What IS Theblackpoint???
TheBlackpoint was formed in 2016 out of necessity.
Real-eyezing that there was no way to locate black events on any major search engine like Google or FB or IG-we set out to create an app that would locate local culturally relevant events locally.
In the process we realised that this wasn't just an issue where WE lived...but Nationally...then we heard from our Brothers and Sistars across the pond and found that it was an issue GLOBALLY...so we decided to CHANGE THAT FACT.
TheBlackpoint App was born.
After incubating with the 1st Afro American self made tech millionairess #Angela Benton...A #NEWME was birthed. She exposed Theblackpoint 2 the major players in BLACK TECH... #Angela Benton #JamarlinMartin #ErikMoore....and she sharpened Theblackpoints knowledge about the Greastest group of trailblazers in the world Black Americans ...and we are the most culturally powerful demographic in the world!
Upon incubation with Angela we discovered that
We also learned that the 2nd major wall street was #BlackWall Street...and that our GOVERNMENT BOMBED AND KILLED those who tried to prosper, and grow wealth amoungst ourselves...https://youtu.be/ivCODTY7fmQ
now...The blackpoint became a MISSION....a lifestyle if you will...
we next learned that this would be an uphill climb with little 2 no help and adversity meeting us at every corner.....But we didnt stop.
We started with family who believed that we could launch an App even though not many in the Black community even overstood WHAT TECH IS...we still didnt stop....
WE MUST CONTINUE TO CREATE-SCALE-ADVERTISE-and perfect an App that Revolutionizes our ability to
- open black businesses,
- hire people in our communities and
- reinvest in our community!
We must continue to
- Educate millenial black business owners about what it takes to survive in this economic downturn...
- offer people of color Apps & tech solutions who do NOT DISCRIMINATE against our economic goals...
When we become economically empowered we find our voice and allow it to be heard!!!!
What We Need & What You Get
we need your donation of
- $5
- purchase 1 product
The Impact
You will allow us to
- introduce & create a black social media WITHIN the App that links Black & Brown people all over the world with the click of an icon.
hire Coders who keep the App from crashing & getting hacked.
- Give users the ability to purchase a VIP card that gives discount when frequenting Theblackpoint businesses
Other Ways You Can Help
Some people just can't contribute, but that doesn't mean YOU can't help:
- Please get the word out and make some noise about our campaign.
- Use the Indiegogo share tools & share on your social media! cuz we need ALL the help we can get...
And that's all there is to it.
Our community is growing & improving socially, and economically by Leaps & BOUNDS and we are BLESSED to be a part of the New Black Renaissance!