Support our campaign today, any amount helps!
Why are we doing this campaign?
We want to bring comedy back to TV with some of our favorite American Television Icons!
We loved Golden Girls and now we love Grace and Frankie! Who says TV comedy has be about "hot" 25 or even 40 year old people??? Life happens, we all age...and there is plenty to laugh at along the way!!!
Folks over 50 are an underrepresented market on television and we want to change that. Did you know that half of broadcast TV viewers are 54 and older? In the last 20 years, the median age of Americans has increased from 34 to 37. The median age of broadcast TV viewers has increased from 41 to 54. Not a three-year jump, but a 13-year jump.
Besides being a working actor, who has appeared in over 100 TV commercials and dozens of TV shows and movies, HEAVEN'S WAITING ROOM creator Rene Ashton (that's me!!) also writes, produces, and directs.
The first feature film, BE MY BABY, ran on the TV Guide channel for three years. I've created three other pilots that have swept the festival circuit and won numerous awards. The last pilot I created, wrote, produced, and starred in with HEAVEN'S WAITING ROOM director, Bryan Stratte, was offered a development deal at VH1.
We have TONS of wonderful perks! Some are cool, once in a life time perks: one of our stars Dawn Wells (aka, Maryann) will leave an outgoing message on your voice Maryann!!!! How cool is that? We also have a perk that includes you getting a walk-on role in the pilot...the sponsors who choose this perk will get to spend the day working with some of our finest TV stars from yesteryear.
We also have lots of useful and fun perks: massages, dinners, gift certificates, photo shoots, etc....check out our perks and see what appeals to you! We want to give back to those who are supporting us!!!! I'm most excited to meet our campaign supporters who get to come to set, have a walk on role, and have lunch with us!
Why support this project out of all of the causes, projects, and events one can put their money towards these days? The joy these iconic actors still have when they work is an amazing experience to be a part of...we feel that the world could use a little more comedy and lightness these days!
What happens once the HEAVEN'S WAITING ROOM pilot episode is shot and completed? We will have a screening here in Hollywood and invite various industry people from the TV networks and cable stations. I've also had good experiences at festivals in the past who offer development deals... so we will enter a few of those key festivals. I have faith, in fact our whole team has faith, that we'll get this show on the road! #OldIsTheNewYoung #HeavensWaitingRoom
Budget Break Down for our 5 day shoot and post production:
Cast/Crew: $30,000
Production Costs: $28,000
Locations, lodging, food: $10,000
Creator, Writer, Producer, Actor: René Ashton
Co-writer, Associate producer, Actor: Michele Karpel
Director, Producer: Bryan Stratte
Producer: Corbin Timbrook
Producer: Jules Bruff
Associate Producer: Bernadette Speakes
Associate Producer: Lauren White