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Wallet TrackR - Find Your Wallet

Can't find your Wallet? Wallet TrackR helps you Find & Track your wallet & more!

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Wallet TrackR - Find Your Wallet

Wallet TrackR - Find Your Wallet

Wallet TrackR - Find Your Wallet

Wallet TrackR - Find Your Wallet

Wallet TrackR - Find Your Wallet

Can't find your Wallet? Wallet TrackR helps you Find & Track your wallet & more!

Can't find your Wallet? Wallet TrackR helps you Find & Track your wallet & more!

Can't find your Wallet? Wallet TrackR helps you Find & Track your wallet & more!

Can't find your Wallet? Wallet TrackR helps you Find & Track your wallet & more!

Christopher Herbert
Christopher Herbert
Christopher Herbert
Christopher Herbert
6 Campaigns |
Santa Barbara, United States
$47,744 USD 1,086 backers
954% of $5,000 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal
Mountain Filled 6 Projects Mountain Filled 6 Projects

Purchase Wallet TrackR Today!


What is a Wallet TrackR?

The Wallet TrackR fits easily into any wallet - just like a credit card. When combined with the free Wallet TrackR iPhone app, it becomes a powerful new tool to keep you from losing your wallet. When the Wallet TrackR gets separated from your iPhone or iPad, the Wallet TrackR app gently alerts you that you may be leaving your wallet behind.

The app also takes a GPS snapshot of where your wallet was at the moment of separation in case you didn't hear the alert. Tap a button within the app to make your wallet "ring" in case your looking for it around the house or in the dark. The technology works both ways, which means your wallet can beep to alert you that you're leaving your phone behind. Works with your iPhone 4S, iPhone 5, new iPad, iPad mini and the new iPod Touch.



How does Wallet TrackR work?

Forget-me-not reminder

If you forget your wallet, the App will play your favorite song and the Wallet TrackR will beep before you get too far.

Lost and Found Map

The App remembers the location and time you separated from your Wallet TrackR and can show you on a map.

Is your wallet hiding?

If you cannot find your wallet, press the FIND button in the App to cause the wallet to beep.

Device Specs

Width: 4.1cm

Length: 6.8cm

Thickness: 3.8mm

Battery Life: 1.5 years

Device Compatibility: iPhone 4s & later, iPad 3rd Generation & later, and Android 4.4 devices with Bluetooth Low Energy.



What People are Saying

  "it could be its handiest device yet"


"the next great way to safeguard your wallet"


"I am really excited about this, not only because of the technology, but because of the affordability. It's a small price to pay to keep track of your valuable gear."

"that the darn thing actually fits inside of your wallet without creating a bulge"


 "Handy, eh?"


The Item TrackR App

The App is already available for download.  Try out the Item TrackR App for yourself today by using it to track your Bluetooth Headset or Car.

Get it on Google Play

The App has an iPhone and iPad Interface.  The App can keep track of 10 items simultaneously.  In fact, the iPad has a special screen for you to interact with all your items on a single screen.

From the app you can set a custom icon, ring the device, see on a map where you last left your item (or where you parked your car if that is what you are tracking).  You can also be alerted with a custom ring tone.  

The separation alarm enables you to be reminded that you are leaving your item (or phone) behind with a brief chime.  

The app also has an Anti Theft Mode which will cause the wallet trackr to continuously ring if your wallet gets stolen.  It's a modern day car alarm.  You can silence the alarm with a single touch within the app.

With the app design, we tried to simplify the entire UI and enable users to access core functions as quickly as possible.  If you have any feature requests or feedback, we would love to hear it. or chris (at)


Get it on Google Play 



What Things Can I Track?

Find those keys underneath the couch!

Be reminded when leaving for work without your laptop bag

"Who keeps forgetting which beer is theirs?!?"

"Not Us...Bro."


Our Inspiration


My roommate always misplaced his wallet and it caused him to run late. At that moment, I realized he wasn't the only one with this problem. I called Chris, and my friend from college, to brainstorm on solutions to this problem. Our goal was a simple and seamless solution to prevent the problem of misplacing their wallets. Wallet TrackR was designed to be the thinnest solution possible Most people place their wallet in their back pocket, so the design is sturdy enough to sit on.

The Creators


Chris is a proud geek and lover of all things electronics and gadgets. Chris studied electircal engineering at University of Califronia Santa Barbara where he met Christian. After graduating, Chris started making consumer electronics devices and mobile applications. The projects chris has been involved with have won awards from Popular Mechanics, CES, and more.  Chris is an avid surfer and kite surfer.


chris (at)


Christian Smith is a mechanical engineer by training and enjoys imagining and creating new products. While attending the University of California, Santa Barbara, Christian and Chris were engineering classmates and surfed Campus Point in their spare time. After UCSB, Christian entered the world of manufacturing by building production robots and overseeing electronics production. When Christian is not building or playing with technology, he enjoys surfing, fishing, backpacking and playing his favorite instrument, the piano.

christian (at)


The Timeline

Here is an estimated timeline for our project:

February 25, 2013:
Tooling complete
February 25 - February 28, 2013:
Production Pilot Run and testing
March 20 to April 20, 2013:
Production Run
April 30, 2013:
Delivery to customers

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Does the Wallet TrackR/TrackR Card work with my phone?

    The Wallet TrackR/Device works with iPhone 4s & later, iPad 3rd Generation & later, and Android 4.4 devices with Bluetooth Low Energy.

  • Is the App free?

    Yes, you can download a beta version here today!  The app can track your bluetooth headset or track where you park your car (Automatically in the background!)

  • How long will the batteries last on the TrackR Card?

    Since we are using the new Bluetooth Low Energy technology, the batteries will last approximately 2 years

  • What is the range of the Wallet TrackR?

    The Wallet TrackR can connect to your phone from as far away as 100 feet. The user can set the alert distance to 100 feet or less.

  • Can I track other valuables with the wallet TrackR?

    Yes. You can attach the Wallet TrackR to whatever you would like to track. Purses, laptop bags, luggage, backpacks are just a few ideas.

Questions? Comments?

Email me: chris (at)

Press Page:

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Choose your Perk

2 Wallet TrackR Device Pack

$35 USD
You will receive two Wallet TrackR devices. One for yourself and one as a gift for that special someone. Retail value of $100 for $35 today.
Estimated Shipping
April 2013
Only 13 left

10 Wallet TrackR Device Pack

$150 USD
You will receive TEN Wallet TrackR devices. A retail value of $500 for $150 today (70% Off).
Estimated Shipping
April 2013
46 out of 500 of claimed

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