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Why I Stopped Making Merch - Crowdfunding

for publishing Yori Gagarims: "Why I Stopped Making Merch for a Revolution That Does not Happen."


Why I Stopped Making Merch - Crowdfunding

Why I Stopped Making Merch - Crowdfunding

Why I Stopped Making Merch - Crowdfunding

Why I Stopped Making Merch - Crowdfunding

Why I Stopped Making Merch - Crowdfunding

for publishing Yori Gagarims: "Why I Stopped Making Merch for a Revolution That Does not Happen."

for publishing Yori Gagarims: "Why I Stopped Making Merch for a Revolution That Does not Happen."

for publishing Yori Gagarims: "Why I Stopped Making Merch for a Revolution That Does not Happen."

for publishing Yori Gagarims: "Why I Stopped Making Merch for a Revolution That Does not Happen."

1 Campaign |
Berlin, Germany
$1,387 USD $1,387 USD 53 backers
84% of $1,642 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal
Good books are rare. Even more rare are good books for small money. "Why I Stopped Making Merch for a Revolution That Does not Happen." by Yori Gagarim is such a book. /// Gute Bücher sind selten. Noch seltener sind gute Bücher zum kleinen Preis. "Why I Stopped Making Merch for a Revolution That Does not Happen." ist so ein Buch.

Good books are rare.
Even more rare are good books for small money.

Edition assemblage always manages to find the good stuff and spread it for an affordable price but unfortunately their admirable dedication is not enough to cover all the financial costs of publishing.

This book is done, out and available as of now, but there are still some expences of the publishing process to cover. This is the reason for this crowdfunding with all its amazing perks by Yori Gagarim, most of them handmade.


Gute Bücher sind selten.
Noch seltener sind gute Bücher zum kleinen Preis.

Die edition assemblage schafft es immer wieder kleine literarische Schätze aufzutreiben und zu erschwinglichen Preisen unter die Leute zu bringen.
Das alles funktioniert mit viel Idealismus aber leider nicht ohne finanzielle Mittel.

Dieses Buch ist zwar fertig und ab sofort erhältlich, allerding sind leider noch nicht alle Kosten gedeckt. Deswegen gibt es dieses Crowdfunding mit vielen wunderbaren Perks von Yori Gagarim, die meisten davon handgemacht.

The Book /// Das Buch

"Why I Stopped Making Merch for a Revolution That Does not Happen."
is a bitter love story/essay about survival as an artist in activist communities.

Written down within a couple of days, this inner monologue captures more than two decades of precious experiences and harsh disappointments, and connects growing up in a DIY-family to marketable skills in recent subcultures and neoliberalism.
It is a very personal approach on how to make a living as a self-taught DIY artist while doing professional work in alternative communities, and how (self)exploitation led to disillusionment. The story starts with the leftovers of punk in the 1980s, glances at the beginnings of street art, anarchist, and queer subcultures in Berlin, and comes to an end in 2016 when frustration, boredom, and abuse led to this difficult decision: stepping back from something once loved.
It is an intense read of letting go, rich in sharp dissections of queer and leftist politics, but full of love and passion nevertheless.


„Warum ich aufgehört habe, Merch für eine Revolution zu machen, die nicht passiert.“
ist ein schwindelerregendes Essay über Kunst, Aktivismus und Überleben als Künstler_in in aktivistischen Zusammenhängen.

Dieser innerhalb weniger Tage niedergeschriebe innere Monolog fängt mehr als zwei Jahrzehnte voller wertvoller Erfahrungen als auch herber Enttäuschungen ein und verknüpft das Aufwachsen in einer DIY-Familie mit geschätzten und gefragten Qualitäten sowohl in gegenwärtigen Subkulturen als auch im größeren Zusammenhang Neoliberalismus.
Es ist eine sehr persönliche Betrachtung des Kampfes um einen Lebensunterhalt als autodidaktische_r und professionelle_r Künstler_in innerhalb alternativer Strukturen und wie nahe (Selbst-)Ausbeutung und Ernüchterung gehen und persönlich treffen können.
Die Story beginnt in den Überbleibseln des Punk in den 80ern, streift die Anfänge von Streetart sowie anarchistische und queerer Subkulturen in Berlin und endet schließlich 2016, wo Frustration, Langeweile und Missbrauch zu der schwierigen Entscheidung führten, sich selbst zu kündigen und das einst heiß geliebte aufzugeben.
Es ist intensiver Lesestoff vom Loslassen, reich an scharfen Analysen queerer/linker Politiken und trotz allem voller Liebe und Leidenschaft zu ihnen.


