About the Film“Where is Home?” is an in-production documentary film focused on homelessness and the complex social issues facing the city of Lethbridge, Alberta and many other communities across Canada. The film presents unique perspectives from currently over 30 individuals, including members of the homeless population, municipal government, law enforcement, service providers, doctors, educators, health professionals, as well as members of the local business community and the general public. Through these perspectives, and supported by multi-perspective historical information, expert lectures, scientific research and data, we hope to present a thoughtful, respectful look at history, the reality of the current situation, and hope for what can be done to make things better for everyone in the future.
Why Support This Film?
Your support will directly fund all aspects of the film's continued independent production, including editorial, on-site/studio interview and perspective filming, research, legal/administration and other production costs such as travel and production support fees. With access to in-kind production equipment, we have currently completed filming over 30 long form interviews and/or full day perspectives. Your support of our IndieGoGo campaign will not define whether this documentary gets completed or not, rather how soon the film will be completed for an intended free, wide release. We also hope through this awareness campaign to be able to connect with and include up to 10 more perspectives for potential inclusion within the film. If you, or someone you know would be interested in sharing a perspective, please contact us at info@whereishome.ca.
If you would like to see this full-length film, and/or believe the subject matter is important for others to be see, please consider supporting its development via our IndieGogo campaign as well as sharing the trailer and campaign with your friends and family. In addition to other perks, supporters will be given early access to exclusive clips from the film as well as access to the full-length film weeks prior to its official public release.
How will the film be released?
In addition to direct digital release to our supporters, it is our intent to release the film; in whatever final form or length it will exist as, for free in HD via the internet on various platforms including Youtube, Bittorrent and other avenues of high quality digital distribution.
Free public screenings may be organized at community locations, and the film may also be submitted to film festivals and mainstream distribution channels for consideration.
Follow the film on Social Media for updates, exclusive clips and release information.
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Questions, Comments & Press Requests
Please contact us at info@whereishome.ca
A film by Dan Berdusco
Production made possible by LethbridgeLink.com Inc.