About The Book
For the past 6 years or so I have gathered information about all the Western Australian Alternative bands through the years 1976~1989. Along the way I have met and interviewed many musicians of the day and was allowed to go through boxes of archives of tapes, cassettes, posters, flyers and much much more. It covers all the name bands that made it and all the bands that didn't. They are all in here.
The idea of putting it all into a book for all of us to share came after I realised that all these great archives need to be in one place. Yea, there's the internet but its not the same as holding a nice physical book while lounging back and listening to some music of the period.
Perth in the late 70s until 1989 was a hotbed of fantastic original groups with many going under the radar. So my job is to bring all these goodies and great memories back to you so you can reminisce with your family and friends. You can show your kids all weirdos you hung out with and watch them get embarrassed :)
Included is a CD which will have many previously released and unreleased tracks from the period as well. The music will knock you out and will surely impress. Its worth the price alone.
Short Summary
I am close to finishing up and I have decided to put this book up for CROWD FUNDING. The reason for this is to help me determine how many colour pages go inside or not. The more the better but the more it has the more expensive it will be to print and it will also determine how many books get printed. Hopefully it goes beyond my expectations.
If I meet the Crowd Funding I need then that's cool - If I don't, then less colour pages it will have but it will still maintain a high quality look and content.
After the CROWD FUND is ended, you can still purchase the book through this page as this will then serve as a pre order, It more or less does already.
Tell you friends and help get this 6 year project in the making, done and dusted.
What Funds Do You Need To Finish This Book?
The target of $10,000 breaks down into the following:
Direct Book Production and Funding Expenses: $8,000
Includes: Editing, Indiegogo-related fees, Book printing and taxes.
CD mastering, manufacturing and packaging: $2000
What Will I Get For My Contribution?
The main gift you will receive is the satisfaction that comes with being a part of this important book project that you can treasure and hand down to future generations. I'm sure a lot of you that order the book are within the pages and that would be a great thing to show your family as well wouldn't it?
I am offering some great deals to allow you to experience some of this unique decade with me. For each pledge level (ranging from $20 to $50), you will get the items at a Pre Order CROWD FUND discounted price and includes a personal thank you (in the book only) signed by me.
NOTE: The CD is exclusive to this campaign only - The CD will NOT be available in shops and only the book will be available at some book stores (if any remain after this campaign) but the RRP will be much higher than $50.
If the entire amount is not funded, I will still use the reached funds as planned to ensure that the book gets published. As I mentioned above the colour content is on the line here - so the closer to my goal the more colour gets onto the pages.
Other Ways You Can Help
Some people just can't contribute, but that doesn't mean they can't help:
- PLEASE HELP to get the word out and make some noise about my campaign.
- PLEASE use the Indiegogo share tools or POST on social media as much as you can.