Who We Are:
Rhythms of Resistance Toronto is a political samba-inspired band that plays for environmental and social justice in Toronto, Canada, and beyond. We are part of an international network of bands playing for all kinds of socio-political and ecological causes. We oppose all forms of oppression and use music to demonstrate our opposition and show solidarity in struggles for justice. We are a non-hierarchical collective that is queer positive, feminist, anti-colonial, anti-capitalist, and is against all forms of racism and ableism.
Over the past three years, our band has been out in the streets supporting local unions; running workshops at community centres and schools; making noise for grassroots groups, and speaking out for environmental and social justice.
For a full list of our recent activities, please visit our website, and our facebook, youtube and flickr pages linked at the bottom of our campaign.
Take action by helping Rhythms of Resistance in August 2013!
On the weekend of August 23 - 25th, musicians and members of politically-engaged street bands from across North America will come to Toronto for the inaugural Bands Agitate and Mobilize! 2013. A convergence to share skills, strengthen community, create cross-border ties and use music to create change.
BAM!2013 will be a gathering space for attendees to participate in a weekend long series of workshops, skill-shares, facilitated discussion circles and caucuses; including...
Strategy sessions to develop and share tools/tactics for how to engage in struggles in our communities
Events to deepen our support for social movements locally, and across North America
Sessions to improve our musical practice, as well as sessions on tactical frivolity
Workshops on what it means to strive for “safer spaces” in our bands and activist collectives
Workshops on what it means to apply an anti-oppressive model to radical, street bands
...And, so much more!
Bringing other like-minded bands to Toronto is an amazing opportunity for us to learn and grow from the experiences of others. This will help us and others develop stronger links with our broader communities and contribute even more to social justice in in Southern Ontario, Quebec, and the United States.
To host this gathering and improve our practice as a band we need your support!
There are, of course, costs associated with this kind of gathering. The largest of which is transportation for the bands travelling to Toronto from as far as Seattle! Each invited band is fundraising for their own transportation, while we are fundraising for the costs of hosting the convergence itself. It is for this reason that we ask you to support this initiative as generously as you can.
Our costs include:
- Food and Cook honorariums
- Facilitator honorariums
- Convergence space rental
- Admin materials
Your contributions will directly support people who voluntarily dedicate much of their time and energy to building stronger social and environmental movements through creative expression and FUN, thereby energizing communities working on the front lines for change and justice for all, all whilst dancing in the streets!
In Solidarity,
Rhythms of Resistance
Toronto Chapter