Short Summary
This is a campaign for a comedy thriller movie written by Mathew Kenner, Austin Galante and directed by Austin Galante.
- Austin Galante is an actor, music producer and film producer/director who has worked on projects with Cee Lo Green, Rick Ross, Snoop Dogg, Pharcyde, #0 of Slipknot, Bob Odenkirk, Rhianna, Miley Cyrus, Steve Harris, Victor Garber, and many others.
- Mathew Kenner is and Actor, writer and film producer who has worked with Tristin Fazekah, Swift Slone, and Charlie Mac.
- Douglas Montoya is an actor, writer, director and producer who has worked with Tony Lee Gratz, and Jason Rouse.
- All three of them have collectively won about 50 film festival awards.
- Every contribution helps us hire more crew, locations and actors.
What We Need & What You Get
- The more funding we get the more crew we can hire. We can hire another known actor with enough money. We can pay for a bigger P.R. Campaign to promote the film and possibly obtain a bigger song for the film.
- Tell people about your unique perks. Get them excited!
- If we don't reach our entire goal, then we will allocate funds in a way that helps us get the best production value for the buck.
The Impact
- The world is filled full of negative news, sad stories, all around trajedy. We feel like adding a little light heart comedy to the world.
- Austin Galante has succesfully completed 2 feature length films. "Suite Killing Machines" and "Sanguine Teeth on a Driftless Road" which is in post production.
- We have shot 20 pages of the script for What Have We Won.
Risks & Challenges
There are always risks and challenges with making films. We fortunately have skills in all the film departments so we can make sure the film can get shot regardless of the hurdles that arise. We have put many redundancies in place and written the script to be film on a moderate budget. Obviously money helps overcome the challenge that present themselves, but with extra sweat equity we can figure out whatever comes our way.
Other Ways You Can Help
Some people just can't contribute, but that doesn't mean they can't help:
- Please make some noise about our campaign. Share it on social media and tell your friends.
- Please use the Indiegogo share tools!