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Wishmaster - a novel

Enter a world where everything you can dream of is reality… Help make my dream come true!


Wishmaster - a novel

Wishmaster - a novel

Wishmaster - a novel

Wishmaster - a novel

Wishmaster - a novel

Enter a world where everything you can dream of is reality… Help make my dream come true!

Enter a world where everything you can dream of is reality… Help make my dream come true!

Enter a world where everything you can dream of is reality… Help make my dream come true!

Enter a world where everything you can dream of is reality… Help make my dream come true!

KJ Taylor
KJ Taylor
KJ Taylor
KJ Taylor
1 Campaign |
Grimsby, Canada
$120 USD 2 backers
0% of $28,000 Fixed Goal Fixed Goal
I am KJ Taylor, author of Wishmaster. I have spent my life writing stories and now, with your help, I would like to complete my dream of being an author by self-publishing my novel. Enter a world where everything you can dream of is reality…

Oriana is a young woman who can remember only one thing: waking up alone in a cold, damp and dark room full of nightmares. Once out she has no recollection of how she escaped, where she had been or why she had even been there in the first place.

Ciel is a demon with many secrets and her only hope. Now that she has exhausted all avenues in the human realm she must turn to another, more sinister locale, for the solutions to her problems.

Oriana follows a butterfly which leads her to his establishment and his ability to discern the answers she seeks. He is also the only one who will give her a 'fair' contract and might not take her soul. Together they embark on a journey about finding the truth hidden within her very mind. Eventually returning to the strange room and revealing its secrets once and for all.


Wishmaster is a fictional tale which blends the genres of mystery, fantasy, and romance to create a developed and intriguing read. I have blended my own creations within a world of myth and fables to create a living, breathing universe. It has a word count of 55,025 and at the bottom of my campaign, I have placed a sample of my writing from the prologue.

I began writing my novel about two years ago. I have been an avid writter throughout my life, but this is my first serious project. My story took shape from  a dream, paired with my imagination, and thus it evolved into its current state of existence. Now it is a fully edited manuscript, currently edited by me. This is my dream and I love this project. I lack the funds to do this on my own and is why I created this campaign and ask for your support. With your help, my dream can become a reality, and a book for you!

Should my campaign receive the funding required, I will use it to utilize a publishing company that specializes in self-publishing. Giving me the closest experience to traditional publishing possible. This publisher will provide me with the benefits of their experience, marketing, and formatting skills for my novel. As soon as I meet my goal and receive the funds from my campaign, I will open serious negotiations with the publisher and printers. I cannot say how long it will take for the book to go from manuscript to print but I promise to keep my backers updated every step of the way!


As of right now this is what my budget looks like:

$10,000  for the cost of hiring the publishers and their expertise. Here is a list of benefits I will receive:


  • Interior layout, proper formatting for print-on-demand and ebooks*
  • Content Edit (for what this is, see page above sample)
  • Distribution of your book in paperback format
  • Book sales on, and other online retailers
  • Availability via Ingram** to 38,000 booksellers including Chapters and independent bookstores
  • Automatic printing and fulfillment of all book orders
  • 2 ISBNs (1 for paperback, 1 for ebooks)
  • 100% net royalties and no mark-up on printing***
  • Ebook Distribution
    • Kindle ebook sales
    • Kobo ebook sales
    • Nook eBook (Barnes and Noble)
    • Apple iBooks distribution
    • Baker and Taylor ebook distribution
    • OverDrive ebook distribution to libraries
    • Oyster ebook distribution
    • Select additional ebook channels
  • Back cover book description – we’ll write enticing marketing copy
  • Comprehensive Marketing Support
    • Book Publicity consultation and strategy
    • Press Release
    • Targeted media list
    • Author Website
    • Media Outreach: Help with initial publicity for launch of book

* While design is included for most books, design-intensive books (e.g. more than 25 images, charts, complexities) will require a quote. ** After the first year, authors are responsible for a small annual distribution fee, currently about $15 per year


$3616 for printing costs to get the book out to backers who have backed enough to get a copy. As the self-publishing world is largely Print-on-Demand (they print a copy of the book when one is sold so that there is no overall cost to me) the cost for printing books for backer rewards falls to me. 

$1106.27 for print costs of perk images (should EVERY perk with an image be taken)

$11000 for shipping and handling (should every shipping perk be taken)

$2160 for crowdfunding fees

= $28000


Thank you so much for taking the time to read about my project, and even more so if you’ve decided to become a backer to my dream! If you cannot contribute but are still willing to help, please share my campaign where you can! The more people it reaches, the more chance of success!

Every perk now gets a bookmark image for printing off. This bookmark will be customed designed to go with the story, done by the artist who did the cover art, A. Taylor. It is only written on the Thank You! level but it is included with ALL perks.

Everyone who donates but does not take a perk will get a non-special thank you note for contributing. The $15 and above thank you is on a special image done by the same artist, designed to go with the story and make your note unique. These notes will also be longer than the non-perk thank you.

Why fixed funding for such a large amount?

That's easy to answer. I don't have the money to put in should the campaign fail. I would have no way to fulfill my obligations to my backers.

