETER project.
Data security
Data security
is a very important issue for us! In
times of Heartbleed, the NSA spying scandal, Whatsapp or Facebook we are
mindful of data security by all means. We want that
your data stays private and is protected in the best possible way.
How do we meet this challenge? Prior to our launch of VIDAEMTER we are
organizing a hacker-contest with the world’s best hackers to ensure the best
possible data privacy. If they succeed in hacking VIDAMETER, we would be able to
determine any security gaps in advance and close them fastest possible to have
one of the safest products in the world.
By supporting our campaign and pre-ordering
your VIDAMETER you will be
part of our revolution, which counteracts the surveillance state, certain
social media platforms that are acting like a modern STASI and global
technology players who deceive you with their marketing campaigns and their
lifestyle products to soak you and to make money out of your data.
Since summer 2013, our team has been spending a lot of
time, work, money and care on the development of VIDAMETER and engaging in all
processes such as feasibility studies, product design, production planning or
logistics.So far we have done 8 months of groundwork for
VIDAMETER. Now all we need is in place and we are on the verge of realizing our
vision! We are ready to pursue our tough and comprehensive plan by the end of
How do we meet this challenge? We know that our project plan takes up a lot
of time (18 months). Please be sure, that our plan is well-wrought, all steps
are elaborated and each hour of work is worth it! We are convinced that quality
needs its time. That is why the delivery of VIDAMETER needs a little bit more
time than that of others products. But only thus we can promise that you will
get your VIDAMETER without delays and at the best quality.
You can help us with your confidence, your patience and your
participation! We would be happy to get your support and your feedback to our
product and our ideas. Get in touch with us on
If you have any
further questions regarding the risks and challenges in the VIDAMETER project,
please to not hesitate to contact us. We would love to justify ourselves to
How long do I have warranty on VIDAMETER?
The warranty for VIDAMETER is 2 years from date of shipment and include
updates and replacement, in the event that your VIDAMETER is defective. We will
also grant you the right of return VIDAMETER withing 30 days from delivery when
you are not statisfied with it. Without giving any reasons you will get your
money back .
Are the functions of VIDAMETER patented?
Single functions of VIDAMETER, such as the automatic emergency alarm
including transmission of vital data of the person in need, have already been patented.
Many more features are to be patented right now (patent application pending). We
can not continuously protect our product from imitators with these patents, but
so we can prevent that similar products are coming to the market that have been
made with less care and quality, and are not such a well-conceived product as VIDAMETER
Can I do any activities with VIDAMETER?
Swimming, climbing, boxing, etc.?
Yes, VIDAMETER is designed that it accompanies you in every situation and
does not hinder or bother you. Whether in your daily routine activities such as
showering or cleaning the house, in your sport activities such as tennis,
swimming, or climbing, or in exceptional cases such as an accident, VIDAMETER
is there for you in every moment.
How shock resistant and waterproof is VIDAMETER?
Fire, water, earth or air can not harm VIDAMETER. It is scratch-resistant
and shock-proof, water-resistant up to 300 meters and operates without problems
in a temperature range of -40 to +80 degrees Celsius.
Can I use VIDAMETER together with my
Basically VIDAMETER is fully self-contained. We do not want to give you an
additional device, which you then can use only in connection with your
smartphone, your tablet or your PC. Of course, there are APPs for VIDAMETER
developed by us and partners, with which you can make settings and reports
directly on your smartphone.
Why can I pre-order my VIDAMETER only by credit card?
As you may know, Indiegogo offers two option for contributing to Crowdfunding projects. You can either pay by credit card or with PayPal. We only opted for the payment by credit card. We strictly deny PayPal due to reasons related to data protection, reports of problems with the outpayments in other projects and hidden additional costs for you and us, too. Of course, we want to make your transfer of funds as easy as possible. So if you have not a credit card or you do not have the possibility to pre-order your VIDAMETER by prepaid card, please write us an email to We will find a solution for this issue. As we have a flexible funding, we will keep what we raise anyway and do not get all or nothing.
What if I am not satisfied with VIDAMETER?
Then you simple write us a mail and explain us why you are not satisfied.
