Walk for Peace
Walk for Peace
Walk for Peace
Walk for Peace
Walk for Peace
This campaign is closed
Walk for Peace
Walk for Peace
I am participating in the upcoming Walk for Peace which is happening in San Francisco on Saturday, September 24.
The Walk for Peace is an event that happens in San Francisco once a year.
The Walk for Peace consists of a five mile walk through San Francisco and includes spontaneous meditations, random acts of kindness and possibly even a peace flash mob!
The goal is to raise awareness about how each of us can make a profound difference in our life and in the lives of our friends and families by living peace from the inside out.
“Let there be peace on earth, and let it begin with me”
In the light of recent and ongoing acts of violence taking place in our country and in the world, I believe it is important for each of us to be a presence of love and peace.
I am committed to doing my part. That is why I am walking.
Money raised will go to support Awakened Living, a non-profit spiritual organization in San Francisco dedicated to awakening human consciousness and creating a more peaceful and loving world.
How You Can Help
Sponsor me for the five mile walk. No donation is too small or too large!
My personal goal is to raise $1000 for the event.