What are the types of editing? Well here are the definitions from the publisher!

Copy Edit (2 cents per word): Copy editing catches the grammar and spelling mistakes and ensures your manuscript meets Canadian Press style requirements, the Chicago Manual of Style, or whichever authority is most relevant. Copy editing also cleans up awkward or sloppy sentences. A copy editor sees the errors that you as the author cannot see because you are too immersed in your project


Content Edit (3.5 cents per word): Content editing goes through your manuscript for the intangibles that make a manuscript a great manuscript. Your editor will look for things such as plot progression, character development, hanging plot-lines, redundancies and tone. The goal of the content editor is to make sure that your manuscript is in the best possible shape for the market. This service also includes a full copy edit in the price.

Why is this a concept if the book is finished?

This is labelled as concept as I do not have a physical paperback book to show you. All you can hold is my manuscript and the original artworks. To me a prototype would be having it already edited, designed and one printed.


“She awoke to pain. It was pain unlike any she had ever been in before and was a fire in her limbs. At first there was no space for thought of where she was or why she was there, only the pain could be focused on. Only the pain could be given any attention at all. She wasn't sure how long it took and she wasn't sure how she managed to do it but eventually she was able to look past the pain slightly. Her breathing was ragged but passable for normal with a few deep breaths. The haze began to lift from her mind and she understood that her eyes were closed. Deciding against opening them for now she let the waves of pain be dealt with by her body as she tried to understand something of her body's condition. It was impossible. With how much she hurt there was nothing left to understand. So there she stayed, not even knowing if she was sitting or lying down, until the convulsions came. When they hit they hit hard. Every muscle in her body seemed to be dancing to its own personal tune and caused her body to ricochet around. It could have only been minutes or it could have been hours and it would have made no difference to her. Her body was out of her control. It made it hard to breathe, hard to do anything but let her limbs do what they wanted as her chest muscles contracted. When everything was finally over there was a great absence in her. At first she was relieved by the nothingness but as it continued she began to grow worried.

What if I died?

Slowly she began to try and move her fingers. It took some effort but she was able to move them and eventually feeling returned to her hands. There was dirt under her, it was moist but not so much so that she could no longer feel the individual grains of the earth and tell that there seemed to be some sand mixed in. She was also feeling the dirt on her palm and when she clutched her fingers she got some under her nails, when she flattened them again she could feel little divets in the ground where her nails had scratched lines. Where was the moisture coming from though? She began to try and twitch various muscles throughout her body so that she could return feeling to the rest of her. Slowly she began with her lower arms, and once those muscles moved she work on her upper arms. In this manner she worked her way through her entire body. She wasn’t very successful and grew somewhat despondent. What if she was broken somehow? She thought back to her hands and wondered if she could have felt what she had felt if something was seriously wrong with her. In a way she had gained good information from her hands, information she would not have thought possible to get just from your palms. She must be in a somewhat sitting and upright position if she could feel the dirt in the manner that she had felt it.

Her back came alive suddenly. Damping down her excitement she focused on what she could gleam from the information her nerves were sending her way. It was cold, hard, rough and damp. It seemed to be somewhat slimy as well since whatever she was (or was not) wearing left her back bare. Her brain seemed to take this in and it took some time to figure out what it could possibly be that she was up against.

Rocks of some sort?

Where on earth was she? Normally she did not pay this much attention to her surroundings but the odd situation had made her focus extremely hard. Truth be told, this extreme focus was available only due to the adrenaline that must be rushing through her from her fear. She should have felt herself growing mentally tired from the effort but something allowed he to keep going. She decided that it was time to open her eyes and see the place that her muscles and nerves were describing. At first they were stuck together, as if she had had them closed for a long time and the 'sleepy dust' had built up, but she was able to pry them apart with some effort. It wasn't very useful. Wherever she was it was dark. There was no light here except for a faint crack of light directly in front of her at ground level, which she had to blink a few times to be able to see properly. It was some distance away but that was all she could tell. If she was going to get to it, which is what she figured that she would need to do, she would have to be able to stand up. Unfortunately she had a feeling that if she did the pain would return. And she really did not want that. The pain and convulsions had been quite enough for her, thank you very much. Why oh why hadn't opening her eyes been more useful? It was then, as she was bemoaning her situation that she heard it. It was soft at first but once she froze and focused on the sound she could hear it clearly. A moan.

I'm not alone in here.”

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Choose your Perk


Cover Art

$100 USD
Includes a thank you note, an electronic copy and a paperback copy of my book as well as a print of the original cover art.
1 out of 500 of claimed
Ships worldwide.

Thank You!

$15 USD
A personally written thank you note, delivered to your email. This note will be on a special image done just for this purpose! Also includes a special bookmark that you can print off for use.
0 claimed
Ships worldwide.


$50 USD
Includes a thank you note, an electronic copy of my book and electronic image of original cover art.
0 claimed
Ships worldwide.

Maronette Edition

$200 USD
Includes a thank you note, an electronic copy and a signed paperback copy of my book as well as a print of the original cover art and a print of character 'Maronette' drawn by the author.
0 out of 300 of claimed
Ships worldwide.
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