Either we can solve your dissatisfaction together or you send us your VIDAMETER
back and get your money in return.
How is the comfort (right size, skin
compatibility, etc.) of VIDAMETER?
The optimal wearing comfort is made possible through the memory effect in the
polymerwristband. Polymer has the charateristic to remember states, therefore
VIDAMETER is like a second skin around your wrist. So it feels natural and is completely
hypoallergenic thanks to the 100 % recyclable material polymer. VIDAMETER does
not require a suitable lock. It automatically adaptts to your wrist , so it can
not fall off or be pulled off of your arm, even in extreme situations.
Can I program VIDAMETER autonomosly?
You can easily make settings (time and date setting , weight, and age etc.
) for your VIDAMETER. This can be done directly on the screen for which you do
not need any programming skills to do so. But if you are comfortable with
programming, you can also develop your own app for VIDAMETER. More information
can be found under the Developer section.
How is my health status displayed?
Your health status will be shown directly on the display of VIDAMETER. Easy
understandable icons indicate you how you are and give you short information
about your vital state. In addition, colored LED lights on the edge of
VIDAMETER display your status, thus, you can see at a glance how you are doing.
Long-term evaluations of your health can be made on your smartphone, tablet or
Do I have to enter my data (weight, age,
etc. ) into VIDAMETER by myself?
No, you do not have to enter these settings by yourself. We will be happy
to help you if you send us your basic data. However, we believe that you can
easily even successfully perform the settings by the simple and intuitive operation
of VIDAMETER. On our website is a video tutorial available in
which you all will be explained in detail and easy to understand , in case you
need help.
Can I provide my data for my doctor?
Your data belongs to you! You have them available in a safe, secure and
encrypted format. You can give your doctor the information he needs, only if
you want to. It is your choice and we assume no liability for it. You can
decide this with the simple click on your PC before you print the data or save them
on your USB stick.
How much will VIDAMETER cost?
VIDAMETER will be available on the market at a retail price of € 349 EUR, £ 289
GBP or $ 479 USD in DECEMBER 2015. We deliver VIDAMETER with a description in analog and digital
form and the relevant software for Windows Phone, Windows Desktop, Android and
iOS. Unfortunately, the shipping costs have to paid by you.
Can I customize the design of VIDAMETER individually?
VIDAMETER is available in various colors. In addtion, we can muster any
kind of design on the smartband and so vote your VIDAMETER individually for
you. Either you send us your template or theme that you would liked to have,
and our design team designs your custom design, or you can take pot luck. The
additional charge for this service is € 69 EUR, £ 59 GBP, $ 89 USD.
Is the size of the smartband
VIDAMETER is available in 3 different lengths. This ensures that everyone will get its VIDAMETER in the appropriate size. It perfectly adjusts to
your wrist and hugs it smootly so that the sensors are located in the right place. This is why you will have
no problem that your VIDAMETER is too
tight or too loose. It feels
like a second skin.
How can I make sure that all sensors of VIDAMETER work properly?
VIDAMETER makes a self-test every 24 hours. Provided that VIDAMETER detects
that a sensor is faulty in this test, you will receive a message on the display
How does VIDAMETER work in an emergency?
VIDAMETER's nine sensors recognize an emergency from the change of your vital data. If you are unconscious or injured, VIDAMETER automatically sends an emergency call and informs up to 10 pre-defined persons or institutions via encrypted SMS, MMS or E-Mail (you have the possibility to predefine it). This message contains data of your location and your vital state. As soon as the recipient opens the message, the data appears on the mobile phone display as a snapshot. The received data will not be stored on the mobile phone of the recipient. Should your vital state change, a new message is sent. We are working with a partner with whom it is possible to send the data in any part of the world, even without a mobile reception.
Where will I get a VIDAMETER after the official market launch?
We will distribute VIDAMETER directly through our online store on after the Indiegogo-Campaign. On the one hand this saves you money and on the other one we can offer you
the best support and the ideal consulting which are necessary. Because we best know
our product.
How is the best possible data security guaranteed?
