Short Summary
My name is Nathan Broyles, I'm married to my wife Caitlyn and we recently had our first son Dillon on February 14th of this year.
When I was nine years old I was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes. Struggling with this disease has made me wish it didn't exist. From day one I have had a dream of bettering the world by aiding charities. That is what Vision One aims to do. But then I thought, why stop at diabetes? The six colors in the "O" each represent a different charity that our proceeds will go to. Education, Environment, Breast Cancer, Diabetes, AIDS, and Hunger.
Your contribution will go to help start the company that aims to tackle world problems through helping what we feel are the best charities across the globe.
What We Need & What You Get
With your contribution right off the bat proceeds will go to the six charities listed as well as helping us start our production of our apparel products. We need a very humble $1500 to launch our initial stages of production. We have calculated this very carefully and will use exactly what we need to kick-off our company and contribute the rest to our six charities.
By purchasing any of our perks you get access to things that nobody else will EVER have access to! From a signed thank you card and being listed on our website to first edition apparel or a lifetime discount!
If we do not reach our goal we will donate all of the money we receive equally among the charities and keep none for our start. If this happens we will hopefully relaunch in the future.
The Impact
Our products will go to help several charities across the globe. Every purchase of every product we sell goes to benefit all sorts of people all over the world.
Other Ways You Can Help
If you are unable to contribute we hope that you can still tell your friends about us and our vision.
Thanks in advance for your support!
Nathan Broyles,
Founder Of Vision One