About the Author /// Über den_die Autor_in

Yori Gagarim is a professional DIY artist who thrives in chaos and change.
They are a shapeshifter when it comes to visual politics, (street)art and artificial expression.

Yori draws, writes, builds, schemes and love to destroy things of all matters.
They also love comics, playing around and making up new projects.

Yori has a dark history in queer merch of all kinds and a bright future of unknown things yet to unfold.

Their colourful humour is spiked with bitterness, frustration and contradictions and their work of art is often misunderstood and hated alike.
But they don't care, their future will be golden - the future is all we have.

Their previous works of art include:
- Tons of "queer merch", patches, pins and stickers, that have been spreaded all over the world.
- TROUBLE X (gender fuck me comix)
- #whenpeoplemisgenderme
- A "queer super-heroine-generator"
- Illustrations for FaulenzAs book: "Support your sisters, not your cisters"
- The notorious book: "Let them talk! What genitals have to say about gender."
- as well as the recently published book: "OFF-THE-ROKKET - (Queer) Pin-ups and Other Suspects"

They're also one of the two editors of "Ethical Sloth", a queer comic zine, that just released its 8th issue.


Yori Gagarim ist ein_e professionelle_r DIY-Künstler_in, welche_r durch Chaos und Veränderung aufblüht.
Yori ist Verwandlungskünstler_in was visuelle Politik, (Street) Art und andere Ausdrucksweisen angeht.

Yori zeichnet, schreibt, baut, schmiedet Pläne und liebt es, alles mögliche zu zerstören.
Außerdem mag Yori Comics, probiert gern unterschiedliche Dinge, und denkt sich neue Projekte aus.

Yori hat eine düstere Vergangenheit in queerem Merch aller Art und eine vielversprechende Zukunft voller unbekannter Dinge, die sich noch offenbaren werden.

Yoris facettenreicher Humor ist von Bitterkeit, Frustration und Widersprüchen durchzogen und Yoris Kunst wird oft gleichermassen missverstanden wie gehasst.
Aber Yori ist das egal, die Zukunft ist golden - die Zukunft ist alles, was wir haben.

Yoris bisherige Arbeiten umfassen u.a.:
- Massen an "queerem Merch", Aufnähern, Buttons und Stickern, die sich auf der ganzen Welt verbreitet haben.
- TROUBLE X (gender fuck me comix)
- #whenpeoplemisgenderme
- Einen "queeren Super-Held_innen-Generator"
- Illustrationen für FaulenzAs Buch: "Support your sisters, not your cisters"
- Das bekannte Buch: "Let them talk - what genitals have to say about gender."
- sowie das ebenfalls kürzlich erschienene Buch: "OFF-THE-ROKKET - (Queer) Pin-ups and Other Suspects"

Yori ist außerdem eine_r der beiden Herausgeber_innen von "Ethical Sloth", einem queeren Comic Zine, das gerade die achte Ausgabe veröffentlicht hat.


About the publisher /// Über den Verlag

Edition assemblage is an undogmatic left political and publishing network of different people, projects and media. What connects us is our aim to create new places to work on collective projects in new constellations.

The Assemblage is not only the publishing edition assemblage but also an open network consisting of projects, groups and people, mostly working with books and other media.

Political, programmatic and organizational questions are discussed together with authors, activists and supporters in the assembly council of the assemblage.

Concrete projects and topics are discussed in direct exchange with you or in a networking meeting. The assemblage works accordingly to the principles of a solidary economy. We focus on collectivity, cooperation and solidarity.