Unfortunately we cannot guarantee a data security of 100 %. But we will do
everything for it to give you the best possible security. We employ the best
programmers and annually organize a hacker-contest in which the best hackers in
the world will try to hack VIDAMETER. So we can identify potential data leaks
and close them immediately, even before you will get your VIDAMETER!
Does VIDAMETER measure my vital signs
anytime, anywhere ?
Yes, the bracelet is measuring your vital signs discreetly and quietly at
every moment. Only this way is it possible to detect irregularities and
"hidden" diseases in time and prevent it. The same applies in case of
accidents and other health ailments. The more often the vital signs are
measured and faster you know that your body is not doing well, the faster and
easier you can be helped.
Why does VIDAMETER cost € 349 EUR, £ 289 GBP or $ 479 USD?
VIDAMETER is unique! It integrates useful and life-saving functions of the
safety , fitness and health sector into one product and replaces all currently
available Fitness and Activity-Trackers. In addition, it simplifies your life through
functions such as smart alarm, scanning or cashless shopping. VIDAMETER is
there in every moment to capture your well-being and save your life. We find
that makes the decisive added value!
How long is the useful life of VIDAMETER?
We estimate a useful life of 5 to 10 years as the average lifespan of the
sensors and components integrated in VIDAMETER is about as long . We can make long-term
tests as soon as VIDAMETER is available on the market in greater quantity.
Can I upgrade to the Developer Package?
Of course this is also possible! As long as developer packages are
available on Indiegogo , you can get your Developer Package from us. Working
together with developers is important for us and we do not want to create the
world around VIDAMETER all alone. We will provide Developer packages even after
the Indiegogo campaign. But then to slightly changed conditions.
Can I obtain VIDAMETER prescriped from my doctor or is
there any support from the health insurances?
At the present time we are not ready that VIDAMETER is integrated into the
national health systems. But we are working on it. With your support, we
already go one-step further.
Can I transfer data such as information
about my blood type, allergies, etc. to my VIDAMETER?
Yes, you can also store personal information on your VIDAMETER. Here we
will help you. Because in order to provide data security, they should be
encrypted. It is important for us that your information is correct and can be quickly
accessed at the crucial moment.
Can I measure my blood pressure with
Yes, this is possible. The blood pressure cannot only be measured by a sphygmomanometer.
This is also possible by ultrasonic. While the blood pressure monitor measures
only the systolic and diastolic blood pressure, the overall trend of the blood
pressure can be measured by ultrasonic. This is much more accurate and
When will VIDAMETER be available?
According to our plan we will start to deliver VIDAMETER to our 1000
Beta-Testers in JULY 2015. In NOVEMBER 2015 all our supporters on Indiegogo
will get their preordered VIDAMETER. Finally, in DECEMBER 2015 VIDAMETER will
be available on the market.
How can I be sure that you stick to your production plan?
We looked at other successful funded past projects and understand your
resentment and doubts when products are shipped partially 3 years after the
scheduled date of delivery to the supporters. To ensure that our production
schedule is met, we have calculated very accurately, installed appropriate
slack times and tried to secure critical production steps as far as possible.
We produce by ourselves and already have fixed commitments for the sensors from
our partners, so nothing stand in the way to met the production plan. Should
everything run really perfectly and according to plan, we would even be ready
three months prior to the scheduled delivery date (November 2015) and you will
get your VIDAMETER earlier. We do not promise that, but strive to achieve this
After the beta testing phase, will the VIDAMETER I have be the same as the released product?
Beta-testers will get a fully operative VIDAMETER. It will have the
same functionality like that of the Early Birds and the released
product, because after the Beta-tests we will upgrade them with the
latest software update (we upgrade all algorithms and fix all problems).
The Beta-tests are the most important to adapt VIDAMETER to the needs of its potential wearers at best possible.
They will help us to finetune VIDAMETER. It could be that the sensors
in the Beta-VIDAMETER will have different versions compared to the
released product, but this is in consequence of general further
development. You will not notice any differences in context to the
functionality. The warranty for all Beta-VIDAMETERs is limited to 1 year from date of shipment and include
updates and replacement, in the event that your VIDAMETER is defective.