The Issue:
Hi, I am Scott Williams Advisor and Managing partner to Tactical Java LLC. If you are like me recent news headlines about good and decent men and women injured or killed in the line of duty has you more than just a little upset. Lately we are seeing these stories all too often.
As much as we might like to think otherwise none of us live in a world free from that violence. It is hard for those of us who are law abiding citizens to fathom the lawless in our culture and even harder to accept yet another tragedy when they strike. We feel frustrated and helpless about the situation as we pray for the families affected, but what if there was another way we could act to change that situation? What if there was something we could do to help prevent the next tragedy from happening in the first place? Wouldn't that be worth more to those families now then all of the condolences we could ever offer them afterwards?
The Solution:
One word "Training": As a former Army pilot we had a saying about this:
Train Hard, Fight Easy.
The escalation of violence today requires better, more effective training than ever before. We need 21st century training solutions to handle this new reality.
Our front line responders go through a lot of instruction to do their job, but they are missing a very important piece of that training puzzle, experience. In this case experience comes at too high a price when acquired out on the streets. Technology however can provide that "experience' in a safe, controlled, environment through the use of Virtual Reality.
You see military and civilian pilots have recognized the value of training simulators for a long time. I can tell you first hand that crashing in a simulator is far better than crashing in real life. Skills learned in that simulator relate directly to real world situations. Those acquired skills have saved numerous air crews and passengers over the years, and this concept can be applied to both tactical and self-defense situations today. Here is what that looks like.
By utilizing this unique 300-degree Virtual Reality training arena participants are driven to a greater degree of situational awareness. It is live acted and recorded so the interaction is with real people projected on 8 foot screens that make them proportional in size to real life.
This approach aids in the quick emersion of the participants into the scenario. An operator on the outside can change the actors’ responses seamlessly during the event, changing the outcome time and time again. With hundreds of possible scenarios participants will never see the same situation twice.
To add to the realism a Taser like device is attached to the user’s belt delivering a shock every time they are hit in the scenario. The mere fact that this could happen causes a number of changes to the participant's body. All of the following things happen in high stress situations: A rise in blood pressure, a surge in adrenalin, the loss of fine motor skills and tunnel vision. Each of these are perfectly mimicked in the simulator. Better to face them here before they see it for real.
By going through the program the participant gets a better understanding of how their body responds and what they have to do to remain in control to prevent either over or under reacting to similar situations.
This process helps them develop situational awareness on a level never before possible, creating safer and better controlled encounters. Additionally, the whole scenario is recorded and can be played back in slow motion for a thorough debriefing.
In a perfect world every police department would have this kind of system, but we don't live there. With budget constraints the expense of procuring, operating and maintaining such a system is cost prohibitive, and that is where you come in.
Your contributions will make a difference:
We can bring training centers like this to centrally located areas where dozens of local police departments, security guards and private citizens can have access to this life saving technology.
By pitching in together we can bring new tools to the battle of good vs. evil.
Our Goal:
The system is an expensive one so our goal is to raise $250,000 to start the first training center located in the Knoxville, Tennessee area. All funding received will go towards opening the center. Once in operation we can scout to find the next community to open a center.
$10 dollar contribution.
I made a difference Window Decal. Show your support for this program by displaying the windows decal in your favorite location. Us it as a conversation starter to let others know how they can support it too.
$25 dollar contribution.
Charter Member Honor Wall
Your name and photo will appear as a supporter for the project on our Facebook wall and website. You can proudly link to both as a way to let your friends know that you are taking positive action in the fight against crime.
$50 dollar contribution
Your Story, Your Words.
Along with your photo will be a spot for you tell your story. Why are you as passionate about this issue as we are. What compelled you to get involved. Do you have family in law enforcement? Maybe it was just a love of community and you knew you had to start somewhere. Whatever it is let the world know! You just may inspire the next person to take action as well.
$75 dollar contribution.
For this level of contribution you will receive the window decal, the opportunity to have your picture and your story presented on our Facebook wall and website plus you will get this limited production coffee mug. Coffee has a special meaning for those of us out in the field. It was over a cup of coffee where many a friendship started. No matter where I was stationed in the world there was always coffee.
$100 dollar contribution.
Sometimes the coffee kept us awake but it was not so good at keeping us company. In our "down time" cards helped pass the time. We would talk about the mission, or about the boredom, often those stories started with "There I was when....." It was during those session where we would relive the action of the day. For this level of contribution you will receive a unique limited edition card set that will never be produced again once the campaign is over.