Die edition assemblage ist ein gesellschaftskritisches, linkes, politisches und publizistisches Netzwerk. Das Verbindende ist der Wunsch, neue Räume zu schaffen, um in neuen Konstellationen gemeinsame Projekte zu realisieren.

Die Assemblage besteht zum einen aus dem Verlag „edition assemblage“ und zum anderen aus einem offenen Netzwerk aus Projekten, Gruppen und Menschen, die vorwiegend im Medienbereich tätig sind.

Politische, programmatische und organisatorische Fragen werden zusammen mit Autor_innen, Aktiven und Unterstützer_innen im Programmrat der Assemblage besprochen.

Konkrete Projekten und Themen besprechen wir im direkten Austausch mit euch oder wir laden zu einem Vernetzungstreffen ein. Die Assemblage arbeitet nach den Prinzipien einer solidarischen Ökonomie. Wir setzten auf Kollektivität, Kooperation und solidarisches Handeln.

The Perks /// Die Belohnungen

The Books are printed, the Perks are ready.

Yori Gagarim likes to do the unexpected - obviously, they also like to contradict themselves. Most of the available perks are part of the massive amount of merch-products and propaganda Yori has created in over mire than 14 years.
Many of you might already be very familiar with those and we're happy to inform you that Yori has made some brand new stickers for this crowdfunding-campaign - you can also order some handwritten quotes from the book.

If you want your name or a specific inscription in the book, please let us know as soon as possible.
If you are interested in the t-shirts, please contact Yori ( BEFORE you order a perk to check in on the available designs, colours, sizes and cuts. They are very limited, and there is no garantee that we can granti your wishes. Sorry for the inconvenience.


Die Bücher sind gedruckt, die Belohnungen fertig.

Yori liebt nicht nur das Unerwartete zu tun, sondern auch augenscheinliche Widersprüche.
Die meisten der erhältlichen Belohnungen sind Teil des großen Umfangs der mehr als 14-jährigen Produktion von Merch und Propaganda.
Sie dürften vielen von euch bekannt vorkommen und wir freuen uns, euch mitzuteilen, dass es auch ein paar brandneue Sticker gibt, die speziell für dieses Crowdfunding gefertigt wurden - du hast außerdem die Möglichkeit, handgeschrieben Zitate aus dem Buch zu bestellen.

Wenn du deinen Namen oder eine besondere Widmung im Buch haben möchtest, bitte lass es uns so schnell wie möglich wissen.
Interessierst du dich für die T-Shirts, kontaktiere bitte BEVOR du bestellst, Yori ( bezüglich der vorhandenen Motive, Farben, Größen und Schnitte. Sie sind sehr begrenzt und es gibt keine Garantie auf eine Erfüllung deiner Wünsche. Bitte entschuldige die Umstände.


Q'n'A & Requests /// Fragen und Anfragen

In case you have any questions or suggestions please don't hesitate to contact us:


Hast du Fragen oder Vorschläge, bitte zögere nicht, uns zu kontaktieren:

Looking for more information? Check the project FAQ
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Choose your Perk



Currency Conversion $27 USD
€25 EUR
You get 1 signed book + 21 NEW STICKERS! + 3 Sticker packs "FaulenzA" (german) /// Du bekommst 1 signiertes Buch + 21 der neuen Sticker! + 3 Stickerpacks "FaulenzA"
Included Items
  • Signed Book
  • Sticker Pack (3)
2 claimed
Ships worldwide.
Signed Book

Signed Book

Currency Conversion $11 USD
€10 EUR
You get 1 signed Book delivered to your home. If you like, including an inscription. /// Du bekommst 1 signiertes Buch ins Haus geliefert. Auf Wunsch mit Widmung.
Included Items
  • Signed Book
9 claimed
Ships worldwide.
2 of 3 Books by Yori Gagarim

2 of 3 Books by Yori Gagarim

Currency Conversion $16 USD
€15 EUR
You get 2 signed books by Yori Gagarim. /// Du bekommst 2 signierte Bücher von Yori Gagarim. /// You can choose from: /// Zur Auswahl stehen: /// "Why I Stopped Making Merch for a Revolution That Does not Happen." "OFF-THE-ROKKET - (Queer) Pin-ups and Other Suspects" "Let them talk! - What genitals have to say about gender."
Included Items
  • Signed Book (2)
9 claimed
Ships worldwide.
3 Books Deal

