Discover History. Discover more about Henry Hudson. Participate in Archaeology.
Because only the mutineers returned from Hudson's last trip, little is known about it other than what they reported.
Some members of the Explorers Club believe they know where Hudson camped in the winter of 1611-1612, using maps made from NASA radar data which show the area of James Bay, where Hudson wintered, as it looked when Hudson was there. Because the land has changed a lot since Hudson was there due to isostatic rebound from the last ice age, no one has been able to find where Hudson wintered. Based on these maps, we believe we have located Hudson's camp.
Finding the location of the camp will not only contribute to our knowledge of Hudson but will show the amount of isostatic rebound over the last 400 years, based on historical evidence. This has not been done before.
Who we are:
Les Trager did the map analysis. He has written on early maps. See article showing early maps of Antarctica and Northern Greenland without ice at the perimeter on NY Map Society website. Joining Les will be Rob Tymstra who has done extensive exploration in the James Bay area and knows the area well. We will also be joined by others who have done extensive camping in this area, which is not an easy area to camp in.
What We Need & What You Get
Our goal is to run the expedition in August 2013. We need $100,000 to cover hiring the necessary people, transportation, equipment and food for 14 people for 2 weeks. We will hire an archaeologist, boatmen and local Cree to assist us. All funds go to this project.
Your contribution will advance science, archaeology and our knowledge of history.