Roy Handy
0 Campaigns
| Lake City, United States

Visual Piano Basics: The Beginners Guide

A Comprehensive Piano Reference Guide

With 549 chord illustrations, intervals, scales, finger exercises, and a 216-chord reference. The easy-to-follow charts contain the most common chords and inversions in each key, along with the Nashville Number System.

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Highlighted piano notes show each pattern grouped with chords that are used together, providing a basic foundation for music theory, visually.

Key Pages

Highlighted piano notes show each pattern grouped with chords that are used together, providing a basic foundation for music theory, visually.

216 chord reference, scale fingering for both hands, five-finger repeating exercises (Hanon), all with easy to follow illustrations that show which notes to play.

18 Chords with Each Root Note.

216 chord reference, scale fingering for both hands, five-finger repeating exercises (Hanon), all with easy to follow illustrations that show which notes to play.

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