Shwmae/Hello! We are David and Eifion and we are Welsh ambassadors and creators, inspired by the rich history of Wales and passionate about our heritage.
We are thrilled to launch this campaign to raise £2000 for the printing and development costs of a set of top trump style playing cards based on characters from Welsh Mythology. Our aim is to create an engaging and educational experience for children, young adults and Welsh learners, while also appealing to anyone with an interest in the rich and fascinating history and mythology of Wales. With your help, we can bring these legendary characters to life and share the fascinating stories of Welsh mythology with the world.
What We Need & What You Get:
The funds we raise will go directly towards covering the costs of designing and printing the cards. These cards will be of high quality on good stock and full colour with careful quality control. We are currently identifying printing partners that can deliver the cards to a sufficiently high standard to give us a deck that can proudly present Welsh myth and culture to the world. We are partnering with a talented artist and designer who will be using digital tools including Midjourney to create beautiful character images as well as historians and researchers to provide the vital story elements for each card. We will also be producing both Welsh and English language versions of the cards, making them great for language learners too.
We have some exciting perks available for our backers, including limited edition prints, thank you cards, and of course a full deck of the finished cards and presentation box.
In the event that we do not reach our entire funding goal, we will prioritize the most important aspects of the project, such as completing the artwork and producing the cards in a single language version.
The Impact: Your contribution will make a significant impact in bringing the stories and legends of Welsh mythology to a wider audience. These cards are not only a fun way to learn about the fascinating characters of Welsh mythology, but they are also an immersive and engaging tool for learners to develop reading skills in English or Welsh and great for keeping kids quiet in the backs of cars or on long trips! We have a successful track record of creating engaging educational products, have developed learning materials for schools and young adults previously and we are confident that this project will be no exception.
Risks & Challenges: As with any creative project, there are risks and challenges involved. One of the biggest challenges we face is ensuring that the artwork accurately represents the legendary Welsh characters. However, we have partnered with an experienced artist and designer and Welsh experts and we are confident that they will produce stunning and authentic artwork alongside accurate Welsh language elements and a product that fairly reflects Welsh culture and heritage. We also want to make sure that the Welsh and English language versions are of the highest quality so that they are appropriate for school and learner use.
If we do not hit our target then the project can still go ahead, but the number of decks printed will be reduced, which in turn makes the cost per pack higher. To provide the finished decks to schools, heritage centres and buyers at the most accessible price, we need to leverage the savings made possible through buying the decks in sufficient numbers. We hope this Crowdfunder campaign and our backers will help us to achieve this.
Other Ways You Can Help: If you are unable to contribute financially, you can still support our project by spreading the word and sharing our campaign with your friends and family. With your help, we can make this project a reality and bring the stories and legends of Welsh mythology to a wider audience. Thank you for your support!
Each pack contains 32 high quality cards featuring the following characters from Welsh mythology and legend:
Adar Llwch Gwin
Arawn, king of the Underworld
Cad Goddeu - Battle of the Trees
Cath Palug
Ceffyl Dŵr
Mari Lwyd
Gwenllian The Warrior Princess
Gwrach y Rhibyn
Lady of the Lake
Llamhigyn Y Dwr
Mallt y Nos
Merlin the Wizard
The Morgens
St Dwynwyn
The Black Nun
The ghost dogs of Annwn
The Physicians of Myddfai
Twm Sion Cati
Twrch Trwyth
Tylwyth Teg
Y Ddraig Goch
Shwmae! Rydym ni, David ac Eifion, yn fasnachwyr a chreadurion Cymreig, yn ysbrydol gan hanes cyfoethog Cymru ac yn angerddol am ein treftadaeth.
Rydym ni wrth ein bodd i lansio'r ymgyrch hon i godi £2000 ar gyfer costau argraffu a datblygu set o gardiau chwarae arddull top trump yn seiliedig ar gymeriadau o Ffitololeg Cymru. Ein nod yw creu profiad addysgiadol a diddorol ar gyfer plant, pobl ifanc ac y dysgwr Cymraeg, tra hefyd yn apelio at unrhyw un sydd â diddordeb yn hanes a ffitololeg cyfoethog a diddorol Cymru. Gyda'ch help chi, gallwn ni ddod â'r cymeriadau chwedlonol hyn i fywyd a rhannu straeon cyffrous ffitololeg Cymru gyda'r byd.
Beth sydd ei angen arnom ni ac beth rydych chi'n ei gael:
Bydd yr arian a godir gennym ni'n mynd yn uniongyrchol at gostau dylunio ac argraffu'r cardiau. Bydd y cardiau hyn o ansawdd uchel ar stoc da, llawn lliw gyda rheolaeth ansawdd ofalus. Rydym ni wrthi'n nodi partneriaid argraffu sy'n gallu cyflwyno'r cardiau mewn safon ddigonol i roi'r phecyn gorau o Ffitololeg a diwylliant Cymru i'r byd. Rydym ni'n cydweithio gyda chreadur ac artist talentog sy'n defnyddio offer digidol gan gynnwys Midjourney i greu delweddau cymeriadau hardd yn ogystal â haneswyr ac ymchwilwyr i ddarparu'r elfennau straeon hollbwysig ar gyfer pob cerdyn. Byddwn hefyd yn cynhyrchu fersiynau Cymraeg a Saesneg o'r cardiau, gan eu gwneud yn fuddiol i ddysgwyr iaith.
Mae gennym ni gyfraniadau diddorol ar gael i'n cefnogwyr, gan gynnwys argraffiadau cyfyngedig, cerdyn diolch, ac wrth gwrs, pecyn llawn o'r cardiau a'r bocs cyflwyno terfynol.
Os na fyddwn ni'n cyrraedd ein nod cyllidol llawn, byddwn ni'n blaenoriaethu'r agweddau pwysicaf ar y prosiect, megis cwblhau'r gwaith celf ac yrru allan'r cardiau mewn fersiwn uniaith.
Yr Effaith: Bydd eich cyfraniad chi'n cael effaith sylweddol wrth ddod â straeon a chwedlau ffitololeg Cymru i gynulleidfa ehang