Violet Project Summary
We are Madi and Chris, filmmakers and partners from Belfast, Northern Ireland. Both of us come from a Fine Art background and been collaborating creatively for the last eight years. We share a passion for creating engaging narratives and see film as a way to explore our curiosity in the space between beauty and horror. We are excited by the prospect of Directing Violet together.
To keep up to date with our work please click here.
This film is being produced by Belfast film production company, Wolfhound Media. Our executive producer, Stuart Drennan, is the writer of The Dig, a feature which won best picture at the Galway Film Festival 2018. Alongside Stuart, the experienced Alisdair McBroom will be Director of Photography, who will bring a high quality finish to the film.
View Wolfhound Media's showreel here.
Our two talented lead actors are Siobhan Kelly (left below) as 'Violet' and Emily Lamey (right) as 'Tanya.' Both women have a wealth of experience in Theatre, TV and Film. Siobhan starred in the play 'Shakespeare's Women' (2017) and as Egil's wife in the 'Vikings' (2016) TV series. Emily starred in the 'U2' music video 'Every Breaking Wave' (2015) which received 4 Nominations at the UK MVA’s, as well as the play 'Macbeth' (2017).
Why back this Film?
This campaign is very important to us on many levels. Violet’s message highlights the importance of loving yourself, this, we feel is a message of universal value. In addition, we feel that Violet’s story could not only resonate with LGBT+ people but could also raise awareness of LGBT+ issues with a wide audience.
Your support would mean that Violet can be made with the polish that it deserves. The level of quality that would be provided by your funding would help it to make a strong, positive impact. It is our hope to create a debate around gay marriage and why it should be allowed in Northern Ireland.
How can you help us?
We need to raise £3000 for the full production. We also have a stretch goal to £5000 which would enable our composer, Monica Bannon, to work with local musicians and a choir to make the soundtrack absolutely stunning.
Samples of Monica's soundtrack work can be found here on our Facebook page for you listen to.
We are in need of funding for two key aspects: production and post-production. During production (filming) we need to fund our talented actors, sound recording, costume, art department, food, transport and beyond.
In post- production we need things like support for the visual effects, sound editing and film editing. Here is a visual break down of where the £3000 would go.
What if we can't raise the full budget?
If we don’t reach our entire goal we will make Violet to the best of our ability. We have a strong capacity to scale our projects according to resources at hand.
Our previous film, The Erlking had a similar budget and scope to Violet and it was selected for the BAFTA qualifying Cork Film Festival, 2017.
View the Erlking's trailer here.
Perks for backers
If you are interested in supporting Violet’s production, thank you very much.
We have an array of exciting perks which can be viewed to the right of this page. Please take time to consider the various rewards such as a special thanks from us, bespoke artwork and VIP invitations to the premier of Violet. You can also become an Associate Producer and credited in the film's credits as well as on the 'Violet' IMDB page.
We will be grateful for any way you can support Violet, even if all can do is help us spread the word about our project. You can so this by sharing this page with friends or sharing the Violet Facebook page by clicking here. You can also use Indiegogo's share tools.
A chance to glimpse Violet's story
Here is some storyboards produced by local Illustrator and comic book artist, Sam Megaw.
You are also very welcome join us for a script reading on the 31st of July at 8.30pm in The LGBT centre, Belfast. For more information click here.
I guess the biggest mystery about Violet is if she is in fact a short woman? I know you are all dying to know. Do not despair, all will be revealed in time.
Thanks for looking at our crowdfunding page and I hope you are as excited by Violet as we are.