The Idea
Vincent Lee is seeking to release an album with an impact. The music he writes deals with issues directly related to his experiences as a bipolar transman. He hopes that his music will educate those who have not walked in his shoes and help those who have. His hope is to use some of the proceeds from his music to give back to GLSEN Southern Maine's Students for Safe Schools Leadership Team, an activist group he proudly has participated in over the course of the past few months.
What We Need & What You Get
In order to release this album, Vincent needs your help, but don't think that your help will go unrewarded. Perks include digital and physical copies of the album, chord sheets, and more!
Risks & Challenges
The 30-day deadline does not apply to fundraising alone. It also applies to the recording of the album. While there has been some recording work already completed, the bulk of the work remains to be done. However, we believe it is completely reasonable to get this work done in this amount of time, and if we do not, it may delay you receiving your perks but we assure you, you will get them. In the event we do not reach our goal, we will still release the album on band camp. However, no physical copies will be available.
Other Ways You Can Help
Share this indiegogo campaign! Let people know that we are striving not just to release an album but to educate and empathize with the world. Tell people why this album is so important to YOU, and encourage them to donate.