3 Books Deal

Currency Conversion $22 USD
€20 EUR
You get 1 signed copy of each of the books by Yori Gagarim: /// Du bekommst je 1 signiertes Exemplar von: /// "Why I Stopped Making Merch for a Revolution That Does not Happen." "OFF-THE-ROKKET - (Queer) Pin-ups and Other Suspects" "Let them talk! - What genitals have to say about gender."
Included Items
  • Signed Book (3)
6 claimed
Ships worldwide.
Sticker Pack + Signed Book

Sticker Pack + Signed Book

Currency Conversion $22 USD
€20 EUR
You get 1 signed copy + 1 sticker pack of your choice. /// Du bekommst 1 signiertes Buch + 1 Stickerpack deiner Wahl. /// "Mixed" / "Queer-feminist" / "Unicorn" / "Antifaschistische Aktion"
Included Items
  • Signed Book
  • Sticker Pack
3 claimed
Ships worldwide.
Patch Pack + Signed Book

Patch Pack + Signed Book

Currency Conversion $22 USD
€20 EUR
You get 1 signed book + 10 patches of a topic of your choice. /// Du bekommst 1 signiertes Buch + 10 Aufnäher zum Thema deiner Wahl. /// "Queer-feminst" / "(Trans) gender" / "Leftist" / "Vegan/Vegetarian"
Included Items
  • Signed Book
  • Aufnäher- / Patch Pack
3 claimed
Ships worldwide.
Pin Pack + Signed Book

Pin Pack + Signed Book

Currency Conversion $22 USD
€20 EUR
You get 1 signed book + 10 pins of a topic of your choice. /// Du bekommst 1 signiertes Buch + 10 Buttons zum Thema deiner Wahl. /// "Queer-feminst" / "(Trans) gender" / "Leftist" / "Vegan/Vegetarian" / "Streetart" / "Unicorns" / "Art" / "Add your wish!"
Included Items
  • Signed Book
  • Button- / Pin Pack
0 claimed
Ships worldwide.
Postcard Pack + Signed Book

Postcard Pack + Signed Book

Currency Conversion $27 USD
€25 EUR
You get 1 signed book + 10 screenprinted postcards of my choice. /// Du bekommst 1 signiertes Buch + 10 Siebdruck Postkarten meiner Wahl.
Included Items
  • Signed Book
  • Postkarten- / Postcard Pack
5 claimed
Ships worldwide.
All 4 Books + 3 Sticker Packs

All 4 Books + 3 Sticker Packs

Currency Conversion $33 USD
€30 EUR
You get all 3 signed books by Yori Gagarim, 1 copy of "Support Your Sisters Not Your Cisters" (german) and 3 x of the sticker packs to this book. /// Du bekommst alle 3 signierten Bücher von Yori Gagarim sowie 1 mal "Support Your Sisters Not Your Cisters" (deutsch) plus 3 x die passenden Stickerpacks zum Buch.
Included Items
  • Signed Book (4)
  • Sticker Pack (3)
7 claimed
Ships worldwide.
2 T-Shirts + Signed Book

2 T-Shirts + Signed Book

Currency Conversion $33 USD
€30 EUR
You get 1 signed book + 2 T-Shirts by Yori Gagarim. PLEASE CONTACT ME BEFORE ORDERING! I only have limited sizes/cuts and colours of each of the designs. /// Du bekommst 1 signiertes Buch + 2 T-Shirts von Yori Gagarim. BITTE VORM BESTELLEN KONTAKT AUFNEHMEN! Es gibt nur eine begrenzte Anzahl an Größen/Schnitten sowie Farben von jedem Motiv.
Included Items
  • Signed Book
  • T-Shirt (2)
3 claimed
Ships worldwide.
4 Sticker Packs + Signed Book

