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We wanted a faster and more reliable way to prepare, organize, carry and access our crucial camp gear, so we made the world's most versatile outdoor adventure kit.
VSSL Camp Supplies takes the form of a traditional flashlight and extends its functionality way beyond illumination. It’s like the Swiss army knife of camp lights and is perfectly stocked with over 70 pieces of essential outdoor gear that doesn't compromise on quality, weight, or valuable pack space.
We wanted a faster and more reliable way to prepare, organize, carry and access our crucial camp gear, so we made the world's most versatile outdoor adventure kit.
VSSL Camp Supplies takes the form of a traditional flashlight and extends its functionality way beyond illumination. Every VSSL is perfectly stocked with over 70 pieces of essential outdoor gear that doesn't compromise on quality, weight, or valuable pack space. It’s like the Swiss army knife of camp gear, and it'll change the way you prepare for outdoor adventure.
Outdoor gear is in a constant state of innovation, getting lighter and easier to pack, except when it comes to the camping essentials. This is the stuff that can make or break a trip. You know the essentials checklist; a flashlight, a way to start a fire, purify water, bandage a wound, rope for a dry line, and tape to repair gear. There hasn't been a way to keep all these critical items ultra-packable, organized, and in one place for easy access, until now.
Packing every last inch of VSSL Camp with useful gear has been our obsession for over three years. But not just any gear. We’ve found the right mix of quality, functional gear that you’d want on you anytime you head out into the wild. Each piece has been carefully chosen and organized into clearly labeled screw top containers, so you know exactly where your essential gear is when you need it most. The result: when you grab your VSSL, you know you're ready for outdoor adventure.
VSSL Camp wasn’t created by marketing focus groups in some boardroom. It was invented by our founder, Todd Weimer, while he was growing up in Northern Canada. Todd and his best friend wanted to make packing and carrying their outdoor gear easier so they could prepare more quickly, and head out into the wild with confidence.
A few decades later Todd found himself inspired by his childhood experiences, and wanting to help others be better prepared for outdoor adventure. Holding an LED light one day, Todd found his muse. He realized that the handle of a traditional flashlight could now be used to house more purposeful gear. Todd hasn’t stopped packing critical outdoor gear into VSSL’s ever since. VSSL Camp Supplies is the result, and we’re confident that it’ll be the best damn thing you put in your backpack this year.
When you’re in the wild, the last thing that you want to worry about is your gear. That’s why we sent early prototypes of VSSL Camp Supplies out to a group of serious adventurers that we knew would put its functionality and durability to the test. Meet the professional explorers, coast guards, and guides that put VSSL Camp through its paces.
* Kickstarter uses your country of origin to determine which currency is displayed in our reward levels. Because we’re a Canadian company all our reward levels are converted from CAD to your countries currency. That’s why there may be a small discrepancy between our US reward amounts listed below, and what is listed by Kickstarter.
We've partnered with Suunto, the world's best compass maker, for a Suunto Compass upgrade option. After the campaign, when you get your Backerkit survey, you'll be given the option to upgrade from our standard compass to a Suunto edition compass.
If you've got some questions about the VSSL campaign that aren't in our FAQ, click "Chat With Us" below to be auto-magically taken to Facebook Messenger. We'll do our best to get back to you within a day.
VSSL doesn’t just make quality outdoor gear, we also care about making an impact on our community. That’s why, since we first started, we’ve partnered with Communitas; a not-for-profit that serves young people with special needs. It's often hard for these young folks to find good employment that is sustainable, so we decided to help make a change.
After all the parts of a VSSL arrive at our warehouse in Abbotsford B.C., they get carefully assembled by some of the exceptional young people that are a part of the Communitas program. We love having them as a part of the VSSL family and we’re extremely proud of their work; we’ve maintained a defective rate of less than 1% in the entire 4 year history of the brand. Thanks for helping us make a difference.
We love the crowdfunding community and what they represent; helping to launch innovative and purposeful new products. Crowdfunding is also a great way for us to gauge product viability and (hopefully!) increase quantities for pricing benefits on production runs. That’s why Kickstarter and Indiegogo are the first places people will be able to get their hands on a VSSL Camp Supplies. We have a little history with crowdfunding too.
Four years ago VSSL launched through Crowdfunding. At the time we knew nothing about digital marketing, or how to run a Kickstarter campaign. Fortunately, those early (and rough) versions of VSSL were well received. And despite a lot of bumps in the road, we had a successful product launch!
While the original VSSL was the distillation of Todd’s (VSSL’s founder) experience from his youth and as an outdoorsman, the all NEW VSSL Camp is everything the original VSSL was, with years of experience and feedback being poured into improving every component of our flagship product.
Over these last 4 years we’ve learned so much. We’ve made many improvements and the product quality is now world class. We’re proud to be launching VSSL Camp Supplies through crowdfundingand want to thank you for your support in helping us keep people prepared for outdoor adventure.
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Just right to be prepared for short term adventures. Camp Supplies Mini houses a firestarter kit, first aid kit, and a rope and razor kit, all in your choice of Black or Silver.
Included Items
VSSL CAMP Supplies Mini
Estimated Shipping
May 2019
0 claimed
Ships worldwide.
CAMP Supplies
$130 USD$131 USD(0% off)
The ultimate camp essentials tool includes over 70 pieces of camp gear in your choice of Black or Silver.
Included Items
VSSL CAMP Supplies
Estimated Shipping
May 2019
0 claimed
Ships worldwide.
Adventurous DUO
$230 USD$231 USD(0% off)
The Ultimate Camp Essentials pack for the ultimate adventure couple. 1 VSSL Camp Supplies and 1 Camp Supplies Mini in your choice of Black or Silver.
Included Items
VSSL CAMP Supplies Mini
VSSL CAMP Supplies
Estimated Shipping
May 2019
0 claimed
Ships worldwide.
Family Camp Pack
$460 USD$461 USD(0% off)
Perfect for the family that loves adventuring together! 2 Camp Supplies for you and your sweetheart PLUS 2 Camp Supplies Mini's for the Kiddo's.