A Simple Solution To A Complex Problem
WaterBots remove the uncertainty around your water supply. They provide simple, easy to read indicators over the quality of your water in real-time.
Much like TV or broadband in the past, water has a last mile problem. We have an aging infrastructure that is inconsistent in terms of water quality. Adding to the problem, man-made pollutants are typically colorless, odorless, tasteless, and rising in concentrations. WaterBots put you in control.
By monitoring your water at the point of consumption, you are effectively seeing your water for the first time.
About WaterBots
WaterBots connect water to the internet. These physical devices measure real-time water quality. Your phone or tablet receives this stream of data via the WaterBot app.
Which one is right for you?
WaterBot Pro: If you have an existing drinking system like a reverse osmosis system, zero in on the Pro. This dual-probed version is exactly what you need.
WaterBot Base: If you do not have a drinking system like a reverse osmosis system, the Base is exactly what you need.
How to Connect Your Water To The Internet
WaterBots are super easy to set-up. They ship with connectors to adapt to most standard plumbing connections. Add WiFi and you're good to go.
WaterBots connect to your home or office's WiFi network in a snap.
The Bigger Picture
Here's where this gets cool.
WaterBots are also the physical front-end to the real-world. Leveraging the unparalleled cognitive powers on IBM's cloud, here's the real deal:
We're crowdsourcing a massive amount of data for the thing that is only second to oxygen for human survival.
As we use IBM's cognitive cloud, this data creates an opportunity for some of the most impactful distributed studies the world has ever seen.
We agree with all the talk about infrastructure, but it is not rhetoric to us. The water infrastructure is as bad or worse than the bridges.
As these WaterBots spread out through a distribution network, the power grows exponentially. We will be open-sourcing this data for municipal use. We can help them deliver quality and transparency if they choose.
WaterBots do more than just watch your water. You can opt-out of anonymous sharing, but we hope you don't.
This is the cognitive cloud that makes us so excited for the IBM relationship.
WaterBots communicate with the OpenWaterQuality.org database. They can send your data, anonymously, to a central, open-sourced database.
Your water data can provide research organizations and universities with unprecedented data.
We've built space-based telescopes to try and find water on other planets. Yet we've never built a network to measure our quality on the planet we're actually on.
A WaterBot will protect your home's water quality. A network of WaterBots will protect everyone's.
About Us
The notion of the WaterBot comes from 35 years of history at Water Doctors.
One of our founders, Bob Richter, started Water Doctors in 1982. Water Doctors provides water treatment for homes, businesses and industry.
Water treatment has, quite literally for generations, relied on in-field measurements.
Fellow co-founder of the WaterBot, Chris Richter, is Bob's son. Chris conceived the idea of the WaterBots as a real-time peace of mind tool living within any home or business. ![]()
Enter the third co-founder and robotics engineer, Edgar Duarte. Chris and Edgar were there months ago when the water first started talking to the internet. That was a pretty cool day. Bigger, Edgar took the idea a level further. It was Edgar's vision that converted WaterBots from great devices into one of the most powerful datasets ever assembled.
Let's measure everyone's water. And open source that data.
Our “Ask”
We'd like you to be a WaterBot Base. The entire evolution of this project speaks to why. Every single time that a new person has entered to help this project, it became more powerful.
Now we want you to join.
We'd like you to buy a device and connect it to your home's water supply. We'd like you to choose to share that water quality data with OpenWaterQuality.org.
Yes, in the history of mankind, you'll be one of the first to have real-time insight into your water quality.
But, you'll also be a key member of a small group of people who help create one of the most important databases ever built.
What do you mean by measuring my water quality?
All devices include measurements of total dissolved solids (TDS) and temperature. TDS is used as a benchmark by both the EPA and World Health Organization.
This is a sort of loose overview of the ranges of total dissolved solids.
What's unique about the device is the logging. TDS in and of itself is of some value. The ability to see trends is far more valuable. The device allows for that. Coupled with the Open Water Quality Project, the insight gets exponentially more valuable.
If you have an existing reverse osmosis system, you'll want the dual-sensor edition. This allows for measuring both the incoming water and drinking water quality. As filters and membranes degrade, the system efficacy will drop.
Does the device measure bacteria?
No. We're measuring physical properties of water; however, large changes in water chemistry can forecast other issues including bacteria.
What about my privacy with a connected device?
You will have complete control over whether your device streams data to the Open Water Quality Project or not. We hope you do. Should you do so, all results will be anonymous.
I love the Open Water Quality Project! Can I help you?
We are glad you do! The Open Water Quality Project can be something truly revolutionary. Water Quality is something that matters to everyone! We should be sure that the water that makes our bodies is great water. The single-most important thing you can do is to deploy a WaterBot in your home.