4 Sticker Packs + Signed Book

Currency Conversion $44 USD
€40 EUR
You get 1 signed copy + all 4 sticker packs. /// Du bekommst 1 signiertes Buch + alle 4 Stickerpacks. /// "Mixed" / "Queer-feminist" / "Unicorn" / "Antifaschistische Aktion"
Included Items
  • Signed Book
  • Sticker Pack (4)
0 claimed
Ships worldwide.
5 T-Shirts + Signed Book

5 T-Shirts + Signed Book

Currency Conversion $55 USD
€50 EUR
You get 1 signed book + 5 T-Shirts by Yori Gagarim. PLEASE CONTACT ME BEFORE ORDERING! I only have limited sizes/cuts and colours of each of the designs. /// Du bekommst 1 signiertes Buch + 5 T-Shirts von Yori Gagarim. BITTE VORM BESTELLEN KONTAKT AUFNEHMEN! Es gibt nur eine begrenzte Anzahl an Größen/Schnitten sowie Farben von jedem Motiv.
Included Items
  • Signed Book
  • T-Shirt (5)
0 claimed
Ships worldwide.
Quote B + Signed Book

Quote B + Signed Book

Currency Conversion $55 USD
€50 EUR
"People can do better. We all can do better." /// You get 1 signed book + the handwritten quote "B" from the book. /// Du bekommst 1 signiertes Buch + das handgeschriebene Zitat "B" aus dem Buch.
Included Items
  • Signed Book
  • Handwritten Quote
0 out of 1 of claimed
Ships worldwide.
Stickerlover Deal + Book

Stickerlover Deal + Book

Currency Conversion $55 USD
€50 EUR
You get 1 signed book + 21 NEW STICKERS! + all 4 Sticker packs + 3 Sticker packs "FaulenzA" (german) /// Du bekommst 1 signiertes Buch + 21 der neuen Sticker! + alle 4 Stickerpacks + 3 Stickerpacks "FaulenzA"
Included Items
  • Signed Book
  • Sticker Pack (7)
2 claimed
Ships worldwide.
Quote C + Signed Book

Quote C + Signed Book

Currency Conversion $55 USD
€50 EUR
"Anarchy is not the absence of responsibility, it is the absence of hierarchies." /// You get 1 signed book + the handwritten quote "C" from the book. /// Du bekommst 1 signiertes Buch + das handgeschriebene Zitat "C" aus dem Buch.
Included Items
  • Signed Book
  • Handwritten Quote
0 out of 1 of claimed
Ships worldwide.
Quote D + Signed Book

Quote D + Signed Book

Currency Conversion $55 USD
€50 EUR
"We are all problematic. "Probematic" is not the problem. Not dealing with it is." /// You get 1 signed book + the handwritten quote "D" from the book. /// Du bekommst 1 signiertes Buch + das handgeschriebene Zitat "D" aus dem Buch.
Included Items
  • Signed Book
  • Handwritten Quote
0 out of 1 of claimed
Ships worldwide.
Quote E + Signed Book

Quote E + Signed Book

Currency Conversion $55 USD
€50 EUR
"Noone should be valid because someone tells them so." /// You get 1 signed book + the handwritten quote "E" from the book. /// Du bekommst 1 signiertes Buch + das handgeschriebene Zitat "E" aus dem Buch.
Included Items
  • Signed Book
  • Handwritten Quote
0 out of 1 of claimed
Ships worldwide.
Quote F + Signed Book

Quote F + Signed Book

Currency Conversion $55 USD
€50 EUR
"All feelings are valid, but not all feelings are wanted." /// You get 1 signed book + the handwritten quote "F" from the book. /// Du bekommst 1 signiertes Buch + das handgeschriebene Zitat "F" aus dem Buch.
Included Items
  • Signed Book
  • Handwritten Quote
0 out of 1 of claimed
Ships worldwide.
Quote G + Signed Book

Quote G + Signed Book

Currency Conversion $55 USD
€50 EUR
"What can you do in a world that runs on control and "out of control" is something bad?" /// You get 1 signed book + the handwritten quote "G" from the book. /// Du bekommst 1 signiertes Buch + das handgeschriebene Zitat "G" aus dem Buch.
Included Items
  • Signed Book
  • Handwritten Quote
0 out of 1 of claimed
Ships worldwide.
Quote H + Signed Book

