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Wokebusters: A Paranormal Parody

Wokebusters: A Paranormal Parody

Wokebusters: A Paranormal Parody

Wokebusters: A Paranormal Parody

Wokebusters: A Paranormal Parody

Four men embark on an epic journey to save society from the monsters it created

Four men embark on an epic journey to save society from the monsters it created

Four men embark on an epic journey to save society from the monsters it created

Four men embark on an epic journey to save society from the monsters it created

Jeff Hicks
Jeff Hicks
Jeff Hicks
Jeff Hicks
2 Campaigns |
Cincinnati, United States
$20,256 USD 241 backers
79% of $20,000 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal
Mountain Filled 2 Projects Mountain Filled 2 Projects


NEW from Jeff Hicks (WorldClassBullshitters and Stealing Solo) comes Wokebusters: A Paranormal Parody. The graphic novel they don't want you to read. Society is on the brink of collapse! Triggered people are becoming literal monsters filled with outrage! After successfully establishing their woke-busting business to stop these monsters, the Wokebusters take a job that leads them to Portland, Oregon, where through "Initiative: Clean Up Portland (I:C.U.P)", they uncover the source of all the wokeness. It would be an easy job, if an ancient evil force wasn't trying to kill them on top of the strange townfolk that want them gone.

From the rubble of the Chinese restaurant comes; Days of Wokeness Past (The Reboot Cover)


For this campaign, we're also embracing the animated legacy and have a many fun surprises to celebrate The Real Wokebusters

The Real Wokebusters Cover (Hicks/Siryanz)


Pages from Wokebusters



Trading Card Art

Stay-Woke Trigglypuff Ma'am Trading card


Wokebuster Jeff Trading Card


Toys We're Us Variant Cover

Wokebuster Dion Trading Card

Wokebuster Nik Trading Card

Wokebuster Kendo (KeeGon)Trading Card

The Wokebusters Trading Cards is a set of 10 and will feature different artists bringing the world of Wokebusters to life!

1st Edition Corner Box                        


After the success of Stealing Solo's magnet campaign, I'm bringing it back for Wokebusters! For every 100 backers, a new magnet will be added for everyone


But the bonuses don't stop there!  At these set amounts, a new perk will be added to your order. There's no limit to what you can unlock! New perks will be added the higher we go.

$20K - Wokebusters Sticker

$30K - Glow in the Dark Sticker Upgrade

$40K - Bonus Trading Card

$50K - The Standard Cover receives a Metallic logo. (Just like Batman '89)  Why not class it up a bit? You deserve it.

$75K - Character Sticker Set. Everyone will receive a set of Wokebuster character stickers(5)

$100K - The Song. We have the tools. We have the talent. We know people. 


$105K - Small jump, BIG reward. Bonus Pages: Tales from the Wokebusters backup story. An in-universe tale that features bonus content.





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Choose your Perk

Wokebusters Digital Edition

Wokebusters Digital Edition

$20 USD
For the space conscious collector, grab a digital copy of the comic! Delivered via email when the physical copy ships. The digital version features all the covers and digital materials of the physical versions!
Included Items
  • Wokebusters (Digital Edition)
Estimated Shipping
December 2022
2 claimed
Wokebusters Standard Cover

Wokebusters Standard Cover

$25 USD
1 copy of Wokebusters: A Paranormal Parody (Wokebusters Standard) and all stretch goals in a protective mailer.
Included Items
  • Wokebusters (Standard)
Estimated Shipping
December 2022
9 claimed
Ships worldwide.
The Real Wokebusters!

The Real Wokebusters!

$30 USD
You love the cartoon, so get the cover that takes The Wokebusters to the animated realm! 1 copy of Wokebusters: A Paranormal Parody (Wokebusters in Action Cover) and all stretch goals in a protective mailer.
Included Items
  • The Real Wokebusters
Estimated Shipping
December 2022
10 claimed
Ships worldwide.
Wokebusters (Action Cover)

Wokebusters (Action Cover)

$30 USD
1 copy of Wokebusters: A Paranormal Parody (Wokebusters in Action Cover) and all stretch goals in a protective mailer.
Included Items
  • Wokebusters (Action Cover)
Estimated Shipping
December 2022
10 claimed
Ships worldwide.
Wokebusters "Toys WeRe Us" Ed.

Wokebusters "Toys WeRe Us" Ed.

$35 USD
1 copy of Wokebusters: A Paranormal Parody (Wokebusters Toys WeRe Us) and all stretch goals in a protective mailer. This cover features a unique back cover feat. The Wokebusters Action Figures!
Included Items
  • Wokebusters (Toys)
Estimated Shipping
December 2022
0 claimed
Ships worldwide.
Book/Card Combo

Book/Card Combo

$35 USD
1 copy of Wokebusters: A Paranormal Parody and set of trading cards plus all stretch goals in a protective mailer.
Included Items
  • Wokebusters (Standard)
  • Trading Cards
Estimated Shipping
December 2022
0 claimed
Ships worldwide.
Book/Slime "I feel so funky"

Book/Slime "I feel so funky"

$35 USD
1 copy of Wokebusters: A Paranormal Parody, jar of slime and all stretch goals in a protective mailer.
Included Items
  • Wokebusters (Standard)
  • Slime
Estimated Shipping
December 2022
0 claimed
Ships worldwide.
Wokebusters (2016 Reboot)

Wokebusters (2016 Reboot)

$50 USD
1 copy of Wokebusters: A Paranormal Parody (Wokebusters 2016) and all stretch goals in a protective mailer.
Included Items
  • Wokebusters (2016 Reboot)
Estimated Shipping
December 2022
1 claimed
Ships worldwide.
The Library Collection

The Library Collection

$150 USD
You get all 4 covers of Wokebusters (Standard, Toys Were Us, Wokebusters in Action, 2016 Reboot) and all stretch goals in a protective mailer.
Included Items
  • Wokebusters (Standard)
  • Wokebusters (Toys)
  • Wokebusters (Action Cover)
  • Wokebusters (2016 Reboot)
Estimated Shipping
December 2022
1 claimed
Ships worldwide.
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