Mission Statement
Help fund my junior thesis! This film is a bizarre story about death. But at its core, it's about the love that we have for people, and how that love can drive us to crazy places. If you like weird stuff, this one's for you.
The Story
After the unexpected death of his wife, a man decides to keep her dead body and act out their life as if nothing has changed.
"Where You Dwell" is inspired by true stories and explores how grief can affect us. Tonally, this is like David Lowery's A Ghost Story - weird, existential, and has some gallows humor.
...so what actually happens?
Noah struggles to accept his wife's unexpected death and clings to her dead body. He continues his relationship with his wife, Julie, as if nothing has changed, but it becomes difficult to look past her deteriorating body. Caring for Julie eventually interferes with Noah's health, forcing him to confront his reality and accept his mother's advice of burying Julie.
Where Your Donations Go
Compensation: Most of this money will go to paying professional talent and feeding the cast and crew. I want to support actors and artists trying to make a living from their passion, and I would appreciate any amount you're able to donate to help with this goal!
Wardrobe & Makeup: One of the leads is, well, a dead body. Transforming an actor into said dead body requires some skill, and I'm grateful to be working with an incredible makeup artist. The dead body will be sporting quite a few looks in this film, all of which need to look believable for the story to work.
Production Design: Turning a house inhabited by four college boys into a new family home for the set takes some work.
Catering/Crafty: If you've worked on a film, you know that crafty is what holds the set together. And everyone gets that necessary but wild burst of energy after lunch.
Film Festivals: I'd love to share this film and the hard work that went into it with as many people as possible. Submitting to film festivals is a great way for the cast and crew to get the recognition they deserve. Your donation will help with the fees that go to submitting to these festivals.
The Impact
This is my big debut as a film director. It will also probably be the last film that I direct. So I want it to be great!
While my career is in producing and not directing, I am excited to have this opportunity to write and direct my own film. I've directed smaller projects in the past, but this one is the big one. It has SAG actors, permits, gear rentals, and all the other exciting but complex elements of a film set. Any support I can get to bring this film to life means a lot.
This is who you're helping when you donate to this film. You're making Little Me's dreams come true. Thank you.
Other Ways You Can Help
If you're not able to donate but still want to help, please share this campaign with friends and family! I appreciate any support you can give, and it truly makes a difference in the production process.
However you choose to contribute, I appreciate you being here, reading, and wanting to help. I cannot thank you enough.
Let's make something great!