Quote H + Signed Book

Currency Conversion $55 USD
€50 EUR
"No production is cruelty-free. Nor is judging people." /// You get 1 signed book + the handwritten quote "H" from the book. /// Du bekommst 1 signiertes Buch + das handgeschriebene Zitat "H" aus dem Buch.
Included Items
  • Signed Book
  • Handwritten Quote
0 out of 1 of claimed
Ships worldwide.
Quote I + Signed Book

Quote I + Signed Book

Currency Conversion $55 USD
€50 EUR
"You are not entitled to my art/work. I am." /// You get 1 signed book + the handwritten quote "I" from the book. /// Du bekommst 1 signiertes Buch + das handgeschriebene Zitat "I" aus dem Buch.
Included Items
  • Signed Book
  • Handwritten Quote
0 out of 1 of claimed
Ships worldwide.
Quote J + Signed Book

Quote J + Signed Book

Currency Conversion $55 USD
€50 EUR
"Solidarity comes with opportunity and loyalty goes funny ways." /// You get 1 signed book + the handwritten quote "J" from the book. /// Du bekommst 1 signiertes Buch + das handgeschriebene Zitat "J" aus dem Buch.
Included Items
  • Signed Book
  • Handwritten Quote
0 out of 1 of claimed
Ships worldwide.
Quote K + Signed Book

Quote K + Signed Book

Currency Conversion $55 USD
€50 EUR
"Some people don't have money, and this is true. Some people don't have money, and they say: "Oh, in general, you mean?"" /// You get 1 signed book + the handwritten quote "K" from the book. /// Du bekommst 1 signiertes Buch + das handgeschriebene Zitat "K" aus dem Buch.
Included Items
  • Signed Book
  • Handwritten Quote
0 out of 1 of claimed
Ships worldwide.
Quote L + Signed Book

Quote L + Signed Book

Currency Conversion $55 USD
€50 EUR
"Money is a circumstance some people are never in." /// You get 1 signed book + the handwritten quote "L" from the book. /// Du bekommst 1 signiertes Buch + das handgeschriebene Zitat "L" aus dem Buch.
Included Items
  • Signed Book
  • Handwritten Quote
0 out of 1 of claimed
Ships worldwide.
Quote M + Signed Book

Quote M + Signed Book

Currency Conversion $55 USD
€50 EUR
"People tell me, I should be thankful. I am. Just not the way they want me to. Me being thankful doesn't involve me obeying them." /// You get 1 signed book + the handwritten quote "M" from the book. /// Du bekommst 1 signiertes Buch + das handgeschriebene Zitat "M" aus dem Buch.
Included Items
  • Signed Book
  • Handwritten Quote
0 out of 1 of claimed
Ships worldwide.

Individual Quote + Signed Book

Currency Conversion $109 USD
€100 EUR
You get 1 signed book + 1 handwritten quote of your choice from the book. /// Du bekommst 1 signiertes Buch+ ein handgeschriebenes Zitat deiner Wahl aus dem Buch.
Included Items
  • Signed Book
  • Handwritten Quote
0 out of 5 of claimed
Ships worldwide.

All of the Above - Fan Pack

Currency Conversion $274 USD
€250 EUR
You get everything. 1 handwritten quote of your choice, 4 signed books, all new stickers, all 4 sticker packs, 3 sticker packs "FaulenzA", 1 patch pack, 1 pin pack, 1 postcard pack, and 5 T-shirts. ///
Included Items
  • Signed Book (4)
  • Handwritten Quote
0 out of 5 of claimed
Quote A + Signed Book
sold out

Quote A + Signed Book

Currency Conversion $55 USD
€50 EUR
1 out of 1 of claimed
Ships worldwide.
Quote N + Signed Book
sold out

Quote N + Signed Book

Currency Conversion $55 USD
€50 EUR
1 out of 1 of claimed
Ships worldwide.
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