Welcome to our Indiegogo!
My name is Michael A. Isaacs, I am a filmmaker specializing in the Horror Genre. From the age of 2yrs old, Horror became my world. I found comfort in it, It pulled me away from the real life horrors in my life and gave me something to get lost in.
I want to create the type of films I grew up on, in hopes that just maybe it will help others the way it helped me.
In 2010 I wrote a short script entitled "Who's There?", 22 pages filled with an abundance of genre pleasing content which would be perfect for an anthology series such as "Tales from the Crypt" , "Tales from the Darkside". While this script received great reviews, it always felt like it could go much further as it alluded to a grander story. Over the years we have worked on several other projects, always looking for the right time to resurrect this tale. A tale that needed to be told in full. Originally we opted for script extensions, however once the new draft was already exceeding 40 pages while in development we ultimately came to the decision that in order to do this film correctly we need to make it a feature.
This is the time to make "Who's There?" !
Growing up infatuated with 80's and 90's Horror films, this is the style I aim to bring back. Fun horror films with honest character development. I feel the genre has really changed as to what is considered a horror film these days.
I want to bring 80's / 90's horror back!
Notable influences of mine would be:
*Hell Night (1981)
*A nightmare on elm street 3: Dream Warriors (1987)
*Night of the Demons (1988)
*Witchboard (1986)
*The Craft (1996)
*Scream (1996)
*I know what you did last summer (1997)
*Urban Legend (1998)
"Who's there?"
A young woman mysteriously dies after experimenting with black magic. Grief stricken by this tragedy, her brother and his wife call upon a family friend to house-sit the deceased's residence as they make funeral arrangements. Little do they know the severity of the sisters involvement within the dark arts. Something they will quickly find out as they become entangled in her unfinished incantation.
"Who's There?" mixes old school ghost story with teen horror
A Horror film which will not only serve as an homage to 80's / 90's films but also an original tale which has many layers to it.
A film with Heart, Scares, Laughs, and Blood !
Our goal is to put together a Pre-Production package which includes:
-Cast Photoshoot
-Screen Tests
-MakeUp Tests
-Teaser Footage
-Full Teaser Trailer
This package will be used to pitch the film to interested investors for funding and promotional use.
We're already in discussions with HorrorSociety.com to release the films 1st press release as soon as we have promotional content to provide.
Before we proceed further:
Meet the cast:
Tricia Brooks
Kelsey Zukowski
Christopher Huff
Maria Olsen
Tori London
Aaron Slater
Jocelyne Watts
Michael Murphy
Gina Lee
Featuring "Monster & Creature Actor" Alan Maxson
and while we're introducing everyone:
Meet the Crew:
Michael A. Isaacs - Writer / Director
Andreas Widegren - Composer
Percival Gonzaga - Interview DP
Cody Wiley - Documentary Videographer
Anthony LePage - Mixer / Recordist
Daniel Pinto - SFX MakeUp Artist
Myesha Howze - Key Hair Stylist
Vanessa & Douglas Selik (Storybook Imaging) - Photographer's
What We Need & What You Get
Our goal is to raise $2,500 to create a Pre-Production package for our film.
This amount will be used for:
*Equipment rentals
*Memory Cards
*Prothetics / SFX
*Emergency Kit
*Miscellaneous Supplies
*and even more Blood!
Those who contribute will get exclusive perks created specifically for this campaign.
All funds will be used solely for the use of this production.
I do not believe in pocketing funds for myself, I believe in "Do unto others as you would have them to you"
I have experienced first hand how ugly people can get in this industry and would never wish similar experiences on anyone.
The Impact
We have an amazing Cast & Crew which is very excited about this project.
Your contribution aids our goal to create an original horror film with a 90's vibe.
Risks & Challenges
With every venture in life there comes challenges. However no challenge can be overcome without taking risks. By contributing to our campaign please know that you are contributing to a group of individuals whom are determined and hard working to bring this film to completion. No matter what challenges and/or risks come our way we gladly welcome them in order to provide an awesome horror film for everyone to enjoy.
Other Ways You Can Help
- If you cannot contribute, no need to fret! You can still be a valuable asset to our campaign. All you have to do is spread the word !
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Videos from Cast / Crew