More than just a Rucksack!!
Anyone know where the beach towel is, what about the rucksack and bag to put valuables in, also something comfortable to rest my head on.... familiar and something we wanted to find a solution too.
The concept actually came from my grandma who came up with the idea to sow my beach towel into my rucksack to stop me from losing it. The first time I visited the pool I had numerous people asking me where I bought that great bag and towel set from and that's where the walkbag started.
How to use?
As an inquisitive kind of guy who always looks for solutions to problems I started work on a design and a couple of years down the line after testing every fabric and idea imaginable the walkbag is now a fully functioning product that we want to deliver to mass market.
Personalise your design
In volumes the bag and towel can be totally personalised making it not only a brilliant product for consumers but also a great promotional tool for business. It comes in adult and junior version and we have a version with a super soft baby towel for new babies.
In summary
The walkbag is a rucksack and beach towel in one. It is designed to give plenty of room when its a rucksack so you can still store all your needs for a visit to either the pool or beach. There's an in built waterproof zipped pocket to store your valuable, an inflatable head rest that slides into a well designed sleeve.
The Walkbag comes in various colours and we are looking to make more designs. we have various towel options and the investment will help us to work on designs and fabrics and expanding to deliver a global product.