$150 dollar contribution
For this level of contribution you will receive all of the other levels plus a transferable pass for you and a guest to go through 3 training scenarios of your own anytime after the Grand Opening. This could be for yourself or given as a gift to someone else.
$200 dollar contribution
At this level you will receive all of the previous perks plus a Fly Trap Wallet from our friends at Dark Sword Tactical ( Check their website and let us know which one works for you! (
A minimilist credit card holder/wallet. Ultra slim and lightweight, holds 5 standard credit cards or ID size credentials. Approximately 2.5''x4.0'', made from .080 Kydex or Bolatron.
$275 dollar contribution
This is our challenge coin level. You will receive all of the aforementioned perks plus one of only 275 challenge coins which entitles you to an across the board 10% discount on all things Tactical Java plus 10% off on your own virtual reality simulation, for the next 5 years!
$500 dollar Contribution
You will receive in addition to the other perks this unique and limited set of 2 shot glasses. There will be challange coins reserved for each one at this perk level.
$1000 dollar contribution
Once the first location is up and running we will be looking for the next location to target. At this contribution level you can help us decide where. Demographic information and other market considerations will be examined in making this determination. Caution, this contribution level might come with a little homework. Of course you will be working closely with the team after the grand opening of the first one. There will be challange coins reserved for each one at this perk level
$5,000 dollar contribution
In addition to helping us decide the next location you will be invited to testing week! Before the system will become available to the general public we need to thoroughly test every aspect of the program and that means testing, lots and lots of testing! Stay for a day or the whole week, run as many scenarios as you can handle. There will be challange coins reserved for each one at this perk level
Adopt a L.E.O. (Law Enforcement Officer)
$350 dollar adopt a L.E.O. program (Stand alone from any other perk)
Your contribution will allow a Law Enforcement Officer and their partner to go through 6 total simulations, 2 each as individual officers and 2 as a team. Once your adoption is used you will get a notification. If the officers agree you will also receive a photo and short video from them thanking you for making it all possible. There is no limit on the number of adoptions. You will be recognized on our special tribute page ranked by the number of adoptions taken.
The Impact:
Typically, we see from news reports the bravery displayed by our men and women in uniform and we are reminded about their sacrifices for the greater good at that moment. It is not often we have an opportunity to directly affect the lives of others, and less so those that protect us. The gift of a loved one walking in through the door of their home at the end of the day may be the best gift we could give. Your contributions make this a reality!
Risks & Challenges:
The biggest risk we face is time. The project will move forward with each contribution but the longer it takes to properly fund the program the longer it will be before this important training can be delivered.
Other Ways You Can Help:
Getting the word out by using the Indiegogo share tools is another great way to help! Share on social media and ask your friends to do the same. E-mail your entire address book, Ask them to keep it going! The faster we attain our goal and the higher we go beyond that goal the faster we can branch out to other areas.
Our Team:
Scott Williams
Served as a US Army Helicopter pilot in the following usits: 4/7th Air Cavalry Regiment, 498th Medevac platoon, and the 2nd CAB (Combat Aviation Brigade). Scott was a military advisor in Central America in the mid 1980's. He went on to earn a Bachelor of Science degree in Information Technology. After working a s field Engineer for IBM Scott started an I.T company in the north east. After selling his interest in that company Scott has created and sold several other businesses. He serves on the board of Wilco-Media and is a private consultant for businesses needing C Suite direction. He serves as the Managing Partner for Tactical Java LLC.
Daniel Williams
Daniel serves as a general partner in Tactical Java LLC. His area of expertise is in new product development and Marketing. Dan is also the lead product developer for handheld applications for Wilco-Media.
Craig Hays
Police operations advisor: Craig is a newly retired L.E.O. and long time training instructor for every level of policing from new recruits to S.W.A.T. units. He served in the Arlington Texas department, a large metropolitan territory in the Dallas Fort Worth area. From weapons tactics to hand to hand combat, Craig has been instrumental in furthering the discipline of Law Enforcement.
Bill Rogers
Tactics Advisor. Bill a former deputy sheriff has spent the last 25 years training Special operations individuals and units as well as NSPS personl the ins and outs of defense for our nation's nuclear assets, from power generating plants to weapons facilities Bill has trained thousands to handle every